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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

"Hey, are you a human? My instincts tell me you aren't but you look like one" she asked out of curiosity, still bobbing up and down with her head close to the wall, her legs hanging off
He thought it over. "Yes...but I am gifted. I was actually discovered for killing a vampire with my bare hands." That second part at least was the truth. Only that vampire was his father, and by hands he meant claws.
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"Okay, and i uh... Was kinda wondering..." She ventured, her throat a little dry and her voice shaking a little "d-do you have a mate..?" She said quickly, half-hoping he hadn't heard
"Nothing! I said nothing!" She yelped, panicking he might hate her, still not having fully grasped what was correct by human social standards
"I am..? What did i do?" She asked, her heart thumping in her chest. "Darn you instincts" she thought to herself, having since stopped bobbing up and down
"Well, I've never really had a friend before. So thank you for showing me friendship." He said. He felt a strange feeling come over him, he had never felt it before. It was pleasant, but it worried him. What if it could bring it the beast? He looked down at himself, he seemed fine. Thank god.
"Well, you are welcome then" she giggled, relieved that he didn't hate her after asking the question. "To be honest with you, i never had a friend either!" She told him "Ruby was my first one, but she disappeared"
"I'm sure she's around here somewhere. She was that girl from this morning right?" He asked, sitting down next to her, reconsidering how close friends normally sat, and moved away and inch to respect social barriers.
"Umm yeah" answered, noticing him shuffling away abit so she shuffled after him a little, not knowing how far and close they should be sitting. "I think she was anyway... She could've been the other girl..."
"Apart from you of course, you seem perfectly normal!" Lucy giggled, still wondering why exactly he was a student if he was going to be teaching fighting
" good kind of not normal..? I didn't know there even was a good kind! Nice to know someone thinks I'm good!" She smiled before yawning
"Are you tired already?" He asked. He understood things like yawning. Her yawn made him feel a little relaxed, to the point where he found his arm brushed against hers. "Oh sorry." He said, pulling his arm away.
I giggled a little, it felt soothing to know she was safe for once, being next to someone else "it's okay" she said a little quietly, her face going a faint shade of pink without her realising it
"H-huh?!? I-it is? Oh! That's nothing!" She spoke out, her blushing going an even deeper shade of pink, her skin tingling whever he touched. "That tickles" she giggled
"Don't worry about it, it felt kinda soft" she smiled, wondering why he was hiding his hand but saying nothing. She looked into his eyes with her pale, hazel eyes, not exactly sure where else to look
"It's usually cold but sometimes warm, and the view is usually great but can be bad... And it's really tiring" she smiled, not able to think of a better way of describing it. "What are... Hands like?"
"They're...well." He said, looking at his own. "I don't know for sure. How you describe something you've always had for granted?" He asked no one in particular
"I don't know..." She mumbled, her face steadily growing more pink the longer she looked into his eyes. "So... How are you?" She asked, not sure of what else she should say

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