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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Katelle Ackerman

Katelle was standing near the doors to the Guardian Only section of headquarters, talking to one of the others on her team.

She heard footsteps, and turned to see Jean and Marco approaching. She smiled and dismissed herself from her subordinate, and walked over to the two boys approaching her.

"Hey" she said. "What's up? There something you need?"

@ScoutHeather @Darkmaster006
Jean Jean approached Kat with an annoyed face; he didn't mean to look like this, but he showed his emotions quite strongly. Marco on the other hand had a smile on his face as if he'd just been told the greatest news ever.

"Hey Kat, have you seen any of the other cadets? They left a note saying that they went out to look for us," Jean said. "And they ditched me!" Marco added. "I thought warning them would be the easy part of this whole damn thing, but seems like I was wrong."

Jean then leaned towards Kat, "How did things go on your part?" He said in a low voice.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Shady sighs, fixing her gear. "I'm glad I wasn't arrested today." She says before looking around. A few people are staring at her but she doesn't mind. She walks away into the canteen
Ymir Annie and Mikasa had left to search for them in another places. Ymir appeared from behind Jean and Marco, with her hands on her pockets. She looked distant, if anything happened to Krista; well, she didn't know how she would recover. "Where are they, Kat?" she added coldly. "I-- We need to know!" she raised her voice a bit. She wasn't mad at Kat, but what could she do?

"If you do not know, we need to start searching right now." she rushly added.

@Brianna Ackerman

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"I literally just got here from warning my..father. We're all going to talk to him. Together. My uncle will be with him at that time as well." She looked at the group

Sighing, she put her hands in the pockets of her trench coat. "
Let's get looking for the others. In groups. Ymir, Annie, and Mikasa. Marco, Jean and I."

Ymir "I don't think that will be possible since... Mikasa and Annie are not here...?" she pointed to an empty spot behind them and laughed. "Have you drank something recently or...?" she pat her on the back. "Don't worry, now we'll just go search the other and we shall find them. Maybe the just wanted to take the night for themselves, uh?" she inquired.

Then, Ymir initiated her 3DMG and reached the nearest house. "Come on, follow me! We can split later."

@Brianna Ackerman


((Solved with some sarcastic Ymir xD )).
Katelle Ackerman

"It's late and I haven't slept in a week. Literally. Cut me some slack."

Katelle Ackerman

She activated her gear, and turned to Jean and Marco. "Come on" she said,shooting off.
Jean Jean smiled, he missed everyone's playful banter. He did a running start and then activated his gear so that he would get a boost; Marco followed right behind. "Hey! Let's make this interesting; whoever finds them first wins!" He shouted towards the others. This was a recipe for disaster - everyone was extremely competitive.

@Brianna Ackerman

She laughed and activated her gear, going fast so they were neck and neck. "Unfortunately for you, I've memorized their exact schedules. Their individual ones. I know exactly where they are."
Shady looks up, hearing the whoosh of gear. She laughs and looks up. "Sounds like a competition." She says, standing up. She launches herself onto a roof using her gear. "I missed this. It's been a while since I've used my gear..."
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Ymir Ymir observed as Kat and Jean discussed and split away; so she had to do too. "Woah, they are indeed energetic. But I don't want any competition, I wanna find Krista, and I wanna execute the plan." Ymir thought.

She looked back and saw a girl on her 3DMG too. But... who could that be? She only glared intimidantly at her turned around to focus on her task. She raced from house to house for a long time. Probably half an hour, but it felt like more; she liked it, the feeling of freedom while in the air. Then, she catched a glimpse of a blond-haired girl. Could it be Krista? But, just in that moment, her 3DMG malfunctioned, and she wound up in the roof of a very old hut, unconscious.

@Brianna Ackerman


Shady sees this happen, as if in slow motion. She launches herself onto the old roof, it creaking beneath her face as she approached the unconscious body. She picks it up and launches away, landing on a flat roof and setting her down. "You alright?" @Darkmaster006
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Shady laughs at her stupidity for talking to a passed out person. She uses gear to launch herself away, then comes back with a bucket of cold water. She dumps it on Ymir, trying to wake her up. She hopes the others didn't notice, as they didn't know her and might think she attacked the stranger.
Ymir Ymir woke up to a bucket of cold water. "Wha- who the hell?" she said as she tried to protect herself. She looked up to the girl standing right beside her. "Why did you do that? And, most importantly, who are you?" she looked concerned.
Shady laughs and sets the bucket down. It makes a clank. "The name's Shady.. And you were passed out so.. Yeah." She says, smirking. Ymir sees a flicker of concern in her eyes, and notices she's kind of uneasy. Shady just puts the sarcastic and strange personality to hide met pain. "And your name is?" She asks
Ymir "Did you just-- bring a bucket just to splash me?" she remarked playfully. "Well played. For now. So, Shady, uh? I am Ymir." she said with arrogance. "As if I didn't know. But, how can I fix it? It cannot be fixed here. And I need to find my friends!" she stated.

She stood up and looked at the girl. She had blonde long hair with purple streaks. Ymir thought that was really cool.

Shady shrugs. "It's the only way I know to wake people up.. Say, do you know Eren?" She asks, smiling. "And I can help with the stuff if you want
Daniel Almas Daniel would be trying to find someone that could tell him some questions, he was running trought the top of the buildings however he would try not to use the gear alot so he won't break it or just waist gas. He would look around him until he spot two people. They had the wings of freedom in their uniforms. He nods and runs towards them. Would he reach them in time... wait! he looks at the girl Ymir... where did he saw her... His head would hurt from thinking of it. Am I crazy? he thought I saw that girl from before... maybe from the training? No... from somewhere else... but where?... He sighs. He keeps running towards them "Hey!" he screams "You again miss... Shady was it?!" he would still be screaming. He reaches them and stops to rest

@Shadydapiratefox @Darkmaster006
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Daniel Almas Daniel says "Really?" he sighs "Damn that should hurt" he smiles and looks at her "I am Daniel Almas Miss, hope you are alright. Tell me if you need something" he bows at her. He would then look at her "Are you all part of the Survey Corps?"
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Shady eyerolls at the question, fluffing her hair. "Of course I am dummy! Why do you look like you're gong to puke a bit?" She asked, tilting her head. She meant it as a joke but he could not tell
Daniel Almas he smiles. He is a bit offended but he would keep the smile "Just a little hungry, that's all." he chuckles "Ok when will the members meet? I want to know what is the plan... for when we get out of the walls and such. Im new to this"
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