Slave Trade

((Aight sorry, no volcano, i just wanted some action aljkdhljfkha)) He found the girls "Somethings happening to the island," he said to emily as he jumped down from a tree. "Not, this one, the others, this place is strange, it seems to be changing, I think the A.A.R is mixed with it, maybe to throw off planes? Whatever it is, this isn't natural..." he said as he turned around he said "I'm heading to gin and allen" he said as he Balanced him self on the sand, he lifted up and away in the direction

The fifth sentry team had searched the entire island through mmost of the night but they had absolutely no luck. It was as if the aviates had evaporated into thin air! Captain Hashal, head of out post security, was beside himself with fury. He paced back and forth waiting for more disappointing reports from his scouts. His angry fit was momentarily interrupted by a bright flash of light on the horizon. It looked like it was coming from a nearby island he knew of.

"Joel! Micky!" The captain shouted. Moments later two frightened men appeared in front of him at attention.

"At ease!" The men relaxed slightly.

"There is a nearby island about two clicks west of here that I believe the aviates have fled to. I want five, four-man amphibious assault teams with boats, ready to head that way by 0530 hours. Is that understood?"

"Aye Aye Sir!" The men chimed.

"Dismissed!" The man ventured off to do as they were bid. Within a half hour they would be at the aviates throats.. Glorious.
Dar fell down, he saw the boats, atleast the light from the ripples... This would be hard. he focussed all his energy into making it to gin and allen. he suddenly knew, this would be a long fight.
After an about 10 minutes he stopped walking and looked around seeing a lot of trees around him. "Great" He said slapping his forehead again. "The idiot threw me off course" he said sighing and walked in the same direction hoping to run into Allan or Gin soon.
Kira leapt from the mouth of the cave, swiftly following her feathered friend. Together they made their way through the thick forest until they came to a sparkling stream which cut across in front of them. Kira smiled gratefully at Emily and nodded. "Thank you... I really appreciate it, Emily," she told the other blue-winged Aviate. With that, she hurried off into a more secluded part of the stream. Quickly undressing, she slipped into the cool, babbling brook, letting the refreshing water wash over her body. She then got to work washing herself as much as she could with her bare hands, for she didn't have soap or a wash cloth. After that was finished, she began scrubbing her clothes vigorously.

Lying her newly washed clothes out to dry a bit, Kira spent a little more time in the stream. When she thought she heard voices not too far away, she quickly hopped out and grabbed her wet clothes, for there was no sun out to dry them fully. However, she did have one trick up her sleeve. Waving her fingers in a simple motion, she drew all of the water from her clothes, using her ability. When they were dry, she slipped into them. While wringing as much water out of her hair, she stepped out into the clearing where Emily was just in time to see Dar take off into the sky. "What was that all about?" she asked Emily.
Folkvar got up put his assault gun on his back, into he start going a cross the river which was up to his knees, the water wasn’t that strong. However he isn’t taking any risks to rush to the other side of the river. Folkvar look at the water one thing for sure is that there not a lot of rock in the water and fact that there only few fish swimning in that river. Then he look back and one thing for sure is that there is no way for his sweep team to catch up because how far he is right now. In fact that he was during this all night which was making tried, However he not giving up into he reach the other side of the river and then he can sleep for at least hour or so.
Emily turned to Kira, surprised to see her again so soon. Then again, she'd probably heard Dar talking. "I have... no idea..." Emily said. "Something about the island changing. He's... hyper, to say the least." She shrugged. "Well if you're finished, we should probably head back to the cave. We wouldn't want to be spotted, and we should be there before the guys get back so we won't miss out on hearing their plan." With that, she started walking back to the mountain. The jungle debris scratched her legs, but within 5 minutes the wounds healed up. She'd always felt stronger in the moonlight, and her powers of healing and phasing were much stronger at night as well. She never did figure out why.

Finally they arrived back at the mountain, and Emily lifted off, shooting straight up and flying into their hiding spot. When she looked around, she realized the two guys, Dar and Alexander, were BOTH gone, leaving Ruby alone. "What the h***?!" Emily said angrily. They shouldn't have left the female Aviate without protection. She turned to Kira. "They're gone." she said angrily.
"Both of them?" Kira repeated, swiftly landing in the cave, "That's absurd! Don't they know Ruby's still here? Alone?" Hurrying deeper into the cave, she knelt by the sleeping Aviate. "Well, at least Ruby seems ok... Good thing I finished washing my clothes early," she mentioned, rising to her feet once more. Looking at the food stash nearby, her wings drooped a little. "Our food supply's getting low...but we both can't go out and leave Ruby here by herself." Turning to Emily, she rubbed the back of her neck.
Alexander grunted seeing he wasn't getting anywhere fast so he climbed a tree and looked around until he saw the Mountain entrance. he quickly began jogging back to that direction dodging trees and other objects as he did so. In about another 5 minutes he was at the base of the mountain as he quickly pumped himself upward and landed on the edge of the entrance. He was about to say ti Emily and Kira but saw the angry looks on their faces.
Allen had been eating the fish, as promised, when Gin drew his attention. He followed and landed quietly, tense and ready. Whatever the aviate saw must have been interesting. Landing was the last thing he wanted to do at the moment but still. "What did ya see?" He said, looking around carefully.
Kira turned her head, hearing the beat of wings. A moment later, Alexander flew through the opening, landing on the stone floor. Spinning to face him, she placed her hands on her hips. "Alex, how could you and Dar leave Ruby here alone? She would be no match for government soldiers, not to mention she's asleep and would probably be caught off guard," she scolded him lightly, her long black hair spilling over her shoulders, "Emily and I were only gone for about twenty minutes." Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her forehead, calming herself. Now was not the time to blow up; it was only a simple mistake.
"Well I was going to go scout the area and I kinda expected Dar to stay here but while I was going he flew up to me talking about the island changing and then he flew off so i went after him to get him to stop flying" he explained feeling like a little kid.
Gin turned to Allen,

"There's something up with these rocks.." he turned back to the cluster of rocks he noticed. His mind told him that something was there but he couldn't put his finger on it"

Gin began scrutinizing every every aspect of the rock formation. Gin's inspection of the rock was interrupted, however, by lights on the horizon, followed by the faint hum of boat engines. He had to find this door before the boats arrived!

"Allen go warn the others about the boats!" he exclaimed.

Gin knew there was something off about these rocks he just had to find a seam or a hinge or something. He grew frantic, his perception just couldn't wrap itself around the unfathomable face of rock. It was like he could hardly look at it.

"You fool." A cold voice sounded from above him. Gin didn't have time to react before something painful collided with the side of his head and he left his feet. Gin's vision whirled as he smashed into the ground. The hit hurt but he was instantly back on his feet.

"Who the hell are you!?" he spat blood to emphasize his anger. He found himself staring at a single cloaked figure.
Emily held her tongue about Dar and Alexander leaving Ruby alone. She was safe, and that's all that mattered. They didn't have time to argue. "So, now we're all here, who knows where Dar is... Has anyone seen Allen and Gin?" she asked. She looked out toward the entrance. She walked over to the edge, as if she thought she would be able to see something, but didn't. She hoped they'd make it back safe.

((I gotta go for the night :3 So if you all decide that the Aviates need to flee or something while I'm gone just pretend Emily's with them))
Allen didn't argue, but said, "The biggest stone is never the key, the smaller one will becon thee." It was a rhym of the slaves, one they all knew well. He understood now what it meant, but had no time. He took to the air swiftly, wings beating against the currents until he found one heading to the mountain. He glided easily, higher up, then dove, spreading his wings at the last moment to land on the ledge.

"Dar isn't here?" He said, anger inching into his tone for the first time. But the monotone sway of it won over and he shook his head. "Never mind, I'll find him. Stay out of sight, here, and keep the fire low. The hunters have arrived and though we're wanted alive I'm rather sure deadly force has been commanded." He turned again, thinking briefly. "I'll find Dar. Alex, keep them safe."

The next moment he was gone, winging his way down to the jungle. He was in his element now and nothing could stop him. He landed lightly, looking around before scaling a tree. He hit the button and fastened his wings before leaping to the next tree. Where was the stubborn Aviate?
Taking a deep breath, Kira relaxed and looked back at Alex. "It's ok. It was an honest mistake... She's been sleeping all this time so it'd be easy to forget she was here. I'm sorry for yelling at you," she apologized, rubbing the back of her neck, "Now is not the time to become angry with each other. It's too dangerous."

Just then, Allen flew into the cave, sending a wave of relief washing over Kira, who was glad to see he was safe. "No, he isn't...," she answered his question, "We're not sure where he is." She clasped her hands behind her nervously. Allen then explained how he was going out to find him and relayed important instructions to them. Kira's chocolate brown eyes widened. "They're here? On the island?? So the gunshots we heard really were the soldiers?" she exclaimed, fear rising in her normally gentle voice. Her hands trembled slightly but she nodded in agreement to the male Aviate.

As soon as Allen had flown from the cave, she turned to the fire. "Well, I guess we should tone down the fire. It's quite large right now and even if that shadow barrier holds up, I don't want to take a chance. Waving her hands, she moved some of the water from the stream over to the fire, creating a ring of water and lowering it down, which put out most of the fire around the edges, making the fire smaller in diameter.
Emily shook her head. "Of course, the soldiers are on the island but the guys have to put all their time and effort into locating Dar rather than coming up with a plan." She crossed her arms, clearly disappointed in the flighty, overly energetic male. She went and sat with Kira by the fire. "I guess there's nothing we can do about it now though. We need to wake up Ruby so that we can leave when we need to." She reached over and gently shook Ruby to wake her up.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( [MENTION=2582]Abraxas[/MENTION] ))
(um if she doesn't show up we'll just have to NPC her)

"You ignorant child." The hooded figure said to him coldly. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Gin stared blankly at the hooded figure, he could distinguish no face within the garb but the voice he heard was definitely female.

"I-I- don-" Gin began, but the woman cut him off.

"You and all your friends led the agents right to our doorstep. We've managed to keep this island a secret for years, and your lot screws it up in less than 24 hours!"

"I'm sorr-" He tried to apologize but was cut off again immediately.

"Silence! Retrieve your gaggle of aviates and bring them back here. If you aren't here before the guards, you get left to die." The woman said it so nonchalantly that it threw Gin off. He looked back towards the mountain.

"Well I guess I don't have much choice do I?" Gin asked her, but when he turned back around she was gone. He leept into flight and jetted back towards the mountain to tell the others. Above the tree line the sound of the boats was more intense. They must have been less than a mile out.

When Gin reached the cave he noticed that Darkani AND Allen were gone.

"Where are they!? We have a situation!" Gin hurried to the mouth of the cave and did a quick scan of the forest below. Allen and Dar were no where to be seen.

"Is everyone here ready to move?" Gin asked everyone that was still in the cave.
Emily shook her head. "Of course Dar flew off to do... Whatever it is that Dar does. Allen chased off after him to try to find him. Ruby won't wake up so of course she's not ready. I don't know what to do about it." she said. "Let me guess, they're on the island?!" she said, referring to the soldiers. "If they don't get back here and we have to wait around we are doomed." she added.
Allen had search all around the mountain, cursing himself. Should have never left them alone. Should have seen this coming. He looked up, seeing Gin return and knowing time to search was over. "Dar why in blazes did you take off..." He muttered, climbing the nearest tree and freeing his wings easily. He lept high, spreading his wings easily and catching the first updraft. He looked out, seeing the boats, and shaking his head.

He landed lightly on the ledge, looking at Gin. "I couldn't find Dar, looked as far as I could before I saw you." He shrugged, not uncaring, but with nothing else to do. He was at a loss on how to get to the missing Aviate and frankly didn't want to send out a search party and miss their one chance at getting away clean. Hopefully, they'd run into the Aviate on the way. "I'll carry Ruby until she wakes up, we don't have time to wait by the sound of those boats." Allen said, glancing toward the water before ducking in the cave and gently lifting the sleeping Aviate. "Best we go now, hopefully either we'll spot Dar or he'll spot us."

Captain Hashal smiled and put an unlit cigar into his mouth. He was on the foremost boat of the amphibious retrieval team. Behind him there were four more boats each with it's own four-man squad. The aviates wouldn't stand a chance. Hashal bit down the end of the sweet Cuban cigar, the small amount of nicotine it provided him kept him from killing his own men out of frustration. These aviates should have been caught hours ago.

"Captain, preparing to beach!" Micky shouted from near the engine.

"Roger." The Captain replied. Several minutes later they were ashore.

"Fall in!" The Captain gave the order for the men to assemble in formation. "Alright. we have estimated that there are six aviates on this island somewhere. 3 male, 3 female. (He doesn't know about Alex yet.) I want them secured before breakfast boys! Dead or alive."

"AYE AYE SIR!!" The ranks boomed back at him and he smiled.

"Fall out!"


Gin hated to leave someone behind but they were out of options, they had to leave now.

"Alright, let's fly!" Gin soared from the mouth of the cave towards the formation of rocks he had met the hooded woman. It was only a mile away but it was on the same side of the island that the boats were heading towards. Mid flight Gin turned back towards the others.

"I think I've found the A.A.R.! I think one of their members approached me." Gin rubbed the side of the head. 'approached' yeah.. " She said to bring yall before the boats arrived. Here it is!" Gin dropped down near the cluster of rocks followed by his companions.

"Where is she?" Gin mumbled to himself, but he soon got his answer. Barely 500 yards away on the beach, the boats had landed. Times up.
Allen landed, looking first at the boats then at the rocks. The answer was here, he knew it was. "The biggest stone is never the key, the smaller one will becon thee..." He mutter, placing his hand on the stone, still cradling Ruby with his other arm. "The smaller one will becon thee..." He looked from stone to stone, piecing it together, survival kicking in hard. He wouldn't go back. Never again would he go back.

"Gin, here! It's been here all along." Allen said, pointing to a smaller stone at the base of the larger one. "Slaves know the old rhym by heart, we just never knew what it meant. The smaller stone is the entrance, one just has to move it." One of his newer whip scars burned, reopening after moving so much, but he didn't have time to worry. "Move the stone, we'll be safe for a little while at least."
As soon as Gin burst into the cave, Kira knew their time was running out. He was frantic, telling them they needed to move right then and there. Nodding, she headed to the cave entrance, seeing Allen had taken care of picking up Ruby. When they were all ready, she gracefully leapt from the ledge, spreading her huge wings and taking flight behind Gin and Allen. Hopefully they would find Dar before they completely left the island. However, she noticed that they weren't heading out to see. Tilting her head to the side, she wondered where exactly they were going.

Landing amongst the ruins, Kira's wide eyes scanned around. "What is this place?" she asked quietly, jogging to catch up with the longer legged male Aviates. As Allen repeated what seemed like an important phrase, somewhere inside her head rung a bell. Where had she heard that before? It seemed so familiar...yet it was just out of her grasp. Hearing something, she turned her head to the side, her eyes growing wide in horror. "T-they're here! They've found us!" she exclaimed in a frightened whisper, backing up towards Allen.
Emily followed the group. Obviously, everyone was worried about leaving Dar behind, but what could they do about it? He was the one that took off in some frantic fashion. She kept close to the others until finally they landed. Gin was looking around for someone and Allen kept repeating a phrase. Kira looked like she knew what he was saying, and Emily was just clueless. Finally, Kira said something about the soldiers, and Emily realized they might be too late. She looked around and in the distance she could hear them getting closer. "Okay, I don't know why we are here, and why we didn't run away in the direction OPPOSITE the humans, but I think we're out of time." she said, looking around frantically to see if there was an escape route that they could easily go to without being spotted.
Alexander listened as Allen busted through the cave first looking for Dar and Gin came next trying to get them all together. He assumed it was time to leave so he got a handful of berries popping them in his mouth as they began flying off. Alex didn't say anything as he began explaining the situation with the A.A.R member, but the biggest concern to him was the threat of agency solders he watched closing in on the shore. He flew down low trying to stay close to the girls so he could help if anything happened to them. As Allen and Gin began trying to solve the puzzle of entry with these rocks Alex shuddered hearing the solders coming closer and closer. He stood in front of the girls so they're would be a small barrier between them and the solders, plus he was next to Gin this way. "We kinda have to do Something now or else were all caught" he said almost frantically to Gin.

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