Slave Trade

"The American Aviate Resistance, for a long time i thought they were a myth.. " Gin actually smiled despite the situation.

"This means we might be able to fight back!" His eyes lit up, he found that he was really excited. Gin mentally slapped himself.. emotions... in check Gin, control yourself...

"So they're here nearby?" Gin asked when Alex finished the letter.

(ummm, where's our villain? im feeling some conflict soon...)
Dar suddenly appeared next to emily. "Shadow Trick" he smiled. He suddenly replied "I.. I.. know where the resistance is... Atleast i think.. These group of boys didn't leave me alone when i was 12... They thought i was like an Aviash? now i know where they are..." he suddenly turned around.. "Follow me"
"If that note was actully from the A.A.R then yeah theyre somewhere on this island" he said. "Though it'll be alot easier if theyre werent agents on the island too.
(yo Hilarity, watch the one liners and don't get so ahead, give everyone sometime to finish their thoughts and stuff.)
"So evreyone do we have a plan yet"Alexander asked evreybody sitting down. "IT seems we either go out and look for the A.A.R but risk one of us being captures or we find another location to hide but run that same risk" He said sighing.
Kira turned back to Emily. "Oh great! Thanks," she told her, eternally grateful. Listening to Gin, her thoughts began to fly. American Aviate Resistance... A.A.R. Suddenly, it hit her. All those papers on her father's desk; they all had a stamp labeled A.A.R. with a winged symbol. Everything pieced together in her mind. Encouraging her to fly, staying up late, having those important meetings late at night. It all made sense now! Her father had been working with the resistance. At that though, her heart fluttered a bit. If they could find the resistance, maybe they could find her father!

Hurrying over to the two male Aviates, she lightly tapped Gin's shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, I think my father was working with the A.A.R. My memory's a little fuzzy but I could have sworn seeing paperwork on his desk with the A.A.R. symbol stamped on it. If we can find at least one of their bases, then maybe I can find my father and he can arrange getting us to safety," she told him excitedly, glancing at Alex and smiling, "We won't have to run anymore."
(umm, so disregard hilarity until we figure out what he's trying to do, cuz im confused)

Gin thought about the situation, they had about three more hours till daybreak. The island wasn't very large and he could cover a lot of ground in a few hours...

"I say we split up. The cave is a safe house. This will be the away teams fall back point, home team stays near the cave, looks out, gathers food, and rests." Gin stood up and counted heads. Six. 3 home, 3 away.

"I need two to come with me on the search, who's staying and who's leaving?" Gin turned when he felt his shoulder being tapped, it was Kira. She said her father was A.A.R..

"Thats great! we were just getting a search party together."
"Oh yay for you and your daddy then "He snapped at Kira unlike himself glad about finding the base but got angry for a few seconds hearing how happy she was about finding her farther. After a few more seconds he realized what he said and looked away "Sorry" he said quietly.
Emily nodded. "Good idea." she said when Gin mentioned splitting up. "But what if the humans get here before we think and they find one of the groups? All of us against them is risky, only three will be disastrous." She looked at Kira. "I guess you'll get that bath once we've all met up again, then." she said, giving her a look that said 'I'm sorry'.
Kira listened to Gin's plan carefully. It sounded a bit risky. If the soldiers were to find one group, they would be no match against the government agents. However, if they did split up, if one group was found, then at least the other group would be safe. Finally after mulling it over in her mind, she nodded slowly. "Alright. It sounds like the best plan of action to me," she replied, shifting her weight to one side. Turning to Emily, she shrugged. "It's ok. When we meet back up, then we can go off to the watering hole or whatever small body of water you found. Me getting a bath isn't as important as not getting caught by the gov," she replied, chuckling a bit and rubbing the back of her neck.

When Alexander snapped at her, Kira flinched, jumping to the side a little. She hadn't expected the harsh voice and turned to look at him, her eyes a bit fearful. "I-I'm sorry...Look, I'm not even sure my father's alive. When they found me...and raided my home....they set it on fire. It was so called 'punishment' for harboring an Aviate. I...I don't even know if they made it out alive....," she explained, her soft voice dropping to a mere whisper. Rubbing her arms, she shied away some and let her gaze drop to the floor.
((.....Sorry guys, can I get a recap? I was sick yesterday and our Internet was down....))
((Oh, it's totally fine! :3 Basically, the Aviate plane group found a mountain cave high up and took shelter there. It is now in the middle of the night. Gin and Alex went out for a walk and were discussing the letter Alex got from the A.A.R. when they heard gunshots. They then went back to the cave and currently are discussing a plan of splitting up and scouting out the best route to an island that has an A.A.R. base stationed on it I think.))
"No look im the one who should be sorry" Alexander began before rubbing his face with his hand. "My parents abandonded me in an alley when i was 10" He finally started. "They said something about me being special and wanting to protect me and themselves but i always thought it was because they didnt want the goverment to know they were harboring an aviate child" He said sighing. "Thats when i got my issue with humans and thats the only reason i snapped at you for mentioning about finding your dad" He finished. rubbing his arm shyly.

Allen stayed quiet, siting at the mouth of the cave, uneasy being confined even under a roof. So long had it been since he'd been under the night sky, free of hindrance. But he spoke out once Gin's plan was done, still as monotone as before. "If I may..." He gestured slightly, wings still bound against him. He'd grown accustomed to the bands over the years, helped him. So he easily ignored them now.

"Search parties and the cave are important, I'm not denying that, my time with the humans, I've learned a few tricks." He rubbed his wrist absently, thinking back. "One Aviate can cover much more distance than three the first time. And it's safer, one Aviate can get around an armored convoy much swifter and quieter than three." He looked out, thinking.

"Let me go out alone first and check the island, get a feel for it. I'm used to dodging blows from whips and chains, among other things, dodging humans is hardly any trouble. I'll report back by dawn, if I can leave now. This way, the group is safe." He thought again, eyes closing, "This way I can easily discover how many humans are on this isle, if any, and discover whose side they're on without main contact." He looked back at Gin, "If that's alright with you of course."
Kira looked up once more and managed a small smile. "I-it's ok. You just startled me there is all," she replied with genuine concern for Alex, "I'm sorry to hear about your parents." When Allen stepped up, she straightened back up and fluttered her wings a bit behind her. The black-winged Aviate suggested that he go out alone instead of in groups of three. Kira opened her mouth to protest but then shut it again, thinking over his proposition more clearly. He was right. When you flew alone, you don't have to worry about the others keeping up or getting lost. She didn't like the idea of Allen going out by himself, just because of the danger closing in all around them, but she couldn't argue with his logic.

The female Aviate crossed her arms as she thought hard, trying to think of a better solution, but not able to come up with anything. " sure you should go alone?" she finally asked, looking over at him, "We heard gunshots this morning. They could be less than a mile from this place by now."
Gin thought hard about what Allen said. He was the most experienced with fighting humans, and from what he had seen he was the most practiced flyer as well. However if he didn't report back how would we know what happened to him? Gin was determined to prove himself, he noticed the others looked to him as sort of a leader, why he was qualified for that position he didn't know, but he was going to ensure everyones safety, he didn't want to sit back while someone else risked their neck.

"Alright," Gin smiled at Allen. " How bout a compromise? Me and you. Army of two, I guarantee I'll keep up" Gin stood up and balled his fist. " You can't have all the fun anyways.." Gin walked to the mouth of the cave then turned back and gave a reassuring grin.

"Trust me."
Alexander looked at the group as they were making theyre desicion. "Well as much as i like your idea i have to ask if i can borrow Gin for a few minutes" He half asked and said glancing over at Gin.
Kira crossed her arms and gazed about the group. It wasn't fair, why did the guys get to have all the fun? Shaking her head, she sighed and chuckled mentally. However, her next emotion was fear. Allen and Gin had been there from the start of the mutiny on the plane, and now they were both offering to scout, leaving herself, Emily, Ruby, and Alex back at the cave. If Alex offered to go with them next, then the girls would be alone. Kira found that she felt much safer when the male Aviates were around, serving as the leaders of the group. Of course she had her water manipulation and freezing power but those only held up so well and were no match for machine guns and tranqualizers. She shivered at the thought of being recaptured and went silent, her wings drooping sadly causing them to drag slightly across the floor.
Allen looked at Kira gently, almost, though he'd all but forgotten what kindness and gentleness were. "I've flown alone before, fought alone before. I'll survive, it's what I do." That was his true gift, though even he didn't know it. Survival. It was why he fought so well, could think logically in most instances. But he'd never known anything but the fighting ring, so post of his gift had remained dormant. Until now. With this, even his oldest instincts were awakening again.

He looked at Gin, thinking. The Aviate was a good flyer, relatively, and was smart. But groups of two made Allen uneasy, like most things. But if it was just two he would manage. He always found a way to manage. He looked at Alex, then said, "Don't be long, we can't fly in the open after daybreak, and I'm not taking any chances. If we're not back by then, it would be sundown before I'd take a risk of returning by air." He went and stood on the ledge outside, thinking. He listened, he waited, he watched. This was what he was, and he was going to make the most of it.
Alexander couldnt help but smile as he walked by Allen. "Your a strong fighter but im a real survivor" he said not meaning for it to be offensive. He then beckoned Gin to come down with him as he slided down the mountain and stopped at the base waiting for him.
Gin dropped down to where Alex waited for him.

"What's up? Hurry, we don't have much time." Gin told him. He wondered what he might have to say. Gin had thought that they already discussed what he knew of the A.A.R..
"If you say so...," Kira replied, still not one-hundred percent convinced. Her eye catching the food pile, a realization hit her. "Well, if there's a possibility you're going to be gone until sundown, then you both should at least have a good meal before you go," she stated firmly. Striding over to the food stash, she grabbed the last of the roasted fish and fresh vegetables before walking back over to Allen. "Here. Emily, Ruby, and I can forage for more food while you're gone. For now, you need this most," she told him, placing half of the food into his hands, "It'll help you get up your strength." She then took a step back politely and waited, her warm, brown eyes watching him carefully to make sure he would do as she asked. She would give Gin his half later when Alex was finished talking to him.
"Im fine with you guys plan and evreything but" He said sighing. "Do you expect us to stay in this one spot til you get back" he said. "I know theyres a trap door thing up but I really cant say im good enough to defend this place by myself thats if the girls help me but i dont know if they can" He admitted.

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