Slave Trade

Allen looked down at the food a moment the back at Kira, eyes slightly unsure. Never had anyone been even slightly kind to him, he wasn't sure exactly how to react to it. That made him unsure, made him uncertain. But he put the fish in the small pouch on his belt, looking at her again. "I...thank you...I'm not used to this, but...thank you. I'll eat it on the way, I promise." He gave her a slightly unsteady, unsure half smile that he hadn't had in years. So new, so...freeing. It was a good feeling.
Emily was unsure of the plan that two of the three guys were leaving them. She thought about her powers and realized they would be perfectly useless in the chance that the humans found the group in the meantime. She would have to rely on the others for protection, and that didn't seem fair. She sighed and crossed her arms, clearly disappointed in herself and her lack of any strength. Sure, she was a good healer, and her ghost ability was occasionally useful when there were locked doors, but that wasn't the case here; she wasn't a fighter. Her wings drooped in disappointment, and she saw that Kira's had drooped down as well. She wondered if the female was thinking the same thing.
Kira smiled timidly in return. "Alright, if you promise..," she answered, eyeing Allen carefully before sure he was going to follow through his word. All her life, Kira had loved taking care of things, whether it had been people or animals. She had a tender heart and hated to see anything or anyone in trouble. So this whole new situation was tough on her. There were so many of them who were hurting and she couldn't do anything to help... Walking over to the pool of water she'd created, she sat down slowly and dipped her legs as well as the tips of her wings into the water, looking at her rippled reflection. She hated feeling so useless.
Folkvar walking but with a wound on the left side of him. He reload his gun which waste all his clip on one thing. However he did like animals but not the one to be it dinner meal. Folkvar continue his way but want to stop that fact that the pain is hurting him. When he was walking he saw another river in fact that he need to cross it. But want to sit down and rest for a bit to go cross the river. However one question that he remember was "Why are you helping us Aviates For?" He start to think "well" to himself with quite voice "Everyone that have with feelings what right and wrong should live and this is why, Before I got this job, I meet two people Sara and James who would truly be my best friends that were aviates which I didn’t know what a aviate is and never seen their wings shown out. Both of them are marry to each, they help me a lot including my English when I came over to America which I was thankful for. However few months later they gave birth to a little girl which was I was happy for them. But one day when I was visiting them their house, their were armored trucks but I notice was that Sara was beat up badly, James brutally beaten to death and their child....I couldn’t help them, just stand there and watch them." Folkvar was getting too upset that fact his best friends lost their alive from that moment because they were aviate. And that was his answer "why are you helping us aviate for?" as one of guilts that still hunting in his life.
Gin hadn't thought about that. He had always just assumed that they could handle anything after they crashed a plane. But the truth was that they were all very vulnerable.

"Look, I'll be back in one hour, if we haven't found anything by then Allen will keep searching and I'll be here. If all else fails, I'm pretty sure that Florida is only 20 to 30 miles north of here. Thats our emergency out, but it's a long fly so only if we're desperate."
"Alexendar sighed(OOC: His usual trademark) as he looked back up at the cave. "Alright i guess thats the best we can do for now" He said."Why dont you just stay with Allen anyway if i need you ill yell for ou "He said looking at the setting moon.

"You better leave now you dont have that much time" He said nodding to Gin as he flew back up to the cave. "See you later too Allen" He said standing at the entrance leaning against the wall.
Dar silently whispered to himself on how to defend themselves if they found them, he silently started going in and out of the cave carrying grass and leaves. "Watch this guys" he said as he focused on the pile, it started to light on fire... "Light... Should be strong enough, to.. fire..." trying to master his new skill.
Alexander just kinda looked at Him confused. "You know your an ok Aviate but you really a huge showoff" He said sighing at him and turning back to the fire. "I have to be able to fight for the group" He thought over and over but needed to figure out how since all of his powers were focused on keeping himself alive. He browsed the camp floor" I'm strong maybe i can find some kind of blunt object" he thought next. He went to the firewood pile and looked to see nothing but broken or small sticks. He quickly gave up the search there as he went down to the mountain for a few minutes to look. After his few minutes of searching he found a medium sized log he was able to put on his shoulder. "Almost perfect but i cant fly long with it "He said slowly making himself up into the cave again dropping the log down next to himself.
Kira's head lifted and she gazed about her room, her eyes finally settling on Dar. She'd forgotten about him at first, but now seeing him there in the cave made her feel a little better. At least now they had two male Aviates to help them and combining her own abilities with that of the other girls, they'd have a better chance. Pulling her feet from the water, she stood and walked back over to the large fire and began to feed it more sticks. Lifting up a large log, she placed it on the pile then blew underneath it, giving the dying flames renewed strength with oxygen and more wood. Soon, the dying fire was alive and roaring once more, filling the cave with warmth.

Looking over, Kira saw Alex come back with a long log, which he placed on the stone floor. She tilted her head to the side, wondering what he was going to use it for. Dar then caught her attention as he attempted to bend the light in the cave to start a small flame on a pile of leaves nearby.
"Aight, sorry, i may be a show off, but not for long, just thought of it.." he said silently to alex... "What you going to do with that?" he waited and then put it together himself, "A weapon..." he said as he slid down the cave.
"Yep its a weapon" He said looking at him go down. He really isn't always the Brightest bulb is he" He joked to Kira smiling.
Emily watched as the two guys left, and then Alexander left to come back with a large log. Emily assumed it was going to be a weapon if needed. Dar was messing around with the light trying to make a fire, which was interesting. Ruby was quiet. Emily walked over to Kira. "Since we have awhile, want that bath now?" she asked, offering a kind smile.
Kira looked to Alex and shrugged her shoulders, chuckling softly. "I don't know, we all have our own little quirks," she responded, standing up and wiping the soot from her hands onto her pants, "There are a lot of things you could do with a log." She then turned to Emily, seeing her approach, and listened to her suggestion. Lightening up some, Kira nodded swiftly. "Yes, please!" she replied, rubbing the back of her neck, a bit embarrassed. Turning her head, she looked at the two male Aviates. "We'll be back shortly. Emily found a pool of water not far from here to bathe and wash my clothes in since they're still covered in ash from the plane," she explained, placing a hand on her hip causally, "We won't be gone long."
"Alexander nodded watching the two leave. "Be back soon" he replied looking at the fire again huffing out some air as he waited to see what that other male aviant could come back with.
Dar came back with a Strong stick and a sharp rock he looked around he walked over to a seat and started sharpening the stick, and then jammed the rock on it, Slowly moving his hands, he tied it on with a shadow. he was tired so he started lighting up cave rooms and assigned rooms to everyone. His room was across from emilys (Just hinting on it right now Dar and Emily, Yeah. :P ) he smiled silently as he decided "Safey First" he yelled not realizing he was with people, he would double up people in rooms. He started planning it out.

((Heres a chart of the rooms, that he wrote on a giant leaf.

{Dar and Alex} {Emily and Kira}

{Allen and Gin} {Ruby and Who ever else is roleplaying, i forget}))
(( [MENTION=1728]HilarityInsures[/MENTION] it's cute that Dar likes Emily but they're all gettig ready to leave that cave haha))

Emily smiled and jumped off the cliff, her wings catching her before she hit the ground. She waited for Kira to follow and they trudged through the woods. "Sorry we have to walk part way, we'd be spotted if we tried to fly the whole time." She smiled a little. About ten minutes later they reached the secluded stream and pond-like area. Since the stream ran through it it kept the water clean. "Here it is." Emily said. "I'll be right out here so you can have privacy, we can walk back together when you're done."
Alexander watched as he walked back and began sharpening a stick he found out there. "Well at least he's busy doing something" he thought when all of a sudden he started pairing up names and pointing to different sections of the cave. After a few minutes he pieced together that he was assigning rooms to the Aviants. "What are you doing now" He said cutting himself off from saying idiot.
"Just doing this, and well... oh yeah we are leaving soon..." he suddenly scratched everything off threw it in the fire and darked the rooms... "Well i made this.." he said picking up his spear. "I'm hungry though.." he said as he grabbed a mango and sliced it with the spear... "So, we haven't spoken much.." he said as he pierced into alexanders eyes. "Let's be friends" he said silently, yet piercingly into the night air. "It seems as if the sun will rise soon..." he said as he walked outside and looked across the horizon where barely enough orange is escaping to make a line.
Alexander was looking at him lazily the entire time as he was talking about being friends.

He continued looking at him until he was outside.

"Weirdo" he commented leaning back on the wall.
Dar heard the comment, it didn't hurt him, just absorbed it, it wasn't new, being an orphan till the age of 9, the whole situation he has always been in, nothing really hurt him, he just took it and didn't let go, This is what changed him, As the sun rose he slowly, noticed it, his wings slowly but steadily tinted blacker and blacker he suddenly felt a stir of rage, and he felt strong enough to over power it, but he couldn't he turned dark and steadily screamed as he fell down the mountain, until he layed down on the ground and was silently thinking, nothing was happening, the world froze, there was one way to combat, it but it was too huge, it would draw the humans steadily near, but he had to, he forced the light back and told himself they wouldn't notice, the light wouldn't impact anything,
(Okay, until marmar makes an appearance im gonna npc the role of active villain.)

The air was chilly yet refreshing. The muscles and tendons in Gins wings stretched as the wind caught them and lifted him higher. Allen was a great flier, and it took effort but Gin could definitely keep up. Their plan was to start near the coast, then cover the perimeter of the island slowly spiraling inwards to cover the entire island. While the flew they were careful to stay as close as possible too the tree line, not wanting to be any more visible than necessary. Gin was scanning the forest floor intently, keeping a weather eye out for peculiar formations of rock, or kicked up dirt, anything that showed signs of activity. About an hour into the flight something on the ground caught Gin's eye.

"Pssstt! Allen!" When Allen looked back at him Gin signaled for him to land. Like well trained performers the pair of aviates gracefully descended to the forest floor near a puzzling rock formation.
"Alexander thought he was jsut having a scene when he heard the yelling but wish he would be quieter knowing he would attract the agents. He jumped a bit though as a small portion of light started disappearing. He shrugged it off thinking a large cloud was passing the sun and decided it was time to scout. He got up leaving the log and slides down the mountain walking past Dar who was yelling on the ground as he began going around the surrounding area.
He suddenly turned back and shot into the air. he shot towards summit of the mountain and slowly realized.. they aren't where they think they are... when he viewed far onto the horizon and saw a volcano spewing lava and a forest of evergreen... something happened here... this island was a scientific test... this island... didn't look this way when they were flying towards it.. he shot down and explained it to alex. "Dude, something is happening to the island, its changing, every second..." dar said concerned, he shot off looking for emily and kira.
"Crap i dont know what that idiots talking about but hes going to get us discovered" he said going in his direction ducking behind trees evrey few minutes before continuing. "I'm gonna clock that moron the next time i see him if he gets the girls in any kind of trouble" He mumbled to himself continuing his path not entirely sure he was going the right way so headed the way Gin and Allan flew.
(dude you cant just throw a volcano into the mix, thats a little extreme. we've already established that there's an A.A.R base on the island. If you're antsy for some action just wait, imm about to NPC us up some conflict. chill.)

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