Slave Trade

Frantically turning her head, Kira's eyes watched Allen as he worked on something on a wall of the ruins. "He isn't going to make it...," she murmured to herself. Furrowing her brow, she lifted her chin determined. "Allen! Finish what you're doing as quickly as you can. I'm going to buy us some time!" she called out to him.

Pivoting on her heel, she spread her wings, taking off into the air but staying low to the ground. When she got close enough to the water, she planted her feet firmly in the sand and raised her arms, breathing deeply. With a swift hand motion, she raised up a small wall of water into the air. Waving her arms, the wave broke into sections, each forming an extremely sharp ice shard. Snapping her hands forward, she caused the ice shards to fly at the soldiers in the boats. Bending her knees and stooping low, she paused there for a moment, then straightened back up, raising her hands. Immediately, the front of one of the unbeached boats froze solid, the uneven weight causing it to do a nose dive. Her ability wouldn't do much, no match for the elite government team, but at least it would distract and slow them down; maybe even injure a few.

(( Is this ok? Or is it too much for an ability? @Mowgli ))
The stress of the situation was wild, Gin's mind was racing, so he barely heard Allen shouting about the entrance to the rock formation. He dove to the spot allen designated and shifted a small rock. When Gin moved the rock he could feel something slide into place. all of the sudden the largest rock in the formation began to roll to the side partially revealing a hidden tunnel. Gin laughed with relief, they were going to make it! What happened next, he didn't see coming; when the door got a quarter of the way open, in suddenly slammed shut, and the small stone shifted back to its original position. He grabbed the stone-lever and tried with all his might to wrench it back into position but it wouldn't budge. Gin slammed his fist onto the boulder in frustration.

"Shit!" he gasped, and turned back to his companions with despair in his eyes.

"We're trapped.." The sound of soldiers grew closer.

"We have to hide! Our only chance is to ambush them and take out as many as we can.." Gin didn't like it but the circumstances were grim..

(Prepare for a fight scene people, it's going to be challenging)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(no no, that's fine, now they'll come towards us, we ambush, kill a few, narrowly escape, you know how it goes :) )
((Okay, I won't be able to post for awhile though ;n; I'm at the store so I don't have a computer lol and it's too hard to grocery shop & RP simultaneously))
(I Always feel like you give away the end of the story Mowgil :3)

Alexander was already nervous enough as it is when the boulder suddenly closed back he could have pulled his hair our as he tried helping Gin move the rock but it refused to budge. "This is bad" he began when he heard Gin suggest an ambush. "Ok but if were gonna throw them off were gonna have to have bait" he said. "But on another note let me be the first one to come out I can move a lot faster in this area and i think ill be able to take the first hits and survive if needed" he said waiting for an answer his hand already adjusted to climb the tree.
"You ain't used to bullets and tazers. I am." Allen said, ignoring the fact that their escape had just closed off. They would pay for that later, abandoning their own. But for now, he'd deal with this. He sat Ruby behind the stone, clicking the button on the bands and freeing his wings. "I can handle the humans better, I can take the bullets longer. I'll go first, and I'd rather not argue. I've fought for years, been in chains and felt their whips. I can take it."

He rolled his shoulder, looking at Gin briefly before adding, "Besides, I need someone to save my a$$ when I finally do go down. If I go back, I'll kill myself first. Let me handle these soldiers first." He didn't doubt Alex, didn't doubt any Aviate here, but he'd taken bullets before, had been beaten before. He could handle humans, no problem.
Kira kept up her work as long as possible, but eventually she was pushed back after a bullet barely nicked her shoulder, reopening the old scratch she'd received on the plane. Quickly doing a 180 spin, she fled back into the foilage. It wasn't long before she reached the ruins, bursting into the clearing. "I-I tried to slow them down the best I could...b-but there are too many. I-I just couldn't..." she explained breathlessly, hanging her head in defeat. Panting, she rested her hands on her knees, trying to get her breath back. "T-they're heading this way," she gasped, "It isn't exactly an army, but a few teams of deadly marksmen, and that's almost worse." A small trickle of blood ran down her arm, but she didn't seem to notice.
Alex almost glared at Allen for actually arguing this in the situation there in. "How about we both just go and get it done faster" he asked hearing them less then 75 feet away and closing in. "Is that fine with you two" he asked up the tree. He held back a lot of words that wouldve been extremely insensitive to him at this time. "Remember Alex more friends then enemies" he thought to himself getting in position.

He saw Kira come back with a wound on her shoulder as she explained what happened. "Its okay Kira just as long as your safe now hide" he said quickly.
"Deal, you take the trees, I'll stick to the ground." Allen said, not arguing. If the Aviate wanted to fight, fine, the more the merrier. But Allen did not plan on dragging a dead body out today. Not this time, not again. He glanced at Gin again then ducked forward, through the low lying branches and bushes, hiding himself. To easy, way to easy, not good.

"Here, little soldier, come out and play, that's if you feel like dying today..." Allen's friend had died saying that, and Allen had remembered it since. It wasn't easy, but his monotone voice and emotions protected him from the hurt and pain from the old days.

Almost immediately after Hashal had given his orders all hell broke loose.

"AVIATE!" some one shouted just moments before a barrage of sharp ice spikes pierced their ranks. From Hashal's percpective he saw two of his men were impaled and immediately killed, and one of their boats was frozen over.

"AFTER IT!!" Hashal shouted as he joined his men in the charge towards the blue-winged aviate. When the aviate saw the odds it dashed back into the forest hundreds of yards away.

"OPEN FIRE!" Hashal shouted, and instantly gunfire rocked the tree line. Bark, splinters, and leaves sprayed everywhere as the soldiers advanced on the hidden aviates while maintaining fire.


Soon after Kira returned bullets erupted into the forest.

"ON THE GROUND!" Gin roared and tackled Kira to the forest floor.

"Low crawl! Keep your heads down! Get to a hiding place!" Gin ordered. Bullets were still entering the forest at an alarming rate. Gin's heart was threatening to pump out of his chest but he gritted his teeth and drug his body forward until found a spot to hide and provide cover.

"Is everyone alright!?" Gin shouted but looking around he only saw bullets flying past his position, no aviates. He dared not look around the tree he had his back to, lest he risk a bullet in his skull. He hoped everyone found somewhere....
Yelping in surprise, Kira felt Gin push her to the ground, yelling to get down. An explosion of bullets flew into the forest, smashing into trees which sent pieces of bark flying and filling the air with the ringing of gunfire. Kira placed her hands over her head for a moment to try and get her bearings. Over the noise, she heard Gin call out to stay low and crawl to a hiding place. The blue-winged Aviate could barely see with all the bullets and exploding foilage but managed to crawl after Gin, finding a hiding spot under a nearby thick bush not far from the male. She clenched her eyes shut, her heart threatening to jump right out of her throat as adrenaline surged through her body. Very fainly, she heard Gin call out if everyone was ok. "I-I'm here! I'm o-ok!" she hollered back, though her voice was shaky.
Alexander was extremely surprised to see all the bullets coming all at once. He went down further on the tree so the bullets were more likely to hit the bar then himself. "This is ridiculous" he shouted above the rapid sound of bullets raining through.
Allen's wings came forward as he knelt, shielding him. The tink sound the bullets made as they made contact was quiet compared to the guns, not noticeable yet. He glanced up, eyes seeking out Alex to make sure the Aviate was alright. Long as the Aviate was still okay he could press on, drawing fire, if the Aviate was down...well, the humans would have trouble on their hands. "I'm alive." He called back to Gin, ignoring the humans a moment.he heard Alex's voice and gave a half smirk. This was good, for now.
(damn i hate to leave yall hanging but i have to go.. unexpected circumstances, yall can NPC me or wait for my return. its up to yall. either way don't completely finish the fight or leave the island. i have a plan. Tyra's in charge, yall behave now and ill bring you back McDonalds :) )
(( Hm? I am? Sweet! :D *ahem* I mean, I shall lead the group with honor and wisdom! Lol. Well, I don't want you to miss out on the epic battle, Mowgli! D: So I vote we wait for his return. ^^ ))
Emily ducked down to the ground, pulling her knees up and covering her head as bark flew all around them. One bullet hit her from behind. It would have hit her in the back but her wings shielded her. She cried out in pain, wrapping her wings around her. They had to run out of bullets at some point, and when they did, that would be the Aviates' chance to make a break for it.
"Alive." Dar simply said, He was Doing something with his lands but the forest grew darker as he did it, Suddenly a blast of light shot and erupted at the source of the bullets, The Forest was on fire now... He Suddenly tried to do it again but he couldn't, he released all the light, the only problem was it was so sudden It blinded all the enemies. Quickly realizing what happened he screamed "FLY AWAY, FLY WHILE THEY ARE BLINDED!"

The men kept up a steady stream of fire into the forest, creeping ever closer while maintaining fire. Hashal stood a small way behind his men, positioning them and supplementing there fire with some from his own rifle. He looked into the trees and saw nothing but wood and leaves rocketing around in every direction.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Hashal shouted, and the men all ceased fire simultaneously with military precision.

"Micky, Joel, Grady, and Wallace. Go and check for kills, Team 2, sweep left. Team 4, sweep right. Everyone else cover the tree line, no one escapes. Understood?" Hashal barked.

"AYE AYE SIR" The men chorused in unison. The men moved into position and began advancing into the tree line. This men were seasoned soldiers but they had a small amount of fear stepping into unknown territory. They didn't know what was waiting for them. Team one ( Micky, Joel, Grady, and Wallace) was a few yards into the forest and they saw nothing but half destroyed trees, no blood. At that moment light exploded through the forest, the lights source was unidentifiable but it was brief and intense.

"Aghh!!!" The men yelped and fell to their knees.

"My eyes!" All four men nearest to the aviates covered there eyes and doubled over from the disorientation.


Fear gripped Gin. He had never been shot at by a single person before, let alone an entire squad of highly trained soldiers. He tucked his head, staying close to the thick tree he was using for cover. He racked his brain for an idea but the pressure of the situation was giving him a mental block!

"AHH!!" Gin heard the brief cry of pain, it was Emily, she had taken a bullet.

"Emily!!" Gin shouted, fighting the urge to run to her through the storm of lead. Anger welled up inside of Gin and it swept away the fear of death. He stood, still covered by the tree, ready to reap vengeance on the nearest soldier. He wouldn't go out out cowering behind a tree. If he was going to die here to day he wanted to go down in a blaze of glory. Just then the bullets ceased at an order from the men's leader. Gin smiled, they didn't know that the aviates wee still alive. Gin peeked out from behind the tree and caught a glimpse of the enemy soldiers advancing slowly into the woods, one group came straight towards them, and one more group flanked them on either side. Team 1 grew extremely close to Gin's hiding spot and he grew tense, this was it. Just as Gin was about to pounce on the nearest soldier, a great, bright light erupted through the forest blinding the men and bringing them to their knees.

"Dar.." Gin almost laughed, he was somewhere nearby..

( okay, time to wreck shop on the soldier guys)

((p.s. thanks for waiting :) ))
Alex stayed in his same spot hanging on as he heard someone yell out and noticed Emily was shot. He clenched his teeth as he heard the man give the order to sweep the area. Alex tensed up ready to spring out on them when all of a sudden a great flash of light ran down blinding the men intensely as they fell to their knees. He sighed hearing Dar's voice" Such a showoff" he commented going up to a near by solder and kicking him harshly in the head once as he was knocked unconscious. Alex grabbed the rifle off his back and the pistol from his pocket in a hurry putting the safety on and immediately began to get air born making sure he didn't get to far from the others as he slugged the rifle over his shoulder.
Allen growled, low and wild, but waited. The men walked right passed him, his black wings shielding his body and making it appear only shadows were near. The blinding light made him laugh, so Dar had followed. And followed well. Good. He spread his wings again and stood, darting forward and grabbing one of the downed soldiers. He hit the man hard, watching as his eyes rolled back. Not dead, just unconscious.

Allen grabbed the mans gun and extra ammo, glancing at the others. Would be easy to kill them here and now. But Allen's fighting side refused to let him kill any man on their knees. It was what often got him a good beating, but once the threat was minimal, there was no sense in overkill. He vanished back into the trees, heading back toward the others. He'd heard Emily's cry, but what could he have done? He was a fighter, not a healer. He placed himself behind a tree and loaded the gun. The soldiers wouldn't stay down forever, but now they were more evenly matched.
"They Hurt Emily?!" he screams as he rises up (Btw Right about now Dar goes Bat-Shit Crazy) While the others started tending to emily and running away Dar had stayed still walking steadily still towards the soldiers, A Stupid move maybe, but worth it. He Shot Out blasts of Light and Dark and Fire, The Smell of Burning Tree's grew stronger, the cries of the soldiers grew solid, Dar's rage grew with every step he took. He was not going to let them hurt any more of the Aviates, Not Even Alex, Despite their differences, Hurting Anything Dar loved was a Big Mistake. Dar Suddenly grew weak, losing power, he decided he couldn't keep it up much longer, he suddenly shouted "EVERYONE FLY AWAY". "AVIATES, FLEE" he screamed in pain. As if spontaneous he Shot back and Lead the Aviates away from danger, to Lead towards a place the humans will never find, they needed to find the A.A.R
Alexander watcher Dar getting angrier seeing him run around like a complete idiot. Alex flew in front of Dar aggravated. "You Idiot do you know you might have just started a conflict with the A.A.R by burning this place to the ground" he shouted at him. "Your gonna end up killing more lives then necessary with that cocky rush in attitude" he said making sure he couldn't move out the way. "Now if any of your lame brain ideas hurt anybody else innocent then im going to take you out as if you were a government agent" he said seriously flying back down with the others to make sure everything was okay. (Lol sorry if my characters a bit mean to you Hilarity)
Emily looked back to the bloody mess that was her wing. A blinding flash of light shot out, blinding the humans, and she knew it could only be Dar. So he'd found them after all... Emily stood when she saw the others attacking, trying to tuck the shattered wing behind her as best she could. "That will be a slow heal..." she said, although she knew that the bullet was still wedged in the wing and she couldn't heal until it was removed. She would have to pull it out later if they made it out of this mess.

Emily knew she was no match for the humans in combat, so for now she remained in place. Sure, if they found her she would attack, but only out of desperation. She waited to hear orders whether they should retreat or not, knowing that the guys who posed as the leaders were both involved in fighting at the time. Close by, she found a rock that was extremely sharp. How it got that way she had no idea. But she picked it up, glad to have some sort of weapon to use if she was attacked.
Dar Turned around and landed back and landed by Emily. "Are you Ok?" he said Worriedly. he then turned to see the other aviates had also surrounded her. "We need to find the A.A.R" he said and then Simply Helped Emily up and looked at her wing.. "I, I, I think i can help." he tried to wrap the hurt wing in a Shadow cast. Hopefully he could fix it... He Wasn't much of a healer... he wasn't much of a fighter... He wasn't much of anything.. All he did was defend, protect, and care.
Emily looked up when Dar landed next to her and helped her up. She looked around and saw almost all of the other Aviates standing close to her as well. "I don't know how they planned to find the AAR," she said as he wrapped some strange shadow around her wing. "I don't know why Gin lead us here, there must have bee a reason..." she looked around to see if she could find out what they had come here hoping to find.

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