Slave Trade

"That.. That Rock has some inscription on it.. i see forms on it.." he said slowly as he pointed past emily, There was a large round rock. "Uh.. I have an idea how to find them." he called over the other aviates.. "Everyone focus your powers on the rock, maybe its like a key." Dar suggested as he quietly started drawing light and shadows towards the rock.
Kira kept her hands over her head, hoping onslaught of bullets would miss her fragile skull, when suddenly, the gunfire ceased completely. Dust and debris filled the blue-winged Aviate's lungs as she slowly rose to her knees then to her feet. During the attack, she thought she'd heard Emily cry out. Her eyes widened as she realized the female Aviate must have gotten shot.

Looking around, Kira coughed and tried to distinguish the others but her vision was blurred and dust still heavily filled the air. All the foilage around her had been torn to shreds by the bullets. Just then, there was a bright light and the cries of several soldiers. Dar...he must have found the rest of the group. Her eyes searched around her for a source of water; her ability was her only defense and offense mechanism. Cringing, she felt her right shoulder wound. When she pulled her hand back, her fingers were coated in blood. The bullet that had caught her on the beach must have reopened the slash in her shoulder she'd received on the plane.

Lifting her chin, Kira used her wings to propel her up into the wide branches of an oak tree nearby. Maybe she could spot the rest of the group farther up. Her limbs ached as she climbed high up into the very top of the tree. She sighed, relieved, as she spotted Gin and Emily close by and Allen only a bit farther. However, she also saw one of the task force soldiers approaching. Her eyes narrowed and she crouched down, running through a plan in her mind. Waiting as the soldier grew closer and closer, Kira decided to go through with it. She patiently stayed still until he finally reached the base of the tree she was in. Immediately, she then jumped from the tree and slammed against the agent from above, catching him off guard. As they tumbled to the ground, the female Aviate managed to snag his hand gun from his belt then whacked him hard in the head with it, knocking him out.

Panting, Kira wiggled out from under the heavy soldier, who'd fallen on her during the scuffle. Grabbing the agent around his middle, she dragged him to the tree she'd just been in only moments before and used her ability to freeze him to the tree. Her soul was too kind and even though he was a human trying to capture them, she just didn't have the heart to kill him. Instead, she removed all hostile weapons from his person, making sure he was totally useless to the rest of the group. She then ran off in the direction of Gin. Finding the clearing he was in, she slipped out of the heavy foilage. "Gin!" she gasped, "I heard Emily's scream. Is she ok??"
"Kira, i need you to come focus your powers on the rock with the rest of the group" Dar said solidy. "This has to be the entrance to the A.A.R" Dar Explained while Focusing his powers onto the rock, Suddenly they were all surrounding him focusing their powers aswell.. Sudenly they head a Grinding noise.. The Rock was moving and their was a stairway below... He jumped down. "This could only be the A.A.R" he said as he walked down.. Before his eyes he saw A Group of Aviates, Each one dressed in Leather Jackets and Jeans... Some wore Sun Glassses, As he peered past them, he saw Computers and hallways spreading throughout the island.... "We.. We.. are Aviates.." he said to them and suddenly they all looked at them... And one Stepped foward and began to speak.. ((I'll Let Wingal Control the lead Aviate of the A.A.R.))
HilarityInsures said:
"Kira, i need you to come focus your powers on the rock with the rest of the group" Dar said solidy. "This has to be the entrance to the A.A.R" Dar Explained while Focusing his powers onto the rock, Suddenly they were all surrounding him focusing their powers aswell.. Sudenly they head a Grinding noise.. The Rock was moving and their was a stairway below... He jumped down. "This could only be the A.A.R" he said as he walked down.. Before his eyes he saw A Group of Aviates, Each one dressed in Leather Jackets and Jeans... Some wore Sun Glassses, As he peered past them, he saw Computers and hallways spreading throughout the island.... "We.. We.. are Aviates.." he said to them and suddenly they all looked at them... And one Stepped foward and began to speak.. ((I'll Let Wingal Control the lead Aviate of the A.A.R.))
(Sorry hilarity, not part of the plan, we're still in the woods, rock still won't move, soldiers moving in, all seems lost, now there is NOOOOOOOO way we can beat these guys alone, we're weak tired, wounded, and Allen is the only one of us that has any fighting experience. The point of this scene is to emphasize that we are not invincible because we have powers. Nobody starts off a book with the main characters already super bad ass, we have to be dynamic you know? Improve our powers slowly at a reasonable rate that's natural with the story. Smoooothh. From now on if im not here, major changes will be run by [MENTION=2371]Tyra[/MENTION] first. I'll give her an outline of possible events before i'm absent.)

Gin leaped at the stunned soldiers, their momentary blindness giving him a major advantage. He located the nearest two soldiers and disarmed them. The soldiers resisted but their strength hadn't return yet. He used one of the rifles he obtained to strike each soldier in the back of the head with the stock. A short way away Allen was dispatching his own enemy with expert skill. Gin was excited, he could feel the adrenaline coarsing through his veins and it was great. His excitement was short lived however when a single bullet tore through the tree line and buried itself in his shoulder.

"AHH!" Gin cried out, the hot bullet burned from the inside. Gin dashed into the clearing near the rock door to avoid additional shots. His breathing got harder, he grasped his bloody shoulder trying to keep pressure applied. Nearby, Dar was helping Emily who had also been shot, Allen was sheilding their position with his armored wing span and Kira had just rushed to meet him. She asked about Emily.

"She's hit in the wing," Gin sputtered. "And they got my shoulder.." He removed his hand momentarily to reveal a profusely bleeding bullet wound.

"Looks like your hit too." Gin pointed to her own bullet wound. He laughed grimly.

"Looks like this is it guys! I'm not going out on my knees.." The soldiers were closing in. They were surrounded. As the soldiers stepped out of the tree line they kept their rifles trained on the aviates the whole time. Some were cursing the aviates, you could hear the hate in their voices. The soldiers stopped, they formed a circle with the wounded aviates in the middle. Captain Hashal approached from behind his men.

"Well Well. I will give it to you," Hashal was now only a few feet from Gin. " You all sure made that DIFFICULT!" To emphasize that last word he threw a hard punch towards Gin's face. The man was only human so Gin easily could have evaded but instead he caught Hashal's fist. Gin's eyes widened, electricity surged through his body and he fell to his knees and doubled over. Hashal smirked and pointed to his fist.

"Electric-Brass-Knuckles" He laughed. "You all are lucky you're worth more alive." Hashal spat. "Gather the prisoners, strip them for weapons. If they even blink wrong do not hesitate to blow them away." Hashal smiled. He was finaly going to get promoted. As the soldiers began to carry out their orders something mysterious happened.. A light fog crept into the clearing, slowly but surely limiting nearby visibility. The soldiers hesitated, some of them voicing their confusion.

"It's just fog you pansies! Secure these aviates!" Hashal shouted, but aat that moment the fog grew extremely dense, so dense that Gin could not even see the pool of blood that was gathering on the ground below him from his wound. All of the sudden the flashes of gunfire erupted through the fog.. but the bullets were not flying towards the aviates. In fact, he had no idea what they could be shooting at. Immediately following the gunfire, the cries of the soldiers could be heard en mass as seemingly every soldier was crying out in agony.



When the fog cleared a single cloaked figure stood among a sea of dead and bloody soldiers. The figure spoke.

"That's, how it's done." crooned the voice of a female.. The one from earlier...

Gin slowly rose to his feet.

" I thought you were going to leave us to die?"

Gin smirked.
(( Hilarity, you do have cool ideas! It's just, Mowgli is the leader of the group and of the roleplay so you need to pm him about any ideas you have first and make sure it's ok with him before acting them out. Ok? ))

Kira's chocolate brown eyes widened as Gin pulled his hand away from his shoulder, revealing a gruesome bullet wound. "N-not you too!" she exclaimed, gently running her softly fingers around the injury. Glancing to her shoulder, she shook her head, brushing it off as nothing, even though it hurt like hell. "It's nothing...just a nick that reopened a wound is all. The bullet's still lodged in your shoulder!" she fretted, biting her bottom lip hard. How was she to get the bullet out? She had no medical experience whatsoever; not to mention she didn't even have any tools to remove it with. She didn't have long to think, however, when suddenly they were surrounded. Agents poured in from all sides, guns poised, as they created a circle around the pitiful group of Aviates.

Kira stayed glued to Gin's side, almost frozen with fear. All she could do was watch as Hashal approached the male and threw a deadly punch. Gin swiftly caught the blow with his hand, despite his wounded shoulder, but then fingers of electricity began arching over his skin and over his body. "GIN!" Kira screamed, snapping out of her trance. Growling at the commander, she scowled and balled her own fists. She was just about to give him a piece of her mind when a dense fog began to roll in. Everyone stopped to stare as it became thicker and thicker, swallowing up everyone and everything. Suddenly there were flashes of light and bangs of gunfire exploding within the fog. Kira yelped and covered her ears, expecting surely this was was the end. Opening one eye, though, she noticed none of the Aviates were harmed, just the agents.

The fog began to dissipate after the chaos had died down, revealing the slim outline of a hooded figure. She spoke out saying something about that was how it was done. Kira's eyes snapped back and forth between Gin and the figure as Gin replied. " know her?" she asked, not being able to keep her voice nor knees from shaking. She felt she would collapse any moment.
Emily saw the agents surrounding them, saw Gin take the punch with the electrified brass knuckles, saw the fog roll in just when they thought it was all over. She heard the gunshots all around them, and when the fog cleared away there was a single female figure standing before them. Had she alone taken out all the guards and singlehandedly saved them all? Emily stayed where she was, watching as Gin spoke to the figure like he had seen her before.
Alexander glared at the incoming sweep team seeing the bullet pass through both Gin and Kira. As he was about to help he heard the click of the gun being pointed at him and stood still frustrated. He looked over to Gin to see him just barely ducking from a punch that could have easily taken his life. He was a little happy to see he caught the fist but winced as he saw Gin Electrocuted to the point where he was on his knees. As soon as he was going to risk fighting back a fog moved in as he watched the color of guns firing in the dense smoke. He watched as a woman stood out of the fog and the sounds of the Army stopped. Alexander whistled "Don't make her mad" he thought quickly in his head.
Gin turned to Kira.

"Yeah.. You could say we've met.. Briefly." He rubbed the spot on his head were she had kicked him previously. Gin got to his feet and brushed himself off, the pain in his arm causing him to wince slightly. He turned back to the hooded figure.

"What's your name?" Gin asked. The cloaked woman paused for a moment, not saying anything. She then drew back her hood, revealing her face.

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"My name is Claire Zephyr. A 2nd lieutenant of the A.A.R." She said calmly.

"What did you do to them?" Gin motioned to the dead men that littered the ground. Claire Grinned and put her index finger to her temple and tapped it several times.

"I can inspire temporary insanity. They shot themselves.. It only works like that against people that are trained to kill though. On a side note, I should have all of you beaten for endangering our operation! Do you have any idea how to stay under the radar? You all are like a bunch of children--" Gin looked around at his companions, Claire just kept going on and on. Gin had to resist the urge to laugh. They had made it.

"Claire... Claire!" Gin shouted. Claire stopped mid insult to look at him questioningly.

"What do we do now?" He questioned.

"Well.. I've got orders from my superiors that we may be able to take you in. Should you be able to pass certain proficiency tests. Of course you've already passed the first test. That was surviving until I showed up." Claire laughed as if they all hadn't been shot and bleeding. "Follow me." With that word Claire approached the rock face and snapped her fingers, causing the door to oppen fully this time, revealing a staircase that led into the depths of the island.
Kira couldn't help but scowl slightly as the lieutenant went on and on about how naive and stupid they all were. Kira hadn't even been a captive until two days ago; before, she had just lived with her parents who had skillfully kept her safe! She felt her fists loosen though as Gin stopped Claire mid sentence and asked what they were to do next. Snapping her fingers, the lieutenant opened the mysterious stone entrance they had been trying to get into earlier and disappeared into it. Kira looked to Gin nervously, wondering if they should really trust this hooded figure. She hadn't even seen the woman's wings yet. Sighing, the blue winged Aviate rubbed the back of her neck, her knees still knocking together slightly. "I...I guess we should follow, right?" she asked, her voice a mere whisper. After going through such a chaotic circumstance, her vocal chords seemed to have shut down on her.

Dust filled air swirled through the trees around the Aviate group, pushed on by the wind flowing into the island from the West. Dozens of lifeless bodies littered the ground and filled the air with the smell of metal and blood. Kira still had the hand gun grasped in her hand, forgetting it was even there for a moment. She'd never fired a gun before, though, so it really wasn't any use to her, and she set it on the ground gently. Tears filled her eyes at the torn, bloody scenery around them. So much death and destruction... Why did it have to be this way?
Alex watched Gin and the lady talk and smiled seeing how much she could complain if you could give her enough time too. He was glad they passed the first step with at least minimal injuries and wondered what the rest of the tests would be. "Yeah i think we should" He whispered back when he took one more look and didn't notice any wings of her own showing herself to bean aviate. This made him even more suspicious, For all he knew she was just a human with powers. Of course he knew there were humans in the A.A.R but he still didn't like the idea of of his life being saved by one. He made sure he had his rifle and pistol loaded as he walked with the group sometimes glancing down at the dead bodies of fallen agents.
Kira glanced around the clearing, looking for the rest of the group. She'd already seen Alex, Dar, and Gin, but she hadn't caught a glimpse of Emily or Allen yet. Finally though, her sharp eyes spotted the two not far off. She breathed a desperate sigh of relief, seeing they weren't fatally injured or dead. "A-Allen! Emily! Over here!" she called out, waving her hand in the air so they could see. Immediately she cringed and put her hand down, however, an intense burning pain shooting through her arm due to her wound. She could tell, though, by the way that Emily walked she had taken a bullet. It wasn't life-threatening but it must be causing her immense pain.
Allen growled, folding his wings and tossing the empty gun away. The soldiers hand been the only ones shooting; they weren't the only ones trained to kill. He'd had that long ago beaten into him. He hit the button on the leather bands, his wings soon snug against his back.

"Coming Kira!" He called back, moving to stand beside Gin, wrapping a supportive arm around the Aviate on his good side. "Come on, sooner we follow, sooner we get you to stop bleeding like a stuck pig."

Allen looked at Kira, giving her what could have passed as a reasuring smile. Or as close as he could get anyway. "It'll be alright, Kira, I promise." Anything is better than chains or whips. That was how he looked at it anyway.
Kira gritted her teeth together, not from her own pain, but from seeing Gin in so much agony from the bullet wound. Allen gave her a slight, encouraging smile, telling her it was going to be ok, and she tried her best to calm down somewhat. "Ok..," she replied back softly, nodding. The black haired male then put Gin's good arm around his shoulder and hoisted him up for support. Kira would have done the same on his other side but she knew she'd probably only succeed in making Gin's pain worse. Slowly, she moved one shaky leg in front of the other, heading towards the opening underground. Stopping at the doorway, she peered into inky blackness below. The only light in the tunnel appeared to be some lit torches farther down. Swallowing anxiously, she looked back at Allen, Gin, and the rest to see if they were following, then took one step onto the first step in the steep corridor. Her entire body still trembled soflty, but she took a deep breath and tried to remain relaxed.
"Guys.." dar said slowly. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" he said questioning the situation. he just kept going down the steep corridor. he peered back seeing he was the last one going down. Dar suddenly fell to the ground. something happened... he peered at his leg.. Their was a bullet.. He was so caught up in rage he didn't feel it...
Allen and Emily had joined them now, and everyone was fine..ish. Gin seemed to have it the worst, the bullet that hit him was high caliber and it leftt an immense wound. He felt like he was losing too much blood because he grew cold. Thankfully Allen supported him under his good arm.

"Thanks man.." Gin thanked him quietly, he hated feeling weak but there was nothing he could do. He wouldn't turn down a friends help no matter how much it hurt his pride.

"You're right, we don't have much choice." He nodded to Allen.

"We have to trust them, we don't have anywhere else to go." He and Allen then followed Kira into the unknown, his companions right behind him.
Alexander began peering at the group int heir current predicament, He hated the idea of following a random person down a closed space but sighed as he finally gave. He quickly followed to catch up to the rest of the group when he heard someone fall behind him. He quickly turned around to see Dar looking at his leg. He sighed knowing the idiot must have been shot and groaned putting one of his arms over his shoulder and hefted him up, supporting him down the steps.
Down farther and farther Kira went, feeling the steps lightly with her feet first before taking the next step. Who knew how old these ruins were; any of the steps could cave in if corroded enough. Hearing a thump, she turned around just in time to see Dar go down. "Dar?" she called out softly, retracing her steps a bit to her wounded companion. In the dim light, she didn't see what was wrong at first, so she grabbed a torch from the wall and held it to the male Aviate. There was a deep bullet wound in his legs. "Dang it....," she muttered under her breath. That made four wounded, including herself. "Hold on, we'll help you down," she told him, seeing Alex put one of Dar's arms over his own shoulders. Putting the torch back on its holder, she offered him a hand, then slung his other arm around her shoulders. When he was situated, she began descending once more down the eerie stairwell, her steps in sync with Alexander's. It seemed like forever; like the stairs would never end.
"Don't mechon it, Gin; in war, friends are all you have." Allen said, taking the steps easily so as not to jostle Gin to much. Bullet wounds didn't hurt near as bad as dagger in the Aviate's opinion but he knew they hurt, experience told him as much. High caliber ones like the one in Gin's shoulder was deadly if not treated.

He glanced at Dar as the Aviate fell, but he let Alex and Kira deal with it. No sense in burdening himself more; it was hard enough to keep one injured Aviate with severe bloodloss on his feet let alone two.
"So" Alex said continuing to help Dar out glad that Tyra was able to help him. "Allan whats your secret on surviving down there in the battlefield" he asked finally hoping to learn what his capabilities were and maybe a little of his own history,
Allen didn't say anything at first, turning his head away for Gin. finally, hushedly, he started his own short, painful tale. "I've been a slave for as long as I can remember. But, I was always different." He blinked slowly, remembering every painful moment clearly. "I was put in the ring when I was seven by an owner who bet I would die by the second round, at least... I lasted ten rounds...killed my opponent though and won three more fights after..."

He shook his head, "everyone assumed my gift was fighting but I was never sure." He looked at the torch on the wall, the flame dancing in his emotionless eyes. "After that...I had fighting and surviving beaten into me. Whips, chains, tazers, daggers, guns... I felt the sting of them all." He blinked and the flame was gone as he looked ahead. "I had killing beaten into me. Everytime I didn't kill an opponent, I was beaten. When I was eleven I had the steel plates put on my wings, by an owner who thought I was worth he extra coin."

He looked away again, eyes closing, "After that, fighting was all I knew, is all I know. The plane we were on...I wasn't supposed to be. I crossed my owner, he managed to pull strings. I was going to be killed when we made it to the isle. I'd used up my worth." He looked ahead again, voice still as monotone as when he began, "I fight and kill because I had it beaten into me. But...I don't want that for any of all saved my life when we crashed that plane...the least I can do is protect you in return."
Alexander listened to Allan's life story slightly shocked by how harsh humans could be. After it was over he glanced at Allan for a while taking it all in of what he's been through. He sighed thinking about his life for a bit. "Well Technically I wasn't apart of that" he remarked also taking a look at his wings just now noticing how much more lust it had then a normal wing. "But trust me the first rule of freedom is to survive" he said sternly. "Anything after that is your decision but if your gonna protect somebody make sure you don't risk your life unless your sure you will live afterwards" he added. "It only makes the person you saved even sadder" he finished.
Kira listened carefully to the tragic story of Allen's life. Tears glazed over her brown eyes, just hearing of all the things he went through. All her life, she'd had it good. Her parents loved her and respected her talent, encouraging her to fly and use her wings with pride. It stung that she couldn't do more for him. She wished she could reach into his mind and pull out all those horrible memories and replace them with the love, warmth, and safety he never knew. "I-I' sorry, Allen...," she murmured, her voice full of compassion.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Finally after seemed like an eternity, they reached the bottom of the steps. Following the lieutenant's fleeting form, they walked on, down a few more stone corridors. Slowly the walls began changing from stone, more to metal, then to normal. Everything began looking cleaner and nicer the farther they went. Doors began appearing in the walls they limped by and soon, the lieutenant led them to one in particular, swinging it open. Inside was a small infirmary with about a dozen cots, a few tables, and several cabinets brimming with medical supplies.

Kira shuffled over to the nearest bed with Dar, laying him down gently upon it. "It's going to be alright," she told him, looking over at Gin, "We'll get you both fixed up. Don't you worry." Straightening up, she then walked over to Allen, after he had gotten Gin situated on a cot. Before she could stop herself, she had thrown her arms around his middle and was squeezing him tightly. "Thank you...for keeping my spirits up and helping us all. I promise you, I'm going to make it up to you...," she told him softly, pulling away shyly.
When the group arrived at the infirmary Allen allowed Gin to flop onto a nearby cot shortly before Kira embraced him. Allen's life story was tragic.. Gin didn't have the most comfortable life, his parents were dirt poor but they all loved each other and they never rejected him for what he was. Allen's life was long and torturous, but if one good thing came from it, it made him hard and fierce. Two qualities that, as of late, Gin had appreciated more and more.

The 2nd Lieutenant turned to face them.

"Get yourselves patched up, there will be a nurse here shortly. First mess (military jargon for breakfast) is at 0730 hours. It's currently 0600 hours. After that, we'll get you acquainted with the commanding officer. He'll decide what to do with you." The 2nd Lieutenant then turned on her heels and exited the room.

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