Slave Trade

(( Oh my gosh, I just have to say the new pic looks almost exactly like my main charie, Tyra. xD Though Tyra would have Dragon wings, not feathered ones. :3 Just a fun fact for y'all, haha. Cool pic, Kait! ))
((That's so funny xD &&Thanks :3 I was wondering why my skelly was a girl with brown hair. Just copy pasted the wrong one I suppose.))
((Mogwli, Dar is a guy.)) Dar realized they were all staring at him and started to stand up and walk away. Dar walked about five feet before getting lost... This would be a hard time... Dar felt a bit dizzy and turned around and walked back in... "Hey guys... Where are we?" he said not fully remembering their location...
(what??? that post doesn't make sense...)

Once everyone had eaaten their fill the second Lieutenant instructed them to follow her. The aviates walked to the back of the Grand Hall towards another set of double doors with brass handles, except these were wooden. As they made their way towards the doors Gin pondered the organization around him. The scale of this operation was massive, the A.A.R. must have been well established for a long time. He wondered how they kept all of this a secret from the government for so long. Gin thought the government knew everything, but some how they had mannaged to slip under the radar, even being this close to The Island itself! He figured they must be only a few miles away from the island, 10 at max..

Gin's thoughts were interrupted when suddenly they changed coursse. A short way away from the wooden doors was another smaller wooden door with a smaller version of the brass handles on the large double-doors. The stepped through the doorway and immediately found themselves on a spiral staircase heading downwards. After what seemed like an impossible distance the met a smaller version of the large red double-doors. Upon its opening nthe aviate group found themselves in a long well lit office room with a menacing figure standing to meet them in the middle. The figure said nothing. Instead he simply waited for the group to approach him and allowed the 2nd Lieutenant to introduce him.

"This is Major Franklin Durst. He is the commanding officer in this sect and you will show the proper respect." It was not a question. Gin could tell that the 2nd Lieutenant took her job very seriously. Major Durst stepped into the light, his face was harsh and wide set, he had a bald head and a short beard. The clothing he wore was different from the others. He wore a cloak but it was not like those that the human members wore. It was thin and solid black, the sleeves, bottom, and the part around his neck were trimmed in scarlet. At first it appeared that he had no wings, but just before he started speaking they became visible. Slowly, starting at the top moving to the bottom, his wings started to apear as if from nothing until a massive set of blood red wings were before them.

"Welcome to the A.A.R." His voice wasn't mean but it was rough and raspy. " I heard you all put up quite the fight up there." He pointed to the ceiling, meaning the top of the island.

"We could always use more recruits.." He looked at them carefully, then strode over to his desk and picked up several packets. Paging through them he walked back over to the group.

" Let's see... Gin Rummy, son of Daniel and Judy..." He then proceeded to sound off every major detail of each of their lives, even Alexanders. When he was done he looked up at them and smirked.

"You see.. your escape, your discovery of Alex here, your cave hide out spot, everything. We know about it all, and what's more, it was no accident." He stopped to glance at everyones confused looks then continued. " WE brought you here for a reason. WE helped you get off that plane, WE did everything, you were never alone." The major paused for a moment to set down his files.

"Look, the fact of the matter is that we need you. We have reason to believe that your particular group was together for a reason, we think that the director had something specific planned for you. If we are right, you all have a special genome mutation. Now it's sort of complicated but, the aviate strain in itself is a mutation, you all knew that right?" Everyone nodded.

"Well this mutation takes it one step further, we believe that the powers that you currently posses can be enhanced. Normally, with some training, any aviate can enhance their power to a certain degree, but all of you.. We think that you can break the barrier..."
"Are you sure?" dar asked questioningly listening to the Major... "I..I..Mean... I've noticed we're strong but i don't think we are that strong..." dar started thinking.. Dar was a thinking a bit too hard and the lights started to flicker... "Uh sorry.." he stopped, He didn't know he could control light from Electricity..... Dar was a bit embarassed so he stepped back into the line next to the group.. Gin on his left and Emily on his right...
Kira's vivid purple eyes gazed around at her surroundings as the group was led everywhere from long corridors to spiral staircases, finally reaching a intricately carved wooden door with shimmery brass handles. As they entered, they were introduced to an important major, Franklin Durst. She stood quietly and at attention, listening carefully to every word he explained. Her mouth formed a small "o" in astonishment as he relayed every detail of her own personal life even up to the little farm boy that had betrayed her. " did he know that?" she thought, amazed and a bit frightened at how much the major knew. She didn't have much time to debate over it, though, as he started another tangent, this time about their special abilities. So there was a way to improve her waterbending!

Kira's already wide eyes seemed to dance as he explained what he thought the group was capable of. Excitement filled her on the inside; she couldn't wait to start practicing. Just then, a thought hit her. Her father had been working with the A.A.R. Maybe this major knew him. Raising her hand, she waited until the general finished talking then stepped forward. "Excuse me, Sir, but I...I believe my father was apart of the A.A.R. His name was Donovan Conner. I don't know if you worked with him personally....but when the government attacked my house, that was the last time I saw my parents. I just...I need to know if they're ok," she spoke up, her hands trembling slightly.

(( You can make up whatever you want about her father if you want, Mowgli. X3 My thoughts were that he was a geneticist working with the A.A.R., studying and conducting advance research on Aviate mutations. If you don't know what to say about him, you can just say they knew him but hadn't had contact from him yet or he'd gone missing, dropping off the grid or something, since the fire. :3 ))
Dar suddenly realized why he was an orphan... "Major Durst?" he spoke out, Being the only other one to speak so far.. "Do you know where my parents are?" the question pierced the air... The orphan had asked the question that couldn't have an answer, but they knew everything... "I.. I.. I've never met them..." he said slowly.. Dar was staring at him directly in the eye waiting for an answer...

Meanwhile his mind was flickering.. With the power he was talking about he could make Las Vegas black out.. His eyes wandering around the room.. The picture hung on the wall... the floor a bright mahogany wood.. he then started thinking about the names Durst had said.. Thomas and Melissa...
Allen stood silent, even when the Major brought up his own past. Slave. No other way to put it. But there was nothing to be done about it now. And he refused to get into the others past at all, tuning out the Major's voice. He didn't want to know, because the less he knew, the less there'd be to tell if he got caught. Not that he'd let that happen; he'd kill himself first.

He peeked up, listening to the Major when he said 'enhanced'. Possible, probably, but Allen didn't want to think about it. He'd been beaten to keep his gift strong and lethal, he didn't want to think about what might have to be done to try and make it stronger; the break that barrier. But, like for years before, he wouldn't argue. He wouldn't complain. He wouldn't object. Because there was no point in it.

" do you propose we break that barrier?" Allen voice was monotone, not hinting at his thoughts.
"Practice...." dar said... Dar seemed to feel like he grasped the idea Durst had.. "Not just practice... Extreme practice...." dar then took a pause.. "If it involves BIG needles im out"
(no no i like the geneticist thing, he's going to be captive)

The Major turned to Dar.

"Yes i'm quite sure young man."Next he turned to Allen.

" A certain amount of practice.. I won't lie, there might be a procedure that you will all have to go through to truly unlock the powers of your specific genomes, however, its not the kind of procedure you might think, you'll see. No needles." the major actually smiled slightly for just an instant.

Finally he turned to Kira and gave her an odd look.

"Your father.. Your father was invaluable member of this operation. He was our lead geneticist and he was actually working on decoding all of your genes. However, in a turn of events that we had not expected, he was captured soon after you were Kira.. We are not sure if he is alive but we are assuming that the director wants him alive. He was a great man and it grieves me to know that Don-Cid got his grubby hands on him." There was a solid note of anger to his words. Suddenly the Major seemed as if he was in a hurry.

"I'm sorry people but I have things to do. All we be explained in time, for now the 2nd Lieutenant will introduce you to your new instructors. We will waste no time honing you all into razor sharp weapons. Emily, I believe the nurse has already spoken with you, she will be your instructor. Oh, and Lieutenant, fetch them their uniforms as well. Dismissed!" The 2nd Lieutenant saluted and turned on her heels, ushering them from the room.
"Uniforms? Ho-ho" Dar said making a joke about the situation. He suddenly realized what the major had said.. When they were dismissed he started wandering around Messing with lights.. He found a Door that said Library and walked inside.. It was a bit dark and dusty, So he made it brighter... Dar walked over to a table.. Being alone in the room he started grabbing books and read about the aviates history..
(( Mkay. :3 ))

"So that's what he used to draw my blood for...," Kira thought to herself. Once a month, her father had personally drawn some of Kira's blood into a tube. He claimed it was for her own wellfare and it probably was partly, but now she knew the whole truth. He must have kept it from her to keep her safe. If she'd known anything about the A.A.R., the government could possibly have found a way to squeeze it out of her one way or another, more than likely through torture. Her spirits dropped and her heart almost stopped; she didn't want to hear this information meeting her ears. Her father...captured?! No, it couldn't be true! If her father was captured, was her mother also? What if they'd found her mother useless and...and killed her?

Kira just stood there, mortified, several minutes after they'd been dismissed, the lieutenant having to force her out of the room. Her breathing shook as she tried to maintain a calm mind, but inside, she could feel everything falling apart. Clenching her eyes shut, she gritted her teeth and balled her fists. No. Her father was strong, he was a fighter, and the government needed him for his research. As long as he had knowledge they needed, they would keep him alive. But who knows how long it would take before they would finally get it out of him. Then he would be of no use to them...

Snapping back to the current situation at hand, Kira tried to hold back tears, breaking through the crowd and disappearing down the hall. To where she was fleeing physically? She didn't know. All she knew is she was trying to flee mentally from that awful information. Part of her refused to believe he was in the government's hands while another was in despair about the news. Eventually running herself ragged, Kira slumped down in a corner next to the spiral staircase and hugged her knees, burying her face into them.
Allen watched Kira, trying to uncover an old emotion that would help. Concern. That was what he needed. But could be drag it up without dragging up others? He didn't know, but he followed her down the hall, glancing back at the liuetenant before disappearing.

He stopped when she sat beside the staircase, thinking again before going forward and crouching down beside her. Carefully, uncertain, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "'ll be alright...I'm sure your father will be fine...he studies us, they need him." Allen paused again, thinking, "When the Major says we're ready...I'll help you get him back...if you want... I never had a family, I don't want you to lose yours."
At the soft touch on her shoulder, Kira jerked up, her cheeks stained with tears. She found herself looking into the face of Allen, surprised since she thought no one had followed her. She furiously rubbed her eyes with her fists, embarrassed that he'd seen her crying, and looked away, though she couldn't help but listen to his voice. "I...I suppose you're right," she finally answered, her voice shaky. She allowed herself to look over at him once more. He seemed genuinely concerned, which even though concern alone wouldn't bring her father back, it made her feel a little better. When he promised to help her get him back, her violet eyes widened some. "You that?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yea..." Allen said, looking at her. Other emotions tried coming to the surface but he forced them down. Concern was enough. He couldn't risk anymore than that or he'd break down. All the pain from the years before, the hurt of never knowing who he was. He'd be overwhelmed, because he wasn't ready. He would never be ready.

"The only family I had was the whips and pain from humans. We weren't allowed to talk with other Aviates." Allen said, hand still softly touching her shoulder. "But I know that parents love their kids...and kids love their parents." The screams of Aviate children being ripped from their caged mothers arms was enough to know that. "I'll help you get him back, I swear it."
Emily stood quietly the whole time the Major had been explaining things. She was kind of shocked that the AAR knew so much about her, especially since she'd been homeless for so long and had almost fallen under the radar completely before she was captured. She couldn't help but wonder who had been spying on her to figure out so much about her. Luckily there still wasn't that much to be said about her other than the fact that she'd been living on the streets for so long.

~Uniforms?~ She thought. ~What are we, X-Men??~ Silently she walked along behind the others, wondering what kind of training they would be going through. Maybe after hers, she would be as great a healer as the nurse who was supposed to be her instructor! She smiled slightly at the though but remained quiet as she kept close to the group.
After just a moment of following the Lieutenant back the way they had come from, Gin came to realize that everyone was gone. He stopped in his tracks and did a brief search of the general area. Everyone had wandered off except he and Emily. They were now alone with the Lieutenant. She led them all the way back to the infirmary but instead of going in they proceeded a short way down the hall an entered a rather plain looking room. The room was perfectly square with five doors on the wall directly across from the door they had entered through.

"What size are you?" The Lieutenant said. Gin proceeded to tell her his measurements and walked to the first door. Before she opened the door she entered something into a digital key pad right next to it. Upon opening the door Gin saw that there wasn't a room on the other side, but a single rack of clothing. The Lieutenant pulled all the clothes of the rack and threw them at Gin.

"This is your new uniform, tell the others that when they are ready, to approach this door and enter their measurements on this key pad along with their respective genders and this room will produce them a uniform. This is all you need for now, your instructor will meet you in the infirmary, get dressed and prepare to meet him. And if you see your friends tell them to stop lollygagging and to report here."

"You next." The Lieutenant said to Emily.
Kira almost went back into more tears at such kind words coming from Allen's mouth. She knew if she tried to speak, she would just break down so she nodded her head. Knowing Allen was awkward when it came to hugs, she simply placed her hand over his that was on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. Rising to her feet, she took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes again, hoping they weren't all red and puffy when she would meet up with the others later. "T-thank you...," she finally managed to say, giving Allen a sad smile, "You parents are loving people. If...if they're still alive, I have no doubt that they could take you in, give you a roof over your head. wouldn't have to stay, but it would at least get you on your feet again," she told him shyly, not sure how he'd respond to it, "But it's your choice. I just thought I'd put the offer out there..."
Emily nodded and stepped forward. She quietly told the Lieutenant her measurements so no one would hear, just as any girl would. She pushed the measurements into the key pad and out came Emily's uniform. The lieutenant handed it over to Emily, who looked it all over.

((I would post something more descriptive about the outfits but I don't know what they look like))
Dar wandered into the room and told the general his size.. Out came the uniform... He fit into the slender black uniform and was amazed by how tightly it felt but how manuverable he was able to move..

((Thinking they look like.. BOOM

View attachment 4807))
Allen thought about it a second, then said slowly, "I...I think I'd like that..." He felt he emotions again and pushed them away. Not now. He gently helped Kira to her feet, giving her an uncertain, unsteady half-smile. Not used to this was definalty a good way to put this. He could only do so much. "Come on, we should find Gin and the lieutenant." Her eyes weren't really red or puffy, but even if they were, the color of them would draw eyes away from that.
Dar started dashing around looking for Emily, and the Others he finally found Emily. "Hey!" he said as he found her walking down a hall.. "Follow me i have something i want to show you" he said dragging Emily towards the library...
Kira seemed to perk up a bit when he agreed to stay with them. For such a long time, Kira had been alone. She couldn't play or hang out with other kids growing up because of her wings; they were hard to strap down underneath her shirt without noticing and her mother didn't want to take any chances, wanting to protect her only daughter at all costs. The blue winged girl nodded once more in agreement. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I hated straying from the group because this place is so vast...can we find our way back? Most of the these hallways look the same to me...," she stated, rubbing the back of her neck and smiling sheepishly. Her eyes flitted back and forth, looking down the three separate ways they could go. "Uhh...I think it was...that way?" she suggested, pointing back the way Allen had come. Sure enough, the sound of the lieutenant's sharp voice could be heard echoing from that direction. Turning to Allen, she motioned slightly with her hand for him to follow. "Come on, I think I hear that lieutenant spouting orders again," she said, beginning to walk down the hall.

If Allen followed, it wasn't long before the two reached Gin and Emily. Seeing the new clothing in their hands, Kira tilted her head to the side. "Uniforms? Weird, but kind of cool," she commented, peering down at the suits. "I'm guessing there's one for each of us. If so, where do we get them? I...I wasn't really paying attention back there," she admitted reluctantly.
Dar was standing next to emily when they arrived.. "Hey Guys, Head down.. There, Take a left, a Right, and go straight till you see a Red Door that say S.U.I.T" Dar explained to Kira. "Now come on emily" dar said as he started to walk towards the library,
Allen nodded, following and locking the concern away again. No emotion was part of him. Maybe one day, if this was ever over, he'd let his emotions return. But for now it was better to be detatched. He looked at the uniforms with a slightly raised eyebrow, not liking the idea at all. He had always wore things that suited him, things that kept out of his way. He didn't like uniforms because, no matter how they were designed, the always got in his way. He ripped plenty his first few fighting years. They finally let him wear whatever came to hand, which was wife beaters and jeans.

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