Slave Trade

((Wife beaters? I can't believe they are called that)) Dar Pulled down a book and flipped to a page the title read 'Powers' he took a breath and handed it to Emily.
((I leave for ten minutes, come back and Emily's in a library >_> aren't they supposed to be meeting with instructors??))

Emily looked at the book Dar had pushed into her hands. "What are you doing?" she asked. They should be training so that they would stand a chance against the humans. She looked at the page he'd turned to. "What's this?"
Dar took a moment to figure out what she was talking about "It just said that The Greatest Healer of the Aviate, Who passed away 40 years ago had Periwinkle Wings, Like you do..." he took a moment to wait for her reaction.
((woah woah woah Hilarity Kaits right, you cant just keep bunnying people. And your post lengths are dissapointing man, be more descriptive and stick with the story yo.))
((Sorry Hilarity I'm going to move her back with the others))

Emily closed the book, handing it back. "It doesn't matter, I don't think wings make a difference." She wasn't going to try to compare herself to some great healer. She would be lucky enough if she could learn to heal others. "Come on, we should go back." she walked back through the maze of halls and met up with the rest of the group. "What's going on?" she asked. "Are we going to meet the instructors now?"
Once everyone was outfitted and ready the Lieutenant led them to another door, before opening it she said:

"Your instructors are inside, one of them you have already met, (nurse) the rest are complete strangers to you but you will treat them with respect. We have specially brought in world class aviates to hone you all into the most elite of weapons. Are you all ready?" At the groups approval she opened the door, they stepped in to find six instructors staring back at them.

(I will post your own personal instructors picture in the character sheet thread.)
Dar approached his instructor (Judah) and Greeted him. "Hello sir," he waited for a response from the aviate that was a stranger to him so far. He studied his Flowing Orange hair and started to pick him apart in his Mind... he controls light I'm guessing... He Seems Familiar.. he looked at Judah's white clothes which seemed partly off white and the gold buttons seems priceless.. Judah's Yellow wings, Bright as the sun, stood out from the others.. he stared at his shoes, Black and seeming endlessly controlled by shadows... He looked at Durst, He had given him the right instructor.. ((Better Post Length! Accomplished. Expect them being at least this long))
((also everyone note the new Character Tracking Sheet. Just below the instructor pictures. It'll help us all keep track of everything and ill update it as we go along.))
Kira, when she had received her uniform, she ran off for several moments, returning quickly and fully dressed. The new outfit was definitely form fitting and wasn't something Kira was used to, but she figured it wouldn't bother her later on after she got used to the feeling. Running up beside Allen, she smiled at him. "Don't worry, it's not that bad," she whispered to him, "It just takes some getting used to." As the group entered the room after the lieutenant, Kira's eyes filled with excitement. There before the group was a trainer for each one of them, skilled in the exact art each one of them needed to learn. Quickly, she spotted her own trainer. She hesitated shyly, glancing around at the rest of the group then slowly venturing towards her. Her trainer's hair was a striking blue while her wings were swirled cobalt, white, and aqua, resembling the ocean's crashing waves. She gave Kira a warm smile.

"No need to be frightened, I don't bite," the trainer greeted Kira warmly, holding out her hand and laying it on the teenager's shoulder, "My name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Read. You must be Kira..." Kira smiled in return and nodded. "Yes. It is an honor to meet you," she replied, a bit breathlessly. She just couldn't believe there was another like her, standing here right before her eyes! "Now, I must warn you. This isn't a hawaiin vacation. Your training will be vigorous and tough," Elizabeth warned the violet-eyed Aviate. Kira in turn nodded once more. "I understand...I will do my best," she replied confidently. Elizabeth smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear. Today, though, I know you've been through so much. Take today to rest, and we will begin training tomorrow morning, bright and early. You, along with the rest of your group, will be shown to your rooms shortly by Lieutenant Zephyr."

Kira acknowledged that she heard and understanded, her eyes simply shimmering. She would learn so much from Elizabeth, she just knew it.
Alex Walked with the group silently all of his senses focused to their extent mostly cautious of the seemingly friendly humans walking around with other aviates. Though he had to admit the breakfast did calm him down a bit about their forced environment. After listening to the commander in his office he bit his tongue to refuse asking about his own parents. Alex looked at his new uniform oddly putting it on trying to get used to the feeling"Not what i would pick" he commented. As they left he was more then curious about his new trainer. "This should be fun" Alex said to himself walking into the room and eyeing the six new individuals looking back at him.

Even though he had no idea his eyes met with a Male aviate a year or two older then himself. He walked instinctively over to him as neither of them seem to say anything but kept direct eye contact. Alex had to admit the guy looked impressive with his Fire Red wings seeming to glow and the blond hair that seemed to match him perfectly. "They both looked at each other for another minute before The Aviate began laughing. "I knew they would give me you if I asked" he said holding out his hand. "Jacob, Jacob Fuller" he said as Alex too his hand. "Alexander Shepard" he replied back as he felt a growing heat in his hand and pulled away to notice his hand was smoking. "I heard you can survive almost any situation" Jacob began eyeing Him up and down. "So your first lesson will be increasing your capacity for pain" he said with a grin. "So after we get down with this you'll be able to be set on fire without feeling a thing" he said simply with that same grin. He sighed putting on his same grin" Sounds fun to me" he replied, but on the inside he had a nervous feeling about what was going to happen.

"Lucky for you and me both you guys start tomorrow so take this time to Rest and think about your new situations" he said patting him on his shoulder. "Dont worry when i'm done with you, your gonna be one Tough aviate" he said almost teacher like as Alex just nodded.
Allen rolled his shoulder, not feeling comfortable in the uniform at all. But he gave Kira an 'if you say so' half smile; it was the best he could do. He hated uniforms, they meant conformity. They meant rules. They meant orders and rank and...for him they meant pain. Pain because the uniforms he'd had, and had seen, had been on humans that hurt him and had been on those he'd fought. Uniforms just weren't his thing, never would be, and first chance he got it was back in the old wife beater and jeans.

He looked at the six before them, easily picking out his from the others. The brown wings matched his hair, and the hair covered his eyes so Allen couldn't see them. But that wasn't what told Allen that this guy was a similar spirit to his own. His wings were covered in scars, as was the visible skin. It made Allen more at ease, he supposed, with the fact that this was his instructor. A man that understood fighting and likely would be a little simpler to relate too.

Allen went forward, standing before the man and, for a moment, they simple stared at each other. No words, nothing. Then the man cracked a half smile, one that Allen returned. He held out his hand and, as Allen took it in a firm grip, he spoke.

"Christian Zephyr. I'm the lieutenant's brother. Call me Chris."

"Allen MacArthur. No family. Call me Al." Allen let go and rolled his shoulder again, the leather bands still holding his wings but standing out against the cloth of the uniform. But he couldn't hold his steel plated wings up on his own and didn't want to start now.

Christian said, "After breakfast tomorrow, meet me here. In something comfortable, because we'll be training. The lieutenant and major like the uniforms but...I find it easier to fight in something I can move in."

"Couldn't agree more." Allen said, walking back and standing beside Kira again. His bound wings flexed slightly and he still had a lingering half-smirk. Yes, he could get along with Christian.
Kira turned to see Allen return after the conversation with his own trainer. She smiled timidly at him. Clasping her hands behind her back, she leaned over whispering, "So? How'd it go?" Her eyes still danced in anticipation for the training that was to commence the next day. What would await? Obstacle courses? Heavy workout routines? She was a bit frightened at how hard the trainers might work all of them. She'd never trained in her entire life. Of course she'd practiced flying and a bit of her water powers, but nothing close to what these Aviates were implying.
"Went...good." Allen said, stumbling over the word good. He wasn't used to saying it. "He's a fighter, and he's letting me wear whatever I'm comfortable in because he understands that the easier it is to move the less likely an Aviate is to get killed." His voice was still monotone, and he was whispering, but it didn't matter. He felt okay about this for now, but tomorrow would be a different story. Tomorrow, he wouldn't be just training, he'd be fighting his old demons, his own instincts to kill. He get sloppy because of it, he'd seem less, but he was beaten to kill not give mercy or leniency to. "How'd it go with yours?"
Gin stared at the instructors. Some looked friendly and some looked fearsome. He scanned their faces and picked out his instructor. As he was making his way over to him he noticed that his companions instinctively knew their own instructors as well, his own instructor was one of the fearsome ones. The man was garbed in all black and wore a pensive expression. When he got within a few feet his instructor raised his hand, gesturing for him to stop.

"Haden Noir." He said simply.

"I'm Gin Rummy, it's an hon-" Gin was cut off in the middle of his sentence by a massive blow to his cheek. The strike lifted him off his feet and tossed him several yards away. When Gin recovered he found himself face to face with his instructor.

"Lesson 1: Don't let your guard down." Haden then turned his back on Gin and began walking towards the door. Before he exited the room he turned to Gin once more and said: "Be here after breakfast tomorrow. Don't keep me waiting." With that, he was gone. Gin glowered at the spot where his instructor was just moments before. He turned to the Lieutenant.

"What was that all about? Why do I keep getting jacked in the face!?" Gin spat blood and rubbed his cheek. Claire just laughed.

"You had better get used to it. He's the no nonsense type. No matter what happens though, you will show him respect. Understood."

"Fine." Gin said as he looked away, still in shock at the brutality of the aviate instructor.
((Crap, im at my grandma's house on the eastern shore Delmarva Peninsula of AMERICA. and so i can't post much, so sorry for lack of posts ))
" went really well," Kira responded, smiling, "That's great. I'm glad you got someone you could really connect with." Gently reaching up, she ran her fingers over her bandaged shoulder, wincing slightly. That was the only thing that worried her. Her shoulder hadn't been healed by the nurse and she had to make due with wrapping it herself. It definitely wouldn't be healed by the following morning and she wondered if her trainer would think any less of her for not being in top condition. Sighing, she picked at the uniform's collar, finding it a bit stuffy; not to mention she felt a little self conscious wearing it. Maybe she could convince Elizabeth to let her wear something more...more comfortable.

Kira flinched as a loud slap echoed throughout the room. Just then, Gin flew in front of her eyes, skidding on the floor a few yards away. "Gin?!" she exclaimed, running over to him, "Are you ok?" Reaching out, she helped him to his feet. "What...what just happened?? Did your instructor do that to you?" Her eyes widened as she praised God inside for giving her a nice teacher; she didn't know if she could have coped with an overly harsh one.
Emily walked into the room to see the six instructors. She saw the nurse from earlier standing there with her pure white wings shimmering. She walked over to her and greeted her. Once they were acquainted, they started talking about the training. "It won't be as vigorous as the others' training," said the nurse. "But once you've mastered your gift, using it will be more difficult than any training. To heal others, you must give them part of your life." Emily looked confused at the nurse's words. "You cannot physically generate life, it must have a natural source. That source is you. As you heal others, you will be drained. You must carefully monitor this, because if you give away too much life to others, you will end your own life." Emily's face paled. She never knew that's how it worked. No wonder the nurse looked so tired after healing her companions. "We will meet bright and early tomorrow." The instructor examined Emily's wings. "As you learn more, and as you give more life to others and become a better healer and save the lives of others, your wings will become lighter. You're purity, kindness, and selflessness will, in the end, turn your wings pure white." Emily knew now that this nurse had contributed much of her energy to healing, which is why her's were like white fluffy clouds. "Dismissed." said the nurse, then she turned to leave. Emily watched her go, wondering what was in store for her tomorrow.
Allen's teeth ground and he was tempted to go after the instructor. Started to, actually, but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked, finding Christian. His look was understanding, but firm. "Lesson one, control. Haden is not one to cross or go after. Control, Al, that's your first lesson. I know those chains didn't help, your instinct is to get back because of it. It's not fueled by anger, it's just who you became. Now, control it."

Allen didn't move then he sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Alright."

"Good, keep working at it...who knows, you might be able to cross fist with Haden at some point." Christian said, walking away.

"Can't wait..." Allen muttered, walking over to Gin and Kira. "You alright Gin? No perment damage done?"
Alexander walked over to the group trying to ignore What happened to Gin because he would have tried going over after the man. Jcobs words ran through his head as he couldnt imagine what they could possibly do. He pushed all the thoughts out when he reached the rest of them"Ill handle it tomorrow" he thought looking at them.

"You Alright buddy it looks like you have one heck of a mentor" he replied glancing over his mentor once more before he left.
"I'm fine." Gin looked at his friends, he put on a brave grin. "Nothing I can't handle." Kira helped Gin to his feet. "I am kinda worried about training tomorrow now though." He laughed. "How did it go with you guy's instructors? Did you like them?" He pondered his own instructor. After the initial anger wore off he realized that if he wanted to take on the government he would need the strength and discipline that Haden could offer him. However; Gin made a silent vow to himself that he would surpass Haden and become the master.
Emily walked back over to the group. When Gin asked if they liked their instructors, she gave a silent nod. So she could heal people, but had to take time between them to recharge her own life force... And if she healed too many at once... She would die. That was scary. How would she know where her boundaries were? If everything was as the nurse said, then she would have to push her limits. But what if she pushed them too far too soon? She said the training wouldn't be as intense as the other Aviates, but hers could kill her if she wasn't careful. No pressure, right?
Brave face. Not bad for Gin. He should work on the emotionless one though. It would serve him better. The less people saw, the less they could tap into, the less manipulation there was to be had. "Christian's good, and he's the lieutenant's brother. But I guess more than that, he knows my past. And doesn't judge me about it." He rolled his shoulder, coughing slightly. He looked at Kira and said, "If you want, I can stitch up that shoulder for you. Best you be as well as possible, and sense the nurse is out, I can help."
Kira's face was a mix of concern for the Aviate leader of their little surviving group and anger towards the trainer. How could he just slap someone across the room? Did he have ANY idea what they'd just been through in the last few days?! They practically exploded in a plane crash, died of exhaustion, and almost got massacred by a surprise government task force. Kira felt like flying after him and giving him a piece of her mind as well as her fist. Sighing, though, she knew Gin probably needed her support and going after Haden would be a stupid move. She had no fighting skills...

Allen's voice snapped Kira from her deep thoughts and she looked to face him. When he offered to sew up her shoulder, she blinked and looked over to her bandaged wound, only to see that blood had begun to seep through the gauze, turning it a bright red. Reaching over, she gently grazed it with her fingers, causing herself to cringe. Her violet eyes searched his face for a moment. Could she trust him to do a good job? To not mess up her shoulder anymore in the process? Her eyes met his for just a few moments, and she knew. She could trust him. "Only if you promise to numb me first...," she finally chuckled in reply, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I can do that." Allen said, giving her a soft smirk. One he'd never had before. He went to one of the counters and pulled out a bottle of morphine and a needle, grabbing an already fixed thread a needle as well before walking back. His face was emotionless again, as it was always. Or most always. Still, he motioned her to sit on one of the cots while he fixed the morphine dose. No, he'd never used morphine, but he knew how much to give her because he'd watched humans do the same in the past. Her height and weight, she only needed one cc or shed be out cold.
Kira began to follow Allen but paused, realizing the uniform she wore had short sleeves. They'd be hard to maneuver around and if he was going to stitch up her shoulder, she wanted him to do it right and not be hindered. Seeing Elizabeth just disappear through the exit, she swiftly ran after her, also vanishing through the door. Several minutes later, she was back again, but the top half of her uniform had been replaced with a tank top, making it much easier for Allen to get to her wounded shoulder, courtesy from Elizabeth herself.

Making her way over to the cot, Kira sat down, taking a deep breath. She gripped the bedside tightly, still quite nervous about what Allen was about to do. Her deep violet eyes watched his every move with precision and her throat became a bit dry from anxiousness at the sight of the surgical sewing needle.

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