Slave Trade

"I haven't died yet, and not every bullet up there was fired by the guards." Allen said, readjusting his grip on Gin. "Manupulation worked on killers, of which I am...I just happened to be aiming the right way." He rolled his neck, hearing the stiff vertebrae pop. "And this is my first taste of freedom, so surviving is not at the top of my list. If I live, great, if not...well. It's our nature to cope with death, to move on...or at least, it was back in the cages. I will risk my life for anyone I want and worry about what happens after when it happens."

He looked at Kira, slightly confused. No one had ever told him sorry before. He wasn't used to it. "Don't be, it made me the fighter I am. I don't think...I don think I would've understood having a normal life. I can at least cope with this one because I understand it."

Allen had only just sat Gin on a bed and was looking for something to tend to his wound, as he was often used to doing, when Kira's arms wrapped around him. He didn't know what to do. Simple as that. So he stood still till she let go. He finally found his voice again, "Don't worry, there's nothing to make up for. It's just my life. I'm more than used to it." he turned back to Gin, picking up a box of nearby medical tools, "Now, let me see what I can do to patch up this hole, shall I?"
Seeing Allen was alright and not majorly injured, Kira swung her arm back, then sockedhim in the shoulder with her fist. "That's for scaring the crap outof me, going off in the front line by yourself," she explained, chucklingsoftly. Glancing at Gin, she added, "I would have punched you too, but obviously I think you've had enough of a beating for one day." Shaking her head, she laughed a bit.

Kira eyed the sharp medical tools nervously, clasping her hands together. "I-I'm not so sure...maybe we should wait for the nurse. I don't know about you guys but I barely have any medical experience," she spoke up, her eyes flitting around to everyone in the room. Hearing Alexander speak of being honest and such. "Hey, it's no problem...," she told him calmly, "Everyone deserves to have a second chance at life when they've been hunted for so long..." Smiling slightly, she laid a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

Rolling her shoulder, Kira winced and traced her fingers along the wound. Even though it had started to heal up, blood still trickled down her arm.
"It's alright, Kira." Allen said, looking at her before turning back to Gin. "My scars, my wounds, I tended them myself. You'll notice none are ragged, save the really old, covered ones." He pointed to a straight scar on his shoulder, visible before it vanished under his wife beater. "I'm good at fixing wounds, my own and others." He thought a moment and added softly, "But please don't hit me again, my reaction to that...I don't want to hurt you."
"O-oh, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize...," Kira apologized, taking a step back in embarrassment, "Of course." Spotting some clean rags, a sink, and some small plastic bowls she rushed over in that direction, hoping to make herself useful so she'd stop creating awkward situations. After filling a bowl with cool water and letting the rag soak in it for a moment, she made her way over to Gin. She pulled up a chair and very gently, she began washing away the dirt and grime from his shoulder wound. Looking to Allen, she listened as he explained he had some experience in fixing up wounds. Indeed, his scars were neat and clean, looking like they healed quite nicely. Nodding slowly, she sighed and continued her work cleaning his shoulder with the fresh water.

When she had removed most of the dirt and blood, she reached over for a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "Now, this is going to sting," she warned Gin softly, "But I'm going to work as swift and gentle as possible, alright?" When the male aviate was ready, she took a clean cloth and doused it in the disinfectant. With nimble fingers, she tenderly dabbed the rag against the bullet wound, carefully watching Gin's face for signs that the pain was too much.
Fresh water and disinfectant. I say this day is already better than it would be in the cages. Allen thought, threading a needle with nimble, experienced, and calloused fingers all while studying the wound. "Good news, it went straight through, and it wasn't a hollow point. Bad news, it nicked the artery. I have to seal it before I can stitch the wound. That'll hurt much worse." He threaded the second needle with thicker, stronger thread, looking at Gin. "Ready for this?"

((Gotta go, I'll be back on later tonight. Tyra or Mowgli have control of Allen till I get back! See y'all!))
(( Aww, mkay. Hurry back! lol X3 ))

Kira's eyes went wide, seeing the needle and she almost fainted herself. Swallowing hard, she quickly put her hands up. "W-wait! I'm sure they have a numbing agent or some anesthesia around here somewhere. D-don't sew him up yet, it'll cause him too much pain," she exclaimed frantically. Hopping to her feet, she flew to the cabinets and searched through the many bottles of medical supplies. It took her a little while, but she finally found a bottle of a numbing solution. Rummaging through a few drawers, she found a sterile syringe as well.

Striding back over, she sat down, carefully reading the label of the drug. Estimating the right amount of liquid, she stabbed the needle into the top of the solution, turned it upside down, and drew out an amount into the syringe. Very carefully, she made sure the area on his skin was disinfected, then poked the needle into his arm, slowly distributing the numbing agent. When she was finished, she pulled it out slowly. "It should take a couple minutes to kick in, but this should work. I may not know too much about medicine in general. But when my wings were growing in...I had some intense growing pains. My father showed me how give myself an injection of painkiller whenever it got really bad," she explained softly.
(time out im about to cue the nurse lol!! don't sew me!!!)

The nurse strolled into the infirmary briskly. She had light blonde hair that was pulled into a fierce bun, and sandy colored wings that had brown, freckle-like spots. She stared at the group sternly through her wire rimmed glasses.

"Alright, who's got it the worst?" She paused for moment, sizing up their injuries.

"You! with the needle! This is my infirmary and I will be the only person performing medical procedures young man!" She glared hardd at Allen and snatched the needle and antiseptic.

"Now on your feet you." She pointed to Gin, who promptly stood from his cot. the nurse took a moment to inspect the wound, then she pulled up her sleeves and rubbed her hands together, hovering them a half inch from his shoulder. Moments passed and nothing happened. Gin began to sway on the spot, which he contributed to blood loss. After a minute or two the nurses hands began to glow. Dimly at first, but the light that they produced soon became bright and almost over bearing. her hands looked like white hot metal and, for a moment, Gin feared what the would feel like to the touch. With out warning the nurse pressed her hands into Gin's shoulder wound hard and he bit his lip. The pain, however, was momentary and was immediately followed by immense relief and rejuvenation.

"Wow!" Gin smiled " That was amazing!" Gin rubbed his hand on the spot where there used to be a gaping hole. Now there was smooth, unmarred flesh.

"Who's next?" She said simply, ignoring Gin's excitement.. This was obviously a common occurrence for her.
(( Rofl, Gin! xD ))

Kira glanced to her shoulder, the dark blood oozing slightly from the wound in her arm, but then looked to Dar and saw he was much worse than herself. Quickly, she pointed to male Aviate then Emily. "T-they probably need it next. He got shot in the leg, but I don't know if it went through or not. Emily there got shot in the wing. It wasn't a clean shot and now the bullet is wedged in their tight," she explained nervously, withdrawing her arm and clasping her hands together. She then turned to Gin and approached him. "Hey, how you holding up? I know the wound now may be gone, but still, it's usually the mental shock that's hard to get over," she asked, slowly sitting down on his cot, facing him. Now in the bright light, she could see several scratches on her arms and legs from the dense foliage they'd been running through and there were a few on her face as well that she couldn't see. However, nothing was fatal and could all heal in time unless infected.
Emily had been silent the whole time, her wings now completely numb from blood loss and caked in the red oozing from the bullet hole. She'd tried picking at it on the way down, which only sent sharp pains through her and she'd stopped immediately. She was glad to see the cots and medical supplies, and hoped it wasn't too late for her wing to be fixed. She was surprised to see that the nurse was a healer, just like her, but unlike Emily the nurse had learned to use the power on others as well. Emily hadn't quite mastered that yet, so she was glad there was someone to take care of the others.

Emily stumbled over to a cot, quickly lying down on it as the room began to spin. She made sure to avoid resting the wing on the cot, to prevent any more damage. The bone was shattered and protruding from where the bullet had smashed through it, with the tiny piece of metal still wedged into the wing. Unable to focus on anything at this point, the young aviate passed out from blood loss.
The nurse noticed Emily go down immediately and rushed to her aid. The nurse placed a hand on Emil's forehead and furrowed her eyebrows in focus. Gin guessed this was some sort of diagnostic ability. Within seconds the nurse had rolled up her sleeves once more, clearly readying herself for her healing magic. This time however when she rubbed her hands together she did it much longer, and instead of glowing intense white, they were a deep purple. It was similar to a medical television show with a defibrillator, except the paddles were her hands, and she didn't say 'clear!'. As soon as her hands touched Emily, small electric looking purple tendrils, arched , and bounced over her body, the majority of which attacked the wounds on her wings. Emily soon sprang to consciousness, her we wing was once more beautiful and gore-less. The nurse was breathing heavily now.

"You're a healer too aren't you girl?" The nurse questioned Emily. "Come see me after breakfast.. As for the rest of you. I have the energy for one more wound, decide who can wait and who can't." The nurse tapped her foot impatiently. She was a very pretty woman but her demeanor was harsh.

((okay guys im going somewhere for a bit. i may or may not be on tonight. [MENTION=2371]Tyra[/MENTION] , you know the deal, you're second in command, make sure they behave lol :) ))
Kira looked up shyly as the nurse began working her magic upon poor, unconscious Emily. When the woman's hands began to glow a deep violet and send out streaks of purple light all over the blue winged Aviate's back, Kira's eyes widened immensely. "Woah...she must be an advanced healer...," she murmured softly under her breath, "I...I wonder if my waterbending could...ever become advanced like that..." Her thoughts began to wander, though she quickly was snapped back to reality at the sound of the nurse's sharp tone. At her question, Kira lifted her hand and pointed to Dar. "He should be next. He was shot directly in the leg," she told her, putting everyone else before herself. "'s only a nick...," she thought silently to herself, glancing at her shoulder. She could take care of it herself.

Sighing, Kira rose to her feet and ventured over to a sink. Grasping a soft, clean cloth, she drenched it in water and began washing off her arms of dirt and blood, both from her shoulder wound and just the regular scratches, wincing and gritting her teeth at the sting.
Emily opened her eyes, feeling some strange sensation rush through her. She looked at the nurse that was standing over her, then tried to glance back at her wing, which was it's natural lavender/sky blue mix again. "Thank you..." Emily said quietly, amazed at the healer's skill. She looked down to see the silver bullet sitting on the cot, successfully dislodged from her wing. "Yes..." she answered when asked if she was a healer, but she had no idea how the nurse knew that. Could more experienced Aviates sense others of their kind? The nurse looked to the others, clearly worn out from healing Emily's wound. She was tapping her foot impatiently, asking who was next.
Alexander watched almost amazed as the nurse was healing all the wounds almost instantly. "Wow" he said thinking about his own body to notice nothing more than a few scratches and a graze on his arm. "I'm fine" he told the nurse" glancing over to Tyra and walked over. "Are you okay" he asked noticing her Trying to clean some of her wounds.
Kira flinched slightly as Alexander approached and inquired if she was ok, not realizing he was there at first. "O-oh, yeah I'm fine. I had originally cut myself on a sharp edge on the plane and the bullet managed to nick me in the exact same spot...," she explained, softly sitting down on a nearby stool. She was hesitant at first to apply the peroxide, but gradually just put out her arm and shoulder, laying the cloth soaked with it upon her shoulder. She hissed in pain at the disinfectant, gripping the stool with her other hand, as it was applied to her shoulder wound. She allowed her long black hair fall across her face to try and hide the pain she was dealing with. After the disinfectant, though, things were better and she relaxed somewhat.
"I think im next" Dar said groaning in pain, he was focusing on Emily and didn't hear the nurse at first.. "Ow..." he moaned as he tried to stand up straight. The Bullet was really deep.. He suddenly felt as the nurse slowly applied the anesthesia. He Was laying in a bed now face down his leg sticking out as the nurse worked on it. Dar was dreaming now.. A land without the humans.. The Aviates were bounding from the sky and off roof tops... But suddenly the dream turned dark, and twisted, screams of agony and pain echoed as millions died, buildings exploding and the sun collasping! Dar suddenly awoke.. He was panting and his leg was in a wrap... He received odd looks from the group..
Allen wasn't fazed; in fact, he was used to being ordered around and yelled at. He relinquished the needle readily, backing away. Beaten into submission one to many times in the past. But he simply went to a different cot to see to his own wounds, pulling a threaded needle from the hem of his beater. Not sterile, no, but it did the job.

Allen sat on the cot and only now allowed the pain from his wounds to affect him. Not many, but enough. He pulled his wife beater over his wings and head, looking at a wound at the base of his right wing. A stray bullet, nothing more; the one on his forearm was a more pressing issue.

With precision only developed after years of self care, Allen silently stitched up his own wound on his arm, ignoring the pain each stitch sent through him. Once through, he sighed and re-threaded the needle, and painstakingly stitched up the one below his wing the same precision. the stitching was neat and clean, even and firm. He'd gotten too good at this.

He replaced the needle in its place then went to the sink, leaning heavily against it. He cleaned the blood from his back and arm, blinking slowly. To close to home. This fight hit way to close to home. He was used to the scars, the wounds, the pain. But he wasn't used to not bein locked in a cage after. He wasn't used to the freedom.
Gin marveled at the nurses skill, she must have had ages of practice. By the time she was done patching Dar up she was breathing like she had just got done with a jog. Her wings drooped slightly and a single bead of sweat ran down her nose and fell to the floor.

" It's time for breakfast." She said simply. " Take a right out of this room and proceed down the hall way until you see a large, red pair of double doors with brass handles. Through that door is the great hall where most eat. 2nd Lieutenant Zephyr should be waiting for you there. You have exactly 10 minutes. Do not be late, that Claire is not one to be trifled with." With that, the nurse paced to her office in the corner of the infirmary and closed the door.

"Thank god." Gin sighed " Something other than berries and fruit." He laughed. " C'mon everyone, you heard her, let's not be late." As Gin got up to go to the door he heard Dar making strange sounds. He looked like he was having a nightmare but he soon snapped out of it.

"Bad dream?" Gin said wryly. " C'mon man lets get some food in you. You'll feel better." With that Gin motioned for his companions to follow.
Kira lifted her head to look at the nurse as she explained there was breakfast in ten minutes. Seeing Gin stand to leave she spoke up. "H-hey, wait for me!" she said a bit frantically, "It takes time to patch a deep cut, you know." Reaching up, she grasped the roll of gauze and began wrapping her shoulder a bit awkwardly since she only had one free hand. However, she eventually had her shoulder tightly bound in gauze. Standing slowly, she made her way over by Gin, having heard Gar moan a few times. "You ok?" she asked Dar softly.
Allen snapped out of his mind, where he often retreated, and slipped his wife beater back on. His wings still bound down, he turned to follow the group. Food. Another luxery he wasn't quite used too. He got fed, yea, once a day, and only if he won his fights. If not, he went hungry. He let his gaze drop to his wrist, where the old chain scars circled, and shook his head. Never again. He promised himself that.

He looked at Dar with a raised eyebrow, not sure. He didn't understand nightmares, never having had one himself. He lived it, why dream it too? He roles his shoulder, running his thumb absently over the new stitching.
Emily waited until the others were all fixed up before getting off the cot where she was still sitting. All her pain was gone, and it was like she'd never been shot. Her wing was in perfect condition. She wondered what the nurse wanted to talk to her about, and she zoned out momentarily in thought until a few people mentioned breakfast. Her stomach grumbled and she smiled, thrilled to have something other than fruit and fish. She waited for the others to get ready before heading to the mess hall.
The group of aviates walked down the long, simply decorated hallway until they reached the aforementioned double doors. Gin grasped on of the large brass handles and tugged hard. The door had an unbelievable weight to it, and for a moment he struggled. Once the door began to swing, however, it seemed to become automatic. The now opened doors reveaaled a massive high-ceiling-ed chamber filled with all sorts of different colored wings and people. The majority of the people inside were aviates, Gin guessed about 3/4. All of the human members wore cloaks, and all of the aviates wore less restrained garments. He assumed this was to keep their wings free. The room had 4 long oak tables. Similar to that of Hogwarts (lol) except there were no floating candles. Instead there was an ambient light, the source of which was impossible to ascertain. Gin stood in awe at the size of this operation. It had been under their feet the whole time!! He was snapped out of it soon though by 2nd Lieutenant Zephyr, who was now wearing an aviates uniform. He could now for the first time get a look at her wings. They were pale green but at the bottom fringe of her lowest feathers were a piercing black.

"You are all exactly 94 seconds late. That's over a mminute and a half people." She scowled at them. "Look if you want to survive in this world being what we are, you must learn discipline. No excuses. Now follow me.." She led them over to an empty portion of the far left table. The aviates seats already had plates and silver ware set for them, accompanied with large bowls of: eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, grits, ham, and many other breakfast foods. Next to the bowls there were pitchers of water, orange juice, milk, and maple syrup. It was a feast. Gin did not wait for an invitation, he promptly stacked his plate high and began gorging himself on the delicious food. The 2nd lieutenant did not object,, she simply stood by and waited for them to eat their fill.
Emily took a seat, more than ready to stuff her face with breakfast foods. She took some bacon, eggs and toast, scarfing it down. It was the first real meal she'd had in, well, years. Being a runaway meant that she lived on small amounts of food, and even the cooked fish the other day felt like a feast. This, on the other hand, was more like heaven than a meal. She drank two glasses of milk and quickly ate much of her food, not knowing how long they had to eat she wanted to make sure she got her fill. She finished eating long before anyone else. "That was... Amazing..." she said, rubbing her stomach. She felt satisfied for the first time in a long time, and hoped she could continue to eat like this for every meal.
Allen mentally flinched at the 2nd's voice, resisting the urge to physically flinch away. He had issues, simple as that. He rolled his shoulder, following Gin slowly. Last time he'd seen this many Aviates was in the cages, not crowded in a room; and the humans had been holding the chains last time too. Stop. This isn't The Island...This is A.A.R...this is safe, for now.

With that in mind, and with the fact that he had to keep repeating it just to stay relatively civil, he sat beside Gin. It wasn't fear but hate that kept him repeating that saying. Hate for most humans, hate for his past, and surprisingly hate for the relative safety he had now. He wasn't sure if he enjoyed it or if it was just another matter entirely. Still, he took a portion of the food before him. Way more than he was used too, and way more than he knew what to do with. He ate slow, measuring his intake. To much and he'd get sick. To little and he wouldn't be in fighting condition. Course, he was used to eating very little.
Kira was about to follow Gin to the doorway, but then rubbed her eyes a few times, getting a scratchy feeling in them. At first, she began to panic, thinking something might have happened to them in the battle with the task force, but then realization hit her and she sighed in relief. Rushing over to the mirror, she opened one eye wide, took her middle finger and thumb, using them to pull what appeared to be a contact from her eye. "I forgot these had been in all this time...," she murmured to herself, throwing it in the trash before taking out the other, "I guess I really don't need them anymore. My secret of being an Aviate is out and I can always get more anyway." Peering at her reflection, she gazed at the image before her. Instead of two brown eyes looking back at her, there were two vivid violet ones reflecting in the shimmery glass. For years, Kira had worn brown colored contacts, having been advised to by her parents, so as not to draw attention in public. Now, she could let her eyes' real color through.

Turning around, the blue winged Aviate scurried to catch up with the rest of the group, falling in step with Allen in a few moments. They were led by the lieutenant to what seemed to be a dining hall with a table laden with food. Her stomach growled and her mouth began to water at the sight and smell of the breakfast. It had been at least a good twenty-four hours since she'd eaten last and even then all she'd had was berries and part of a roasted fish. Zooming to one of the open seats, she sat down quickly and began to devour the food, though making sure she didn't eat so fast that she choked. Every once in a while, she'd look up and around at the rest of the group, a bit conscious of the stares she might be receiving due to her strange eye color, but she really didn't mind. She was too hungry and focused on breakfast to mind.
(( so the post from [MENTION=2371]Tyra[/MENTION] made me start to wonder what color Emily's eyes were. I went and checked the picture to find that I posted the wrong image to the sign ups ;-; I feel totally dumb. Emily's hair is supposed to be periwinkle and her eyes are lavender, but the image was a brown haired brown eyed girl. I'll find a new picture for it and switch it out. *facepalm*))

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( New image: girls/water.jpg

Sorry for being such a derp, and ignore the pic on the sign up sheet ;-; ))

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