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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

"When I'm driving round for long periods of time". Krystyn buried her face in her hands.


"Mmm. Shall we stay round here for a bit longer, my love"? Abella whispered, giving her a quick peck. 

@Daniel reaving

She blushed. "N-no let's head to my room." She said to her shyly

"Theres definitely something in there" He said as he found the object and winced. "There" he pointed to the object. "What is it?"

(What is it??????)

she didnt see anything
"Mmm. Okay, sweetie. Lead the way again". Abella was still holding her hand gently.

@Daniel reaving

Samantha blushed and quickly lead her back into the main part and to a staircase towards the back that lead to the more office areas. Quickly going up she got to a door and opened it to reveal a sort of area that sat above the garage that was like a big room in the back right corner of the Garage. A tv sat on the wall to the left of door with a coffee table and a couch facing it. To the right of the couch was a door that was the bathroom and in the far corner of the area sat a bed near the safety rails that let you look out over the garage. The bed was messy and most of Samantha's dirty clothes laid strewn out around it. Including her bras and such. Quickly blushing madly as she spoke quickly while rushing to her clothes in an attempt to hide her under garnments from abella. "S-s-s-sorry!" She helped as she quickly snatched up most of them and put them in a near by hamper
I can't right now. I am so scatterbrained I just can't.

Jax flopped onto his bed upon entering his bedroom, having arrived home after a solid twenty-minute walk. After second period, he'd went through the rest of the day in a sort of daze, feeling hugely relieved that he'd been able to confide in someone, yet terrified that the very same someone would backstab him... the same way Jax had to him. The boy cringed at the remembrance of his own behaviour, his cheeks colouring scarlet in embarrassment. God, how could I have been so daft?!

He groaned into his pillow as he stretched his legs, then his back, sighing in comfort as he heard a few bones popping and slumping back onto the mattress, his eyelids fluttering closed for a moment as he considered sleeping - but his phone buzzed in his pocket, and with a sigh he reached down into his jean pockets to pull out the device, clicking past the security locks.

> Hey, are you coming to the scrimmage tonight?

Jaxon grumbled a bit as a rush of memory came flooding into his mind, having completely forgotten about it. He texted back a quick message of affirmation before closing that certain text, his finger hovering over the 'New Conversation' button.

Oh, well, why the hell not.

He quickly typed in Jacob's number, having acquired it through his best girl (space) friend, who happened to know of his sexual orientation, though it was because they'd grown up together, shooting a quick text to the boy after a moment or so.

> Hey, Jacob. It's Jax.

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"Squeaking. Maybe one of the... axles are faulty". 

Abella giggled and scooped Samantha up, carrying her to her bed. She sat down, Samantha now on her lap. She gasped and pulled out a bra from under her butt. "Oh, I've found my sweetie's bra" she chuckled, setting it aside and giving Samantha a huge kiss.

@Daniel reaving
(Its part of the character :p)

Trent felt faint, hus pace was turning more pale by the second.

She sighed when she looked at it. "It's just a tiny piece of glass baby." She said setting the itybitty piece of glass on the table 

@Daniel reaving

Abella gave her another kiss.

Samantha blushed as she kissed back before she took her hand and led her to the bed climbing onto it and laying down waiting for abella so she could cuddle with her once more

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