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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Augustus watched the proceedings unfold in front of him with a bit of amusement, pretending to gag when he heard the male speak of tea. "Ugh, tea," he enunciated, shaking his head. "Tea... The stereotype with it is that all British people like it, when really not all of them do. Me included." He rolled his eyes, "Anyhow... I'm sure Gabriel would love to meet you, although I'll warn him not to put any more ideas in your head lest Alec here dump you on someone else's hands." He chuckled. "And, to be completely honest, I'm not even sure when all of this would be accomplished. Like I said earlier, I'm sure that Alec is busy, and I myself tend to be most of the time as well."

Augustus heard the girl's wondering statement, and seemed to come to his senses, taking a quick glance out the window as his mind began to race, sifting through his need-to-do's for the day. Well, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt, he eventually decided, sinking back into his seat after a moment of perfect rigidity. "No idea," he said to the girl, shrugging his shoulders. "Other than coming to this here coffee shop, what else do the two of you need to do?' He raised an eyebrow, "This coming from someone who lives pretty much alone, so I guess I shouldn't be talking." He stretched, letting out a yawn. "Ugh, I'm tired."

"Mmm," was his nonchalant response to the male's admittance of his own faults, though it was vague and quite uncharacteristic for the quiet nature of Alec to share something of that magnitude to him, when in reality his curiosity was prodding at him to ask, though he shoved that impulse down quite easily. It wouldn't be fair of him to ask. "Well, that's interesting that you like swimming. I don't quite know in particular what I'm good at, though if I had to choose something it'd probably be track or swimming, similarly so to you."

Augustus snickered as the male rambled on and on, waiting for him to notice - and finally he did, judging by the expression of shock or some other mixture of emotions slipping onto Alec's face. He bit his cheek, trying to keep from laughing. There were plenty of signs there, he just had to put out the most obvious one ever for Alec to get a clue. It was amazing, how adept the human psyche was at abstracting things that weren't expected or necessary. It just led to some very awkward positions sometimes, like Alec had just found himself in.

"Alright, Alec," he eventually said, rubbing his palm across his mouth as he processed the male's backtracking, his amusement fading. "...Forgive me, ah, for... assuming... and the lapse of judgement..." His cheeks grew pink as he tried to find the words, floundering a bit. "...Point being, it's not a problem. I didn't come here to hit on you. You were nice enough to offer a seat in this here booth, is all, so... Apologies. If I made you uncomfortable." He fidgeted a bit.

"Yeah, I suppose so," he absently said as thoughts ran rampant through his head. Almost on an impulse, he stood, running a hand through his hair again - this time in anxiety, as he tried not to look at Alec. "I'll, just, ah..." He glanced around before grabbing a napkin, flipping a pen out of his jeans - how lucky he was to have had it in his possession - and hastily scribbled his number, slowly sliding it across the table, taking his hot chocolate as he returned back to a normal stance. "...I'll be leaving now," he decisively said, nodding to Alec. "Thank you so much for the seat. Much appreciation... And good day, Hallie," he added, giving a quick smile to the girl before turning on his heel, exiting the coffee shop.

@cloudchaser Similar circumstances here, I've only been able to reply to short responses due to my limited time... Well, apologies for the wait. ;-;
"W... Whiskey". She looked up at him. "No, I don't want a drink! I want you to be a gentleman and help me up instead of looking at me like a dumbass fuckwit"! She nearly shouted before dry heaving, gasping. "S... sorry..." 

"No... I'm sorry..." He mumbled, walking over to help her stand. He led her over to a bench and sat her down. "Want me to just give your car a once-over?" He asked.
"Sure." He said, using a lever to the lift the car up with hydraulics. "What sort of problems have you been having recently?" He asked, taking a step under the car with a flashlight, looking over the chassis.
"Occasional squeak and noise that sounds out of place. I figured I should have it checked out, in case it's serious". Krystyn wiped her mouth quickly, her phone vibrating in her pocket. She checked it and just turned her phone off, rubbing her eyes gently.

Had face immediately became a look of worry as she quickly pulled him up and looked over his shoulder for anything on the floor. "You ok baby?" She asked scared

Trent sat up and noticed something odd feeling in his back. "Can you check if theres something in my back please?" He said wincing slightly
"Yaaaay"! Abella was happy now, kissing Samantha's hand and then hugging her tightly. 

@Daniel reaving

Samantha blushed deeply as she cuddled into abella 

Trent sat up and noticed something odd feeling in his back. "Can you check if theres something in my back please?" He said wincing slightly

"I already am." She said as she felt around his back quickly slipping her hands under his shirt to feel for anything

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