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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

"Samantha's father? Are you here"? Abella looked around again, one hand stroking the back of Samantha's hand. "Is he here, honey"? 

@Daniel reaving

"cource he is. hes in rhe car right now." samantha said with a small smile as she pecled abellas cheek as the car finally came to a quiet purr before it shut off and the driver side door opened. Out stepped an older man


looking to Samantha he smiled happily as he stepped off the machine holding the car his arms out wide as Samantha walked over and hugged her father. "Hi daddy." She said happily as he chuckled a little. "Hello baby girl." He said as he looked to abella. "Bring one of your friends over?" He asked happily having not seen the cuddling or kissing so he thought abella was just a friend
"Not much further..." Lisa said quietly, leading Kira through the woods. "Be careful of the tree roots, we're nearly clear of them though". 

"I'm getting scared, Lisa, where are we going"? 

"Here we are"! Lisa removed her hands from Kira's face, watching her blink whilst giving her glasses back to her. Kira slipped them on and stared in awe. A luxury home was a few feet away, it looked amazing. "That's my home, honey. Would you like to go in? We can even take a dip in the jacuzzi". 

"What about your parents? Siblings"? 

"Well... I have a newly engaged mum but no dad. My dad still visits but he left, since my mum is gay. She's getting married soon, spending most of her time getting the wedding prepared. I have an elder brother but he's moved out. Come in, I'll make you some hot chocolate".
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Abella hesitated, turning to Samantha and looking into her beautiful eyes. "Sir, I'm with your daughter. We're together, as in a romantic relationship". Abella held Samantha's hands gently. "And she's the most wonderful person I've ever fallen in love with". 

@Daniel reaving
Abella hesitated, turning to Samantha and looking into her beautiful eyes. "Sir, I'm with your daughter. We're together, as in a romantic relationship". Abella held Samantha's hands gently. "And she's the most wonderful person I've ever fallen in love with". 

@Daniel reaving

He looked between the two as Samantha blushed blood red and hid her face in abellas neck before he smiles. "Samantha! You finally got your self a girlfriend!!" He said happily as he hugged both of them
"Thank you, sir. I love your daughter will all of my heart, I will never... let any harm... befall her". Oh no, not again. "I apologise, my English isn't flawless, I'm French". She nose- kissed Samantha, lowering her glasses gently and looking straight into her beautiful eyes. "I'll never let anyone hurt you. I love you". 

@Daniel reaving
"Thank you, sir. I love your daughter will all of my heart, I will never... let any harm... befall her". Oh no, not again. "I apologise, my English isn't flawless, I'm French". She nose- kissed Samantha, lowering her glasses gently and looking straight into her beautiful eyes. "I'll never let anyone hurt you. I love you". 

@Daniel reaving

He chuckled a little nodding to her as Samantha blushed madly and held onto her. "Your sister will probably want to hear about this." He said to Samantha 
Jaxon clenched his jaw as he took Jacob’s hand, the physical contact between them rousing a bit more emotions within him than he’d like to admit as he strode across the field, the thirteen-year old in tow behind him. The wind whipped fiercer around them for a moment, then quieted for a brief few moments, in a roller coaster of ups and downs that seemed to have no real rhyme or reason to its timing. He silently admired the randomness of the wind - how it had no other purpose but to streak across miles of landscape, no responsibility. Jax wished he could be that free, but knew that such wasn’t possible. He had too many things to contend with in reality to ever hope for such niceties.

Upon reaching the opposite end of the field and somewhat obscured behind the net of the soccer goal, he released Jacob’s hand, turning around to watch the other boy’s reaction. He seemed to be handling the sudden turn of events relatively well, or so his expression conveyed - he’d never really taken the time to get to know the boy, and he was paying the price now, he supposed. He’d no idea where to start, or if Jacob was even open to what he was trying to convince himself to say.

He ran his hands through his hair, looking to the side, where he saw the rest of their class spreading out across the field, immersing themselves in their own small groups doing whatever activity they so chose. Sighing, he hung his head, scuffing the neatly-trimmed grass beneath his foot, the verdant material springing back to attention after he’d crushed it.

“...I like you,” Jaxon blurted, not looking at Jacob. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, and I know I’ve been a huge jerk as of late, but I really didn’t mean all of that. I just… I just didn’t know how to deal with the realisation, and I didn’t know what you’d think of me if I ever told you. What they’d think if I ever told them,” he softly added, making a small gesture to the class of teenagers, running about to and fro. “...And… Well, I’m sure me telling you that I have a crush on you displayed the point relatively well, but I’m homosexual. I’m gay,” he mumbled. “Please don’t tell anyone. I know that you probably don’t want to do me any favours right now, especially in light of… recent events,” he hastily said, tripping over his own words as he awkwardly tried to proceed, “but I couldn’t bear the kind of backlash that this kind of information could bring about. This is just between us. ...And I’m sure you probably think I’m bloody insane right now,” he muttered, sighing. “Sorry for dumping all of that on you.”

Fistbeard turned to the girl and spoke, his words garbled by his heavy scottish accent. "Me names not puddin! Tis fistbeard! An whats yers, lass?" He asked of the girl who had called him Pudding.
Genevieve turned down the radio as she looked out the window, seeing the slight overcast skies. She tapped her finger to her cheek, considering to go out when she caught sight of her materials, 'Maybe I should go restock. It's been a while since I went to the art shop, they might have new things in stock there.' She twisted a portion of her hair with her index finger, the black tainting it a bit. She felt her phone vibrate once again so she checked it. She giggled at her description, as she threw her hair back to move her hair away from her face. She pressed her tongue to her cheek as she thought of a reply, 'Sounds awesome, more like a thing that happened in those chick flicks we used to make fun of * w*)/) Anywee, you two being in school when nobody else is... I smell something sweet in the air (either that or maybe it's just the fumes from my paint. God, I really need to air out my studio soon @_@)'' She sent the message before she looked around for a moment, thinking about something.

She stepped away from the wall she was leaning on and turned on the camera app in her phone, before she took a photo of her work in progress. She quickly ran it onto her editing app, slapping a watermark before she uploaded it to her art blog with a caption, 'WIP: Milk skies :: for a lovely customer', tagging it accordingly. She locked her phone and sighed, "Alrighty, time for a shower!" She chirped as she walked towards the bathroom. She quickly took off her clothes and aimed for her hamper before she rushed towards the shower. She let the cold water crash against her slightly warm skin with a sigh.

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(I was just saying that out of character but whatevs, this could be an intro) 

"E... Erm..." The girl blushed and waved again. "P... Puddin'. Fistbeard? Pleased to meet ya". She grabbed his hand and shook it wildly, over excited. 
Jacob was surprised to hear Jax say the words, "I'm gay.". A mix of emotions had puzzled Jacob at the moment. To his luck, the bell had rung, dismissing the Gym class to their enrichment period. Jacob had Mr.Henry, his favorite teacher out of every teacher in the school. In this class, it was Jacob and his best friend Ryan, who was a ginger.


During enrichment, Jacob and Ryan talked about playing soccer in Gym class. That's when Jacob thought it would be best to tell Ryan that Jax came out to him. Based on Ryan's facial expression, Jacob knew what he was thinking.

"You should ask him out." ,Ryan screeched in front of everyone.

Jacob's eyes grew wide and his face burnt the color of Ryan's hair, but Jacob took what Ryan said into consideration. Jax was attractive, but at the same time, Jax used to be Jacob's bully and there might be some tension there, even if they were to date. The bell to dismiss the school had rung and Jacob retreated to his locker. There, he grabbed his Algebra homework and his Science worksheet and shoved it in his backpack. He exited the building and was on the lookout for his brother's car. When he saw the grey Audi come down the school's driveway, Jacob crossed the street to the small area where the other car riders were.

"You could've warned me about the hour traffic." ,Justin said as Jacob entered his car.

"Sorry, I'll do that next time." ,Jacob responded blankly.

"Everything alright? That kid isn't picking on you anymore, is he?" ,Justin questioned.

"No, no he isn't picking on me. But, he did tell me he was gay," ,Jacob remarked, looking at Justin, "and I think I like him.".

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"A-alright." She said as her father spoke. "She's probably outback working on some of the motorcycles." He said as he whipped his hands with a rag
"You're leading the way, this time, sweetie" Abella chuckled, waiting for her to do so, keeping a hold on her hand. 

@Daniel reaving

She nodded and quickly lead her through the back to a more cluttered and filled with bikes. Rock music blaired in the background as a girl sitting in a white tank top and some short shorts sat laid over a Harley near the Garage door putting a design onto the side of the Harley's tank 
Trent twisted at an awkward angle under her and groaned heavier. "Man I think I landed on a nail or something sharp" he said twisting even more awkwardly

Had face immediately became a look of worry as she quickly pulled him up and looked over his shoulder for anything on the floor. "You ok baby?" She asked scared

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