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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

"Please don't finish that sentence". This was driving Asukra mad- Her mood swings. Hey, babe, I love you, let's snog. Then it's back to avoiding any bed action because of my ex. Asukra sighed. "I'm sorry, my mood is all over the place".

"Hey," Jax greeted the boy, who turned, looking surprised to see him. He nervously chuckled, unconsciously raising his hand to again touch at the bruise on his neck - again wincing - in a gesture of anxiety. "Uhh... So..."

His face started to burn, and he didn't have to look to know he was blushing. His eyes flicked to the side, avoiding Jacob's as they focused on the netted goal a hundred feet or so away, lightly swaying in the brisk breeze that blew through the field, making their clothes ripple - though Jaxon had on his jacket, so he didn't feel the chill. The overcast day was blocking most of the sun, ominous grey clouds scudding across the sky bringing with them the promise of rain later that night, and he contented himself with gazing at these clouds for a quick moment before he brought himself to look back at Jacob.

"So..." He started again. "...About last night, I... I am sorry. Truly. I didn't... didn't realise that my actions made you feel the way it did. I... I guess what I'm trying to do is apologise, and... And I'm not really good at it," he sighed. "And I know that I'm probably the person you least want to see right now, but... We need to talk. About stuff." He ran a hand through his hair, the blonde wavy material spooling through his fingers, coming back to rest exactly where it had been before - hanging over his grey eyes.

"...Yeah," he mumbled, jamming his hands in his pockets and shifting his weight from foot to foot, looking down at the grassy earth beneath them.

Hallie listened attentively to what Augustus had to say, propping her face on both hands. One could just imagine that if she had a tail, it would have been consistently wagging right now. She watched the man's face as he told her about his younger brother, "Yay, blue eyes! So I'm not alone." She grinned widely, "So basically, he's a younger version of you, only in a different packaging. So if he's anything like you've mentioned..." She tilted her head with a soft smile. "Then I really want to meet him. Yeah, I could use a new playmate and 'sides, I'm already used to being around protective people." She glanced at Alec, who raised an eyebrow at her, "So I think I should be fine. I don't mind being somebody's younger sister for a day. After all, I think that would be the closest experience I could get to having a sibling." She smiled back at Augustus. Alec looked back at the other man with a lopsided smile, "You don't really sound apologetic." He sighed, raising his hands in defeat, "But since Little Miss Stubborn Pants over there had already decided, I'll just have to go along with it." He conceded.

Hallie blinked with a mixture of confusion and mild surprise as to why the man seemed to have taken a slightly resigned tone. When she finally understood, she huffed her cheeks, "Well, that's not very nice of her, isn't it." Her eyes dropped, "I guess there's a lot of things I don't understand yet and I might have been careless. But for her to think that... it's sad and I don't really get it." She pouted, her eyes softening. Alec took notice of this and looked around for a moment, before he tapped the girl, "Hey, Hals." The girl in question weakly looked at him, to which he took his cue, "Do you want to build a snowman?" He whispered to her ear, a smirk on his face. Hallie sniffed a bit before she realized what he just said and erupted into little peals of laughter, "But there's no snow yet, silly." She said in between. "I know but it made you laugh, didn't it?" He settled with a small grin before he sat back.

"I'm not that big of a fan." Hallie denied, prodding at her pancake, to which Alec snorted, "Yeah sure, says the girl who has the costumes, the soundtrack and could do a quote-per-quote of the movie." He shrugged, finishing off his coffee. "You know the songs too." Hallie pointed out, poking him. "Only because you used to play it a lot, so it gets stuck in my head by extension." He shot back, before he shifted his gaze to Augustus, "I prefer warmth, as you do.  I don't know, me and the cold never agreed on anything, especially since it makes the water frigid, like it came fresh from the freezer." He scrunched his nose, "It's not something I'd like but have to get used to." A thought crossed his mind which made his eyes darken for a little bit before he shook it off. 

Alec nodded solemnly at what he presented, "You have made mistakes which you would do anything to take back but you know you can never do anything about anymore, so you have no choice but to live with it for as long as you can. It is when you realize you can never take everything to your own hands." He looked distracted, jaw tensing for a moment as he gently pushed away his plate, "Why the heck are we being philosophical all of a sudden?" He chuckled darkly, twirling the butter knife around his fingers for a bit before he placed it down. 

He lazily sat back, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "Okay, I won't go as far as that but the little one, I'll still deny since I don't think you'll fit. You look like you're toeing the six foot mark, which implies that you may or may not be taller than me and that's not something that qualifies as small, isn't it?" He pointed out, letting a small smirk grace his lips. "But if you insist that you're 'little' as you say, then I don't think I can do anything about that." He shrugged with one shoulder.

He saw how the other man tried to hide his amusement but failing shortly after. He facepalmed, sliding his hand down to cover his mouth, his glasses slightly lopsided as his eyes looked annoyed at himself, "I'm glad that you find my misery amusing." He murmured, slightly gritting his teeth and when he heard what he said, he couldn't help but to roll his eyes. "Thanks, I needed that." He replied, sarcasm hinting at his tone. He dropped his hand from his face to run it over his hair again, "Quite honestly, I fail to see how my slip-up is deemed adorable. It's more of a nuisance, now that I think about it. At least I noticed it before it got even weirder." 

"So I was right." She smiled softly, "And yes, I kind of am. I sometimes tend to pick up on the slight nuances people have when they speak. Like how people change topics when they feel like they're saying too much and how their eyes tend to gloss over when they speak about a sensitive topic. That kind of stuff. Maybe it's what I get from being around people who walk on eggshells with me." Hallie concluded, her smile in place, "So thank you, I do try to look on things more than what's in front of me." She grinned widely.

@Proxemae You could have gotten away with a paragraph, but you have to address everything in that. Good on you, though :) You managed to power through three hours of sleep. 
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"Oh, I'm sure he'd love to be around you," Augustus remarked. "You're just a little ray of sunshine, aren't ya?.. Well, I'm sure Gabe would be so entirely happy to help you plan a rebellion against Alec here." He dipped his head towards the boy in genuine apology, though he couldn't help grinning at the corner he and Hallie had backed him into. "He learned from the best - me," he boasted, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms, his hair falling into his eyes with finality. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, blowing upwards to try and get the hair out of his face, eventually just brushing it aside with a hand, leaning forward again to re-immerse himself in the conversation. "...Yeah, really I'm not," Augustus admitted to Alec, shyly smiling - dimples forming on his cheeks. "But I know how to handle Gabriel, and I think you know how to handle Hallie here. We've got it covered."

Augustus again found himself shocked at the amount of understanding this girl carried about her - for lack of knowledge of her, well, her knowledge, she immediately pierced through human morality instead of allowing herself to be influenced by authority. He found the trait admirable, of sorts, though he knew Alec probably remained exhausted because of this very characteristic. The male allowed himself to ponder the two's relationship for a moment, tilting his head in curiosity as he watched the two interact. For what he knew, he wouldn't have been at all surprised to find out they were in fact siblings instead of embroiled in their circumstances. He allowed himself a faint smile, eyes dropping to the wooded patterns of the table, where he used a finger to trace along the grains of the surface.

He quickly tuned himself back into reality as he heard Alec directly speaking to him, blinking a few times as he roused himself from his own little world to gaze at the male. "The cold is unforgiving," he mumbled in agreement. "Although when you say 'the water', I fail to grasp what you're getting at, however... Just in general? Like showers? - because if so, I completely agree." He rolled his eyes just thinking about it, ceasing his movement just in time to notice Alec's sudden downward spiral, his lighthearted manner dissipating in an instant. He tilted his head in a silent question, though he wasn't exactly sure if the male saw it, as he hastened to respond to the male's next words; "I've no idea, I just wanted to say I have very deeply-rooted regrets in my life." He chuckled. "One that I'm doing right now." His eyes dropped. "...Not right now, per se, but every day. It's something... It's something I wish I hadn't done in the first place, hadn't gotten into, I guess, y'know?"

He dipped his head, ceding the point. "6'0", yes, although I prefer 5'12"," he jokingly teased, smirking. "And if you're not suggesting that you can do something about it, then why hold onto your attempt to estimate my, um... size?" He quickly said, glancing at Hallie as he tripped over his own words trying to rush forwards. "And if you are indifferent as you say you are, then why are we still talking about this certain topic of conversation?" He teasingly tilted his head, smirking at Alec; looking to Hallie to see if she was looking - she wasn't, at him, at least - he graced the other boy with a quick wink, just to push him over the edge more and see how much it flustered him - what his reaction was. It was an amusing thing to watch, Alec embarrassed.

"Oh, come of it now. Have a little fun! Loosen up!" He lightly remarked, though he couldn't stop smirking. "We all have our slip-ups. It's just a hallmark of the human race, 'innit - nothing to be miserable about, as you say." He shrugged a bit at the male's sarcastic thanks. "You're welcome," he cheerily replied, knowing how much it usually irked people when their sarcasm was brushed over.

"...Hmm. That's, uhm, that's a dandy skill to have," August stammered. "Yes, humans are quite predictable when you're looking for it. I can relate on that level somewhat - I'm a people-person, so..."

@cloudchaser And now I disappear to crash and sleep for half a day. D:

(Hey, by the way, @Rock And Roll Boy, are we all sort of proceeding through the day at our own paces, or is there a set time of day we're all abiding by? :O )
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Abella cooed softly. 

@Daniel reaving

Asukra curled up a little.


Samantha giggled a little as they approached a big wearhouse that had spray paint all over it and a big fence surrounding it. The spray paint wasn't like normal tags though, they were more professional looking and very cool.


as Samantha pulled up to the big gate she rolled her window down as she stopped at a little card scanner and grabbed her wallet pulling out a card and swiping it making the gate open as she drove in slowly. As they entered the parking lot it was clear this place was very high end. Beautiful cars littered the lot mechanics running everywhere as they cleaned them and worked on them. Some saying hello to Samantha as she drove towards the open garage door that lead to the inside which clearly was also a pretty high end place


(just replace all those cars with very high end and luxury cars)
Name: Allison Argent

Age: 18

Grade: 11th, yes she was held back a year

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Height: 5 feet 8 inches

Weight: 126 pounds


~Being rich


~Watching movies



~Ice Cream

~People who gloat

~Invasive people

~Horror films

Do they like school?: Yes

Sports: Archery, Track

Relationships: None

Crush: No one

Other: Her dad is a government licensed arms dealer
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