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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP


Augustus grinned, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “...Especially that. Yeah, he is pretty fun to be with. From what I’ve been told, he’s the spitting image of me, only with wavy black hair and blue eyes - so I guess he’s not really the spitting image of me.” The male rolled his eyes, backtracking. “He’s my half brother, so we have markedly different appearances. I was born to my mother’s first husband, and Gabriel was born to her current husband and my stepfather.” He tapped his cheek with a finger, deep in thought. “Apparently his personality is mine, times a couple hundred. He’s an extrovert at heart, and loves people in general - loves talking, but maybe that’s just the influence of his teenager years catching up to him. ...He absolutely adores children - I think he wishes that he had a younger sister as well as an older brother,” he mused. “Someone to watch over. He’s about as protective as you could ask for.” His head turned to Alec as he tuned in to what the boy was saying. “...Oh? Oh. I apologise,” he meekly murmured, his grin growing wider despite his words. “I was ironically the one feeding ideas to my brother when we were still in the same house.” He shrugged a shoulder, “And from what I’ve experienced, it happens whether it was introduced by another person or by their own developmental level. I don’t think I could change it that much even if I tried.”

“I’m not so inclined to see the best in her,” Augustus muttered. “Because of me, she’s watching Gabriel so much closer than she did me - to make sure he doesn’t exhibit the same behaviours. Because apparently there’s a pattern to how things reveal himself, things she’s told me she regrets missing with me.” He looked to the side, scanning their surroundings for nothing in particular, suddenly wondering if either of them would be able to connect the dots with the load of information he’d just divulged without a second thought. Shit. “Heh, you win, Hallie,” he ceded, weakly changing the subject. “You’re the opposite of him though in that way - he refuses to apologise in the first place and sticks to that when he feels it’s warranted.”

“Oh, so we’ve got a Frozen fan here, eh?” Augustus chuckled, smirking. “Yes, I’ve seen it before. Multiple times, actually, with my brother when he was wee tiny. And the songs decided to stick themselves in my head and stubbornly stay there for a month or two, I believe. In fact, I’m pretty sure I memorised a few of them with the frequency that boy made me watch it with him.” He tilted his head. “But I’m not going to break out into song, now. I don’t exactly miss the absence of those songs in my life.” He dipped his head as she further explained, agreeing. “Alright, if you say so. Yeah, I could honestly never handle chilly weather for as long as I’ve lived. It’s definitely not my favourite, but I can deal with it relatively well now since I’ve had to live in cold for the longest while.” He fidgeted. “Even so, it’s uncomfortable. I much prefer heat to cold.” He silenced as the two began insulting each other and the like, watching the exchange with an amused air.

He slowly nodded at the idea the other male presented, turning it over in his head a few times. “Yeah, that’d be nice,” he murmured. “But there are those mistakes you have to live with for your entire life, that casts such a large shadow you can never truly step out of it. I’m referencing to one of those - multiple of them, actually,” he muttered.

Augustus raised an eyebrow, “Well, I mean, I’m likely either a little bit older or younger than you. Let’s not go so far as to say I’m old,” he enunciated, slowly smiling. “And… Per se, how would you elabourate upon ‘outgrowing’? I don’t see much of a difference betwixt.”

The male hid a smile as best as he could, raising his hot chocolate to his lips as he gazed at the boy, watching his reaction. However, after a few seconds, he couldn’t help it - he laughed, placing his hot chocolate down before clasping his hands in front of his face as he tried to stifle it. “Don’t worry about it,” he murmured, averting his eyes as a fresh wave of hilarity hit him. “Mistakes don't define you, what you do after does.” He tilted his head, smirking. “Although it was adorable to watch you think about your words after you said them.” He chuckled again.

“Well, eccentric can describe me in a tizzy, so I suppose that yes, they do match my personality.” He turned his attention to Hallie, leaving Alec to respond. “And… You’re very observant, aren’t ya? I don’t appreciate the limelight all that much, no. And people tend to focus on those superficial aspects rather than the internal ones, like you just said. So yes, that was a good way to surmise me as a person.” He grinned.

You must be deep into RP?
Justin's 2016 Audi A9 zoomed past the endless road of tar, until he finally reached his front driveway. The gates swung open and Justin pulled out, to the right, carefully, making sure that no cars were heading his way. He was traveling at 36mph and driving pretty safely. For about 10 minutes, he just kept heading straight, until he turned left onto Dairy Street. He went up ahead a little further and pulled into the Middle School parking lot. He exited the vehicle and walked to the entrance of the Middle School.

"Yeash, this school's seen better days." ,exclaimed Justin.

He buzzed the front office and the secretary said, "Come on in, he's been waiting for you.".

The front door clicked and Justin pulled it open, walking inside. He then approached the office and entered.

"Quick question, do I have to sign something, so you guys know I was here?" ,asked Justin.

"No, just head on down to the Nurse's." ,replied the secretary. She was old, maybe in her 50's or 60's. She had red spiky hair and had emerald eyes. Justin flicked his eyebrows and left the office. He went down the hallway and made a left. There, he saw the Nurse's office and went inside.

"Hi, I'm here for a Jacob Forrest." ,stated Justin.

"Are you his brother?" ,questioned the nurse.

"Half-brother actually. My mom left my dad when I was 2, and met a new guy. 2 years later, Jacob was born." ,explained Justin.

"Oh, well I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories. Anyways, Jacob always talks about you. How you've made Co-Captain of the Lacrosse team and how you always help him. He's lucky to have you. And quite proud to be your brother." ,said the nurse.

Justin chuckled, "And I'm quite honored to have him as my little brother."

"Well, I'm sure you know what happened, but in any case I still have to give you the run-down. Jacob's Algebra teacher reported that he came to class with a bruised eye, at first, we though it might've been a home problem, but when I asked Ms.Wenrich, his History teacher, what happened, she said she didn't know. He was perfectly fine in class." ,explained the nurse.

"So, are we thinking bullies?" ,wondered Justin.

"Between you and I, I'm definitely thinking it was bullies." ,the nurse said.

"Well, do I have to sign him out?" ,asked Justin.

"Yeah, just sign this slip and have Jacob bring it with him next time he comes to school." ,replied the nurse.

With that, Justin left and found Jacob sitting on a stool with a bloody nose and bruised eye.

"C'mon, let's go home." ,Justin said with sympathy.

The two left the building and entered Justin's Audi A9. Justin pulled out of the parking lot, with more caution since Jacob was in his car, and drove with silence until Justin finally said, "Alright listen, I don't care what the reason is, just tell me why you keep getting bullied.".

"Are you sure you won't be disappointed?" ,Jacob finally said.

Justin's heart sank a little, thinking about what Jacob was about to say. "I will never get mad at you, I promise."

"I-I'm gay." ,Jacob stuttered.

Justin pulled to the side of the road quickly and put his car in break. "You're what?" ,asked Justin, wanting clarification.

"I'm gay." ,Jacob repeated.

Justin let out a sigh and bit his bottom lit, looking outside his front window.

"Are you telling mom?" ,questioned Justin.

"No, please don't tell her." ,begged Jacob.

"I will never do something that would make you hate me." ,said Justin, "now how about some music?"
 Justin put on "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede and for the rest of the car ride back home, the 2 brothers joked around and laughed.

They arrived at their overly sized house, that Jacob's father and Justin's step-father owned, and Justin parked his car right by the garage. He got out and was stopped from entering the house by Jacob.

"Aren't you going back to school?" ,asked Jacob.

"Are you kidding, we're partying kiddo, c'mon!" ,shouted Justin.

Jacob and Justin entered the house excitedly and started calling all their friends and Justin even tweeted it out.

It said to come to 2404 West Bayberry Road in Party attire to have a FUN night. Justin was known for throwing some pretty hectic parties.
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@KinkySnakeSkinz Hahaha, that's cute. :D Hey, I'll see if I can draft up a character really quick for your plot subsidy and join in, if that's okay with you, of course. :O
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...And now I'm debating whether to make a character that applies more to Justin or to Jacob personality-wise. >.< @KinkySnakeSkinz

I have no preference. But, I was gonna have Jacob's bully kinda be a "secret admirer" and Justin finds out that the 2 start dating, but that was gonna happen weeks after the events of Jacob's black eye.

But you can do whatever you want, I won't be upset. ^_^ @Proxemae
The night had struck, and the party began. Justin's whole house was lit with different lights and blinking signs that he hung from the windows. His house, more like mansion, was filled with familiar faces from school. When he saw his best friend arrive he greeted him and handed him a red cup filled with beer. Jacob was in the backyard hanging out with the friends he invited, mostly girls, but some boys did come as well.

"Hey Jacob!" ,Justin's friend shouted drunkenly from the back door.

"Dude, we're like totally wasted, and it's only been 2 hours." ,Justin said giggling, and holding up 4 fingers.

"WE NEED MORE BEER!" ,screamed a girl in the kitchen.

"Seconded." ,said Justin's friend.

"Whatever, hey Jack!" ,Jack, Mason's friend, turned around all sober and said, "On it.".

"My man." ,Justin said looking dazed and confused.

Jacob was having a blast, until the kid that's been bullying arrived to his house. At that point, Jacob was silent for some time, until Justin asked what was wrong. Jacob tried to put off, but Justin put him in an arm lock, playfully, and finally found out was wrong. He let go of Jacob, and 2 of Justin's friends followed him to where the bully was. 1 of Justin's friends picked him up by the neck and carried him to upstairs balcony. There, they dangled the bully over the ledge and demanded that he apologize to Jacob. And he did. When the clock struck 12, the party was over. Everyone left and Jacob and Justin cleaned up the house. They both brushed their teeth and put on pajamas. Justin tucked Jacob into bed and Justin went to bed himself then. The next morning, Justin was HAMMERED. He had a massive headache and could barely look into any light.

"Morning Broski." ,said Jacob.

Justin just gave him a tired look and rubbed his hair. Then, Justin grabbed whatever clothes were clean and hopped in the shower. When he got out, he did his hair, ate breakfast, and brushed his teeth. He kissed his mom goodbye and drove his brother to school first.

"Thanks." ,Jacob said unexpectedly.

"For what?" ,responded Justin.

"For just being my brother." ,replied Jacob. And he hugged his brother tightly. A tear ran down Justin's face, even with his hangover, as he watched his brother exit the vehicle. He then remembered about the slip and quickly rolled down the window.

"Hey! Did mom sign that slip for you!?!?" ,shouted Justin.

"Yeah!" ,Jacob shouted back.

Justin raced to the high school and pulled into the parking lot, the Grey on his car glowed from the power of the sun. He got out of his car and locked it.


(pants and shoes)View attachment 218688

(Justin's car) 
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Jaxon Messer.jpg

Name: Jaxon Messer

Age: Thirteen, almost fourteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual... but not open about it.


Likes: Music, cats, solitude, headphones, creative arts

Dislikes: Math, his father, homophobia (ironically), arrogance

Do they like school?: Not really

Sports: Soccer

Relationships: N/A

Crushes: Well...

Extra: He owns a cat named Luna. And the spoiler image is a GIF! Whoo!



Possible W.I.P.
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@KinkySnakeSkinz Alright, so I'll give a small starter that leaves channels open for both of us to capitalise on. :O

By the way, I am British, so if I say things that make absolutely no sense whatsoever then tell me to calm down and translate and I will happily do so. ^~^ It doesn't show much when I'm in OOC, but IC is a whole different story.

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