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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Outfit and Objects: (also first time using Polyvore so I went overboard)


The boy entered through the doors leading into the school, rubbing at his neck where a dark bruise had formed from the party last night. It sent a flare of pain through him as he touched it, and he sucked in air through his teeth reflexively, lowering his hand slowly as the pain faded to a dull throb in the back of his mind.

He rolled his eyes, thinking of how he'd gotten it. Jacob's older brother, of course - karma had been an ass to him that night, and he wasn't all that keen on seeing either of them that day - Justin because, well, he had sort of dangled him down from a balcony the night before, and Jacob... He'd rather not think about why for the time being. He'd deal with him later.

Blowing upwards to get his hair out of his scintillating blue-grey irises, he strolled to his locker, where a group was beginning to form already, despite the fact that the school day wouldn't start for another twenty minutes or so - they liked to talk beforehand, to forget their responsibilities for just a short period of time. Gently pushing through the group, nodding to a few of them and giving a few sparing high-fives, he swung open his locker, throwing his backpack in and closing it once more before turning to the group and raising his eyebrows. "What's up?" He greeted his friends.

"Hey, Jax!" One of them spoke up, crossing his arms - Mathias. "Will you be coming to the middle school soccer scrimmages? There's one every day for the next week or so."

"Yeah, I think so, unless my parents have a problem with it." He shrugged a shoulder, leaning back against the locker, hands in his pockets. "You know how they are sometimes."

Murmurs of assent made their way around the small congregation. "Hey, what happened to your neck? That looks like it hurt," another one asked, inclining his head towards the bruise. "Was it a soccer ball?"

His hand unconsciously went up to his neck once more, rubbing it, and he winced at the pain that lanced through him, though he didn't show it. "I'd rather not talk about it, if that's okay with you, Charlie. It's kind of... Private."

They all ooh'ed, giving knowing looks to each other, and he smirked, enjoying how completely wrong they probably were in their thoughts. His friends would have no idea what a hickey was if someone directly pointed one at them.


Sorry, Puddin', I'm finally back. I see your C.S and intro paragraph has been posted. @Proxemae will take care of you.

@Daniel reaving

"Awww. Why are you sighing, love"? 


Asukra gasped when Red lifted her up but smiled afterwards. "Thank you. I hope you don't mind me wearing one of your boxers, they're just really comfortable". She pecked his nose.
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Name: Jacob Forrest

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual, only his brother knows


Height: 5 feet 7 inches

Weight: 113 lbs.


~Listening to music

~Water polo

~Being comfortable




~Being bored

~Being picked on

Do they like school?: Yes, when picked on, No

Sports: Water Polo

Relationships: None

Crush: None, yet

Extra Details:

Has a half brother named Justin

And 6 year old German Shepard named Rork



Sorry, Puddin', I'm finally back. I see your C.S and intro paragraph has been posted. @Proxemae will take care of you.

@Daniel reaving

"Awww. Why are you sighing, love"? 


Asukra gasped when Red lifted her up but smiled afterwards. "Thank you. I hope you don't mind me wearing one of your boxers, they're just really comfortable". She pecked his nose.

She smiled. "Just a happy sigh." She said hugging her more

Trent slipped off the couch and hit the ground with a large thud. "Ouch" he groaned 

She yelled as she fell down onto him 

Sorry, Puddin', I'm finally back. I see your C.S and intro paragraph has been posted. @Proxemae will take care of you.

@Daniel reaving

"Awww. Why are you sighing, love"? 


Asukra gasped when Red lifted her up but smiled afterwards. "Thank you. I hope you don't mind me wearing one of your boxers, they're just really comfortable". She pecked his nose.

He smiled and blushed " yea I don't mind. Just where's your panties. You have them on underneath or what " he asked and kissed her and went back to cooking 
Hmm. Well then. Guess I'll have to go looking for them " he said and was finished cooking. He made placed the food on two plates and handed her one " I can't wait till I find them " he said and kissed her then went to the table and sat down 

@Rock And Roll Boy
"Hm. But I was going to offer to make out with you..." Her grin got bigger, she liked to gently tease now. But it faded as she sat down. "Red..." Pausing for a moment, she shook her head. "Never mind". She squinted at her food, digging into it.

"That's really good, honey" she said with a mouthful, after eating a few forkfuls.

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"No, Red, I didn't do anything. I don't know if I am pregnant, nor do I want to talk about it". She unhooked her cracked glasses that were on her shirt collar, slipping them on. "Just know that if I am, you're not the father. I didn't cheat on you, this was back before we got together". She twirled some bacon around on her fork, rubbing her stomach.

"Thank you for breakfast, sweetie. So are you going on your special hunt"? She lifted up her glasses, eventually deciding on taking them off. "I'm gonna have a lie down, either way". 

He smiled and nodded. " yep I am going on my special hunt." He said and kissed her and smirked " I shall carry the princess to her royal chamber " he said and smirked and picked her up and carried her  to his room and placed her on the bed and got over her and kissed her 

@Rock And Roll Boy
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Jacob was the earliest to wake up in his house, even though he only got 5 hours of sleep. Last night, he and his brother had thrown a party while Jacob's parents were gone. Jacob got out of bed and made it straight away. He then approached his closet and grabbed a simple sweatshirt, joggers, and his pair of black and white Jordan Eclipse shoes.




He then went to the bathroom and cleaned up. After finishing his shower and other daily routine, he went downstairs to the kitchen, where he remembered his bully at school, Jax, apologized to him for picking on him. Jacob said his thank you and they didn't talk to each other for the rest of the night. Although, he and Jax did make eye contact once and a while. Anyways, Jacob went to the medicine cabinet, located above the stove, and grabbed 2 aspirins for his brother, who was DRUNK, and placed them on the counter. Along with french toast sticks, covered in syrup, and a glass of milk. Jacob decided to go back upstairs to wake his brother up, but his brother was just getting out of bed by the time he reached his room.

ultra-modern-teenage-boy-room-design.jpg(Justin's room)

Jacob entered Justin's room and said, "Morning Broski." ,cupping his hands over his mouth.

Justin looked at him tiredly, walked over to him and rubbed his hair wildly. After Justin finished showering and getting ready, the 2 brothers had breakfast and Jacob made sure his brother took his aspirins.

"Morning my birdies!" ,Jacob and Justin's mother said excitedly.

Justin gave a questionable look and pretended to have wings. This made Jacob laugh at his brother, being dumb of course.

"You seem happy mom. What's the occasion?" ,Jacob asked respectfully, but still laughing.

"Your mother is now working as head director in her pharmaceutical agency." ,Jacob's dad and Justin's step-dad said.

"Well, technically it's not "hers"." ,Justin responded, doing air quotations.

"You know what I meant." ,Jacob's father said, looking grim.

Justin raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Alright, I need to finish getting ready. Make sure you have everything ready as well Jacob." ,Justin commanded.

Jacob just gave a small nod and smiled softly. Justin ran up the stairs every two and reached the top of the stairwell.

"Hey mom, can you sign this for me. It's nothing bad or anything, it's just the Nurse wants you to sign it before I go to school today." ,Jacob requested.

"Sure thing honey." ,his mother responded.

About an hour later, Jacob had thanked his brother for just being his brother, after Justin drove him to school, and had turned his slip in. He was in 2nd period and this class, he hated most, Gym. Now, Jacob was athletic and he played Water Polo, but he had the same class with Jax, his bully. And today, they were playing soccer. At least, this was Jacob's 2nd favorite sport, so it wasn't that bad, for a little bit. Everything was going well until Jax said, "Hey.".
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