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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Blue smiled and played with the snake " hmm. I see. Well I'm skipping school today " he said. Cobra was getting fed up with blue playing with her when she wanted to sleep 

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Abella giggled and kissed Samantha's cheek back, their food arriving just afterwards. After thanking the waitress and receiving their cutlery, Abella cut up some of the bacon. 

"Are you a vegetarian, sweetie"? 

@Daniel reaving

Asukra curled up and burst into tears, nearly wailing. 

"Oh, baby, please don't cry..." Her mother lifted off the pillows gently, nearly crying herself as she saw the state her daughter was in. Asukra was wailing now, her mother rubbing her back softly. 

"You let him hit me, mum! You let him hit me"! 

Abella giggled and kissed Samantha's cheek back, their food arriving just afterwards. After thanking the waitress and receiving their cutlery, Abella cut up some of the bacon. 

"Are you a vegetarian, sweetie"? 

@Daniel reaving

Asukra curled up and burst into tears, nearly wailing. 

"Oh, baby, please don't cry..." Her mother lifted off the pillows gently, nearly crying herself as she saw the state her daughter was in. Asukra was wailing now, her mother rubbing her back softly. 

"You let him hit me, mum! You let him hit me"! 


"Heck no I love meat." She said as she snatched up a hole strip of bacon and took a big bite out of it as she leaned against abellaa lovingly
Red sat straight up " who hit you. I'll teach him its not ok to hit women. Though when I'm done with him he might not be alive " red said and made asukra sit up and sat beside her and let her lean her head on his chest if she wanted to 

@Rock And Roll Boy

ahh. I see. Well. Would you care to skip with me " he asked giving a small smirk. Cobra got annoyed and bit blues hand " ahh cobra. " he said and the snake stuck her tongue out at him. " you know it's a good thing I'm immune to your venom " he said sighing 

She giggled as he walked over taking the milk and setting it down and pulled him down onto her kissing him happily

He kissed her back and sat next to her. "are you cold or anything?" he said turning his tv on and flicking through channels until he was sufficed with scooby doo
"Sweetie..." Abella got some bacon on her fork and held it near Samantha. "... open up".

@Daniel reaving

Samantha looked at her as she ate her bite of bacon then blushed a little and opened up for her

He kissed her back and sat next to her. "are you cold or anything?" he said turning his tv on and flicking through channels until he was sufficed with scooby doo

"No. even if I was cold I have you to keep me warm." She said softly
Augustus shrugged a shoulder, grinning a bit as he considered the girl, resting his chin in his palm and gazing at her. “You remind me so much of Gabriel,” he murmured, hastening to elabourate before the obvious question was asked; “My brother. The high school freshman. Yeah, he’s still living with my mother. But we still spend time with each other - which he tends to rub in her face.” He chuckled at that. “Typical teenager. Always looking to catch their superiors off-guard, always ready to backtrack when it comes back to bite… And you’re right when you say it’s a small neighbourhood. There’s literally no way to avoid anyone ‘round these parts.”


    He tilted his head down, surprised at the sudden gesture but not at all put off by it. It felt normal anyhow, for some reason unknown to him. “Thanks, heh. It’s fine, I have no feelings attached to either of them anyways.” He ran a hand through his hair when the girl leaned back into her seat, only succeeding in making it messier. “It’s not hard sharing that bit of information, either. Growing up in my circumstances definitely teaches you a lot of things,” he muttered. Glancing over at Alec, he noticed him cleaning his glasses but didn’t think any of it, his hyperactive mind flitting to how grateful he was that he didn’t need glasses or anything of the sort despite his unique condition. It was a stroke of luck, he supposed. “You’ve absolutely nothing to apologise for, Hallie.”


“You would think coming from a cold country would lend some sort of resistance to this weather,” he sighed, taking his hot chocolate and taking a longer sip than before, as the liquid temperature had begun to somewhat mitigate. Wrapping his hands around it as if to warm them, he shook his head, hair again becoming rebellious with the vigour of his movement and falling into his eyes. “It doesn’t. When you become older and you do your own fair share of travelling, don’t make the same mistake I did.” He rolled his eyes, “It blows.”


“Well, I feel like we all make those kinds of mistakes at a time or another,” Augustus murmured, the male’s words striking a familiar chord within him, though he didn’t quite expand on it - just looked down, biting his lip.


“Of course,” he responded, playfully rolling his eyes at Alec, “What? What do you think little old me would do with it?” At his mention of a sibling, he noticed Alec’s sudden detachment from the conversation, and he quickly clammed up, wondering if he shouldn’t have earlier spoke about Gabriel. But it was too late; so he forged on, making sure to pick up on the subtle things he learned to be so attuned to.


“Well, that was an accurate assumption you made there, Hallie.” He chuckled before looking over at Alec, raising an eyebrow at his sudden show of… hmm. He tilted his head, quickly calculating in his head his response, constructing something that wouldn’t seem too overt to all but those who were listening for it. He considered it probing; though it wasn't something he was exactly proud of, it gave him valuable insight of the person concerning their openness to… Well, to a homosexual, for lack of a better way to put it. It was the truth. “And how would you go about hurting me?” He carefully shot back, controlling the inflections of his voice as he gave a contesting grin, which could be easily misconstrued as a contending response to the male’s competitive askance. What he’d learned in his time alone - at least one of the things he’d learned - was how to steer the conversation to answer unasked questions naturally, as if it were the idea of the person in question. He’d been called manipulative, but to him it was a defence mechanism, nothing more. He only used it when he was too afraid to outright ask the question himself. And another thing he’d learned - people never detected what they weren’t looking for, or expecting to find.


“Mmm-hmm,” he agreed, closing said eyes as he noticed the overlaying layer of greyscale above the vibrant colour, two different streams of information being sent by each eye, and it was absolutely amazing sometimes how normal it seemed to Augustus, as if it were something each and every person had to deal with. It was amazing what the brain could convince itself of, what it could adapt to. He could never resist from a burst of wonder at the notion of life when he thought about it, but the conversation distracted him from the thoughts. “Hey, blue eyes are pretty in my opinion,” he protested. “Even though my eyes are different colours, they’re just different shades of brown if you think about it. And brown can get pretty boring sometimes, just saying. This one -” He pointed to his left eye, “- this one is a light hazel, and it’s the one I see colour out of. And this one -” He now pointed to his right, “- is apparently a light green. I see black-and-white out of this one.” He shook his head, “It’s quite annoying, if you ask me.”

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Red looked at her mom " who hit her. Is it the guy I saw in your car " red asked and let his gang tattoo show. It had a symbol seaside it.  A crown with a circle. That meant he was the leader of the gang " you better not tell me some half assed answer. I want the full on truth. I'll be able to tell if your lying and I really don't like liars " he said with a threatening tone 

@Rock And Roll Boy
He blushed "if you say so" he said and laid across her like a blanket. "Am I doing it right?"

She giggles and kissed his cheek before she nodded. "Yup. Just like a blanket should." She said with a giggle

Asukra shook her head, leaning against Red's shoulder. 

"Maybe you should be asking me" her mother said softly but looking agitated. 


Abella giggled and put the fork in Samantha's mouth for her to eat the bacon on it.

@Daniel reaving

Samantha happily are the bacon then leaned into her smiling happily
She giggles and kissed his cheek before she nodded. "Yup. Just like a blanket should." She said with a giggle

"Yesss" he said kissing her bu pulling himself up. he pulled away from her for a second. "I dont wanna stop kissing you, ever. " he said

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