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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Asukra stopped crying and started to fall asleep. Her mother looked heartbroken, crouching down so she was level with her daughter.

"Asukra... you're having a little sister..." Was all she said before getting back up and leaving, starting to cry herself.

Hallie sliced a bit of her pancake and scooped it to her mouth, savoring the melting sweetness in her mouth with a slight hum as she watched the man with curious eyes, wordlessly asking who he was talking about. She silently listened as she continued to enjoy the sweet treat she had, the taste of chocolate and light syrup coating her tongue. She caught the way he lit up when talking about his younger brother, swallowing the food in her mouth, "He sounds fun to be with. Maybe I could learn a few things from him." She grinned. Alec lightly shook his head, "I'd rather you don't give her any ideas 'cause it'll be hell for me to pay when that time comes in a few years." He smiled wryly.

He followed with his eyes what Hallie did to Augustus, slightly raising an eyebrow, 'Is she doing...' When he affirmed his assumption, he let a loud breath through his nose, slightly amused, 'Seriously, Hals?' He silently continued eating. Unaware, Hallie tilted her head, lightly tugging on the bottom part, "No problem but are you sure you're really fine with things being like this? 'Cause that's just... sad to think about. I hope you guys would be able to sort it out someday. After all, she might not be fine with it now but who can say, maybe in the future. Hopefully, everything would work it out in the end." She softly smiled at him, before breaking off a piece of her pancake and putting it into her mouth, keeping her fork there for a moment. "Oh, but I already did and I can't take it back." She scrunched her eyebrows together.

Hallie placed down her fork, her pancakes slightly oozing out syrup where the silverware was pressing against, before she got hold of her milkshake, to somehow dilute the sweetness with the cool liquid. "It's fine, the cold never bothered me anyway." She murmured, giggling shortly at her choice of words. "As you might have guessed by now, I love the cold. I prefer long, cold nights than warm mornings. I don't really mind it." She looked down on her drink, stirring it with her straw. "I'm naturally warm, so I think I'll be okay. Besides, I've always been curious about what it feels like to visit other countries and I wouldn't let a little harsh weather get the best of me." She put on a determined face.  "But no worries for now, seeing as I don't have the means for travel at the moment. Besides, it's not like I can go anywhere without this big lug." She jabbed her thumb at Alec's direction, who just rolled his eyes at her as he took a sip on his coffee. "If I don't look after you, your grandparents and your dad would be up on my throat. Believe me, it's for both of our benefit." He placed down his cup back on the saucer.

He glanced at Augustus, "True and it's not all that bad. After all, that's what makes us human, I guess." He shrugged with one shoulder, "We trip, we fuss then we stand up and learn from that mistake." He murmured, catching his slight gesture and how he didn't meet his gaze but didn't comment and just continued eating. "Mistakes don't define you, what you do after does. That's what I think."

He chewed his food and swallowed, "I find something off with your choice of words." He slightly tilted his head. "You might be old, I'll give you that, but you sure ain't little." He pointed out, a lopsided grin on his face. "From what I see, you easily outgrew me. And honestly, I don't think those two words should belong in the same sentence."

Hallie was in the middle of chewing when she was praised for her assumption, "Thank you!" She tried to say, although slightly muffled. Alec stifled a chuckle as he watched as the other guy was caught offguard by his statement. He could pretty much see the cogs in his brain working as he processed his words. He caught his underlying tone when he took the bait, careful. He raised an eyebrow at that, "Wouldn't you like to know." He murmured as he sat back, running a hand through his hair. It was then he decided to think about what he said prior to that. His eyes fractionally widened in realization at his implication, suddenly feeling the urge to slap some sense into him from annoyance. He kept a composed face, his hand dropping to the back of his neck to rub at it, "Sorry, that probably sounded weird." He suddenly grew self-aware, his thoughts milling in his mind like a bullet train, "Didn't know what came over me." He shortly added. He also thought of how he reacted, somehow finding something suspiciously... off about it but he couldn't place his finger what.

She smiled a bit at Augustus, "Thank you for the compliment. They say I share the same eyes as my mom. She's really pretty, though she had darker hair than I do." She held her brown hair with her free hand as if to show them. "Your eyes are anything but boring, if anything, I think they look pretty nice to me, as though it's something that just kinda fits your personality." She flashed him a grin. She listened to how he described his eyes, watching in fascination. Once he was done, she decided to speak, slightly tilting her head, "I take it that you really don't like being the one in the spotlight. That's pretty understandable, seeing as they just notice you because you look different, probably not taking to consideration how you feel and how you really are. Right?"

@Proxemae Sorry, late reply. Didn't check on here until late and been feeling kinda meh lately. 
Asukra opened her eyes halfway, a smile slowly forming on her face. 

"I'm gonna have a little sister, Red..."

@Daniel reaving

(My characters are elsewhere- Abella in a local restaurant with Samantha, Asukra in Red's home.  Everyone else's characters are in a local diner). 

Sorry, puddins, I'm back now. 


Of course, puddin'. A C.S sheet and intro paragraph is required. 

@Daniel reaving

Abella kissed her back, chuckling. "Are we ever going to finish this breakfast? It's going to get cold". She loved every moment she spent with Samantha but their breakfast was getting cold.


"A little sister, Red..."
"Good I want you too"He said licking her nose in a cat like manner

She giggles loudly as she gently pushed his face away while she moved forward pressing her face into his neck as she nuzzled into him happily 

Sorry, puddins, I'm back now. 


Of course, puddin'. A C.S sheet and intro paragraph is required. 

@Daniel reaving

Abella kissed her back, chuckling. "Are we ever going to finish this breakfast? It's going to get cold". She loved every moment she spent with Samantha but their breakfast was getting cold.


"A little sister, Red..."

Samantha giggled a little and started eating. She was having fun and was enjoying every second since abella had become hers. She ate rather quickly with abella so she could get back to cuddling with her happily. Sadly though her happiness was ended when she saw some of the really popular girls enter and immediately lock onto Samantha. They often picked on her or teased her about a lot of things and today would be no different. As they walked up the leader of them spoke. "Ohhh look it's the nerd. And who's this? Did you pay her to act like your girlfriend because we all know no one would ever love you." The lead girl said making the others laugh
Abella looked up at the girls and then back at Samantha, giving her a ' can you believe this' look. She spun back around to face this little squad. "Samantha is my girlfriend, I love her very much. I found her, on the floor, looking devastated. How could I just leave her like that"? Facing Samantha again, she felt her eyes water. "It lead to me meeting the love of my life". Facing the squad girl for the final time, Abella's blood started to boil a little. "And you're interrupting our breakfast, so please leave us be".

@Daniel reaving
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Abella looked up at the girls and then back at Samantha, giving her a ' can you believe this' look. She spun back around to face this little squad. "Samantha is my girlfriend, I love her very much. I found her, on the floor, looking devastated. How could I just leave her like that"? Facing Samantha again, she felt her eyes water. "It lead to me meeting the love of my life". Facing the squad girl for the final time, Abella's blood started to boil a little. "And you're interrupting our breakfast, so please leave us be".

@Daniel reaving

"Oh. I'm so sorry. It's not my fault you decided to date a loser." The girl said before snickering some more as Samantha clung to Abella more trying to block them out

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