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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Red yawned and got up and opened the door " no officer. I didn't kill who ever it is your here to ask me about " he said as usually when someone knocks it's a police officer asking about this person 

( such a great first impression XD ) 

@Rock And Roll Boy

That's great, puddin'. That pic too... Awww! Feel free to post an intro paragraph now, bearing in mind that it's morning in the RP right now. 

@Daniel reaving

Abella ordered and paid, taking Samamtha to a seat to wait for the food. Abella turned and blew her nose into a crumpled tissue, feeling stuffy.


"Mmm hmmm. Love you..."

"Feeling any better?" Samantha asked softly
Sorry. She's asleep at the moment. And I've claimed her as mine. She Dosent wanna go with you.  " he said and then got a brilliant idea " also I got her pregnant. She's gonna be a mother " he said lying. It sounded very convincing 

@Rock And Roll Boy
Alec rested his chin on the palm of his hand, "Actually, that wouldn't be my decision to make because you have no idea how persistently stubborn that girl can be." He glanced at Hallie, who pouts at him to which he rolled his eyes and looked back to Augustus, "As I was saying, if she wants something, she'll go through lengths just to get it. Not to say that she would keep insisting to the point of resignation, she'll just find a way to make you consider." He poked her cheek with his free hand, to which she gently pushed away with mock petulance before flashing him a wide grin to which he replied with a small smile, "For now, I'll just let nature take its course. She did say this is a small neighborhood, so... we'll see."

Hallie wrote her name with her fingertip on her glass. When the question rose to the identity of the people she was pertaining to, she shook her head, "Nope, not him. Sorry, but it was my grandparents who told me about it. Nice try guessing, though." She started drawing flowers on the side of her glass, as she listened attentively to his story. Alec caught his awkwardness but didn't make it evident as he looked at the table and traced the pattern with his index finger. When the mention of parents came to the table, his eyes stirred with an unreadable emotion but he quickly blinked it away as he wordlessly picked up his glasses and began wiping at the lenses with the hem of his shirt, checking it for any spots he might have missed before he slid them back to his eyes. Hallie's finger began to slowly stop on the glass as the story went on. When she was sure he was finished, she knelt on her chair and reached for his head, patting him, "There, there, you're okay now. Sorry for stirring something I think I shouldn't have but thank you for telling me, anyways." She put on a bittersweet smile.

"Hmmm... Maybe that could be the case too." Hallie concluded. "I'm not exactly bothered by the weather, actually I kind of like it the way it is." She nodded at her half-filled glass of milkshake, "But it's fun watching different types of people come in here." She grinned. "Also, it's almost like being in your own personal bubble when you come in here, a change of scenery but with a sense of home, at least that's it for me." 

"I don't even know at this point." Alec murmured, running a hand through his hair and keeping it there for a moment before he dropped it. "Maybe when they come into terms that they could do so much more than what they already have, that thought might finally cross their mind. But for now, this is what we get." He gestured at the diner.

He raised an eyebrow, his smirk intact, "Is that so?" When he mentioned about having a sibling, he pressed his lips together, glancing away for a moment but he shrugged it off as quick as it came, a lopsided smile left in its stead. Hallie slightly tilted her head, pressing a finger to her chin, "Is it really how people are with their younger siblings? I don't have any for reference so..." She shrugged.

She shook her head, "Not really. I mean, I assumed you two were around the same age." She giggled. He leaned back for a moment and cracked his knuckles, before lacing his fingers under his chin, "That depends. How badly do you want to get hurt?" He had an impish grin, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Alec pointed a finger gun to the side of his head and fired, to indicate that he gave up, "Fine, you win, but man, that must get frustrating at times." Hallie looked between the two, confused at the new word, "What does that word mean?" She tilted her head. "He has different colored eyes, which was what you pointed out." He briefly explained, to which she just replied with a small 'oh' before she pouted. "So pretty much, I'm the only one with plain blue eyes." He sighed lightly, patting her on the head, "Hey, look at the bright side, squirt. Not everybody has those either, so cheer up." He messed with her hair, which made her protest while laughing a bit.

They looked at the foods laid out for them, Hallie chirping thanks to the server before she spread the melting butter on the pancake and poured syrup all over it while Alec began to silently eat.



Cassandra awoke on her very first day of school. She had just moved here, and she had no idea where the school was. She smiled as her alarm clock played her favorite song, Moonlight by Ariana Grande. She smiled and quickly got ready. She put her blonde hair into a grey beanie, and slipped on a white sweater and skinny jeans. She then slipped on some heels and exited her house. As she walked, she saw a small café, and walked in. She then saw two students flirting as if they were together. She smiled and walked in, trying to make the students notice her.
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(I have to go now, puddins) 

@Daniel reaving

"A lot better. Thanks, sweetie". 


"We're here to collect our daughter" the woman said with a red face, looking like she was having an aneurysm.

"That's good baby." She said softly 

He then got a worried look on his face "what about your  parents?"

"My parents wouldn't worry. They don't really care as long as I'm home before midnight and don't get into trouble." She said softly

Asukra's father was ready to shove Red aside and barge in there. But her mother rubbed her stomach softly, looking rather upset.

"May I please see my girl? I wish to see her, especially now she's having a baby. I'm having another one and I can... discuss this with her. Then I will be on my way". 

@Daniel reaving

Abella held Samantha's hands, kissing them softly.
I'll go get her " he said and turned around. You could see the gang symbol tattooed on the back of his neck   He left to get asukra " he baby. Wake up. Your parents are here. I kinda told them you where pregnant " he said  smiling and woke her up 

@Rock And Roll Boy

Asukra's father was ready to shove Red aside and barge in there. But her mother rubbed her stomach softly, looking rather upset.

"May I please see my girl? I wish to see her, especially now she's having a baby. I'm having another one and I can... discuss this with her. Then I will be on my way". 

@Daniel reaving

Abella held Samantha's hands, kissing them softly.

Samantha blushed a little smiling happily 
Cassandra swallowed her fear and waved at he student with the snake, as if trying to start a conversation. Cas took one look at the snake, and felt her heart jump into her throat. She had a deadly fear of snakes.
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Cassandra smiled and sat across from Blue. "Do you go to school around here?" She questions, a smile occupying her lips.
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