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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Yea I'm registered but never show up for class. I rather street race and drag race and drift race the go to school " he said and cobra went and slithered to the girl and looked at her 

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That sounds way better than school, what do you drive? Pam asks, pushing her hair behind her ears, smiling and batting her eyes

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Hallie considered the man's offer, glancing up for a moment as she thought about it before looking back at him, "You sure that's okay? I don't want to sound rude or anything but if that is what you want...Auggie, then." She gave him a toothy grin. When she heard him compliment her name, she giggled a bit, "Thank you so much, mommy told me I share a name with a shooting star." She took hold of her milkshake with both hands and took a sip, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Yum!" A light tinge of pink tainted her cheeks as she continued to sip on her drink.

Alec placed his cup down on the saucer, wiping his mouth with the napkin. He lightly dribbled his fingers on the table, content with just listening to the conversation between the two. He figured he might as well let Hallie take the show, since he had the tendency of rubbing people the wrong way, one way or another, whenever he spoke. He then heard the man praise him, catching his eye with a blank expression, not giving anything away as he tried to make use of the information he was laying out. From what little he got, he figured he was right around his age, perhaps older by not much, and seeing as his companion was pretty comfortable talking to him must mean that he wouldn't be all that bad, he'll at least give him that much. He took his glasses off and placed them down onto the table to rub at his left eye to alleviate the itch before running his fingers through his hair.

When they heard the question directed at the title given to him, Hallie placed down her drink with a nervous smile as she looked at Alec, who was now trying not to smile as he covered his mouth, seemingly to cough, a glint of mild interest and amusement in his eyes as he rested his chin on interlaced fingers, waiting for her explanation. She looked back to Augustus, acting as though nothing happened, her smile coy, "It's because... I was the one who decided that he'll be the one to take care of me, when everybody else was more than willing to take me in." 

@Proxemae You do have a point there. And thank you :)  I'm just a casual roleplayer though. 
"Yes, why not?" He spread his hands in a nonchalant gesture, "Of course, if you prefer the title, then by all means use it. I've no problem with either." He tilted his head, a sentimental smile making its way onto his face. "I've been called by many names - August, Gus, Coco-Cola, Rain, Cole, et cetera - so I'm completely welcome to Auggie. It's just something you have to get used to after a while. But etiquette... It's not really my thing, y'know? It's as if..." He paused, his mind working to find a comparison she would understand. "...It's as if you put your shoes on the wrong feet. They fit, and you can walk, but it's not entirely comfortable."

"Of course," he said, tapping the table with a finger as he made the connection. "Haley's Comet. I should've known. ...Well, I'm named after a season, as you probably could tell. Your name's a lot cooler, though, if I do say so myself." He let out a small chuckle before seeing her take a huge drink of her milkshake, and he couldn't help but smile at the radiance it lent to her vivaciousness. "Good, 'innit? I love this place. They have the best selection of food and drink. The only thing I don't appreciate..." He gestured at the bustling environment, taking a fleeting glance at Alec as he did so in reference. "...is the surplus of people and the lack of seating. They don't blend."

"Oh. Oh, I see," he murmured, seeing the quick exchange that wordlessly passed between the two in front of him but tactfully choosing not to comment on such. "Well, seeing that you're such a proper -" His accent thickened on the last word, though he worked to get it down in a sudden internal flurry of self-awareness, "- a proper young lady in and out of itself, I can see that you chose appropriately. Well, there's a thing! You're well on your way to being an adult already! And how old are you?" He asked, though he looked at Alec for approval, knowing that some found it wildly inappropriate for people to be asking children's age.

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"That's cool. It's almost like you get to be a lot of people, depending on who you're talking to." Hallie clapped her hands together, nodding in understanding. "I guess I could relate, seeing as my name has been played with a couple of times before too." She smiled softly as she began to draw shapes on her glass with her index finger. As for the etiquette bit, she tried to digest what was being laid out for her. "Oh... okay then. I think I get it but I'll stick with the title for now since it makes me feel weird to call adults by their names upon first meeting. Your experience is pretty much the opposite of mine yet strangely similar as well, so maybe when I get used to your presence, I'll get a hang of it." She pressed her back towards the backrest as she twirled her hair around her finger, looking away for a moment almost self-consciously. 

She fixed her gaze back to him when he made the connection, and slightly nodded, "Yeah, apparently she was big on stars or something like that." She shrugged with one shoulder, "If it makes you feel better, I would have been named Winter if that was the case and that would be just weird, now that I think about it." She giggled a bit. She nodded in agreement when he praised the restaurant, "You think so too? How come I've never seen you before today? I have at least a pretty good grasp of the people who come and go in this place and yet, this is the first time I saw you." She tilted her head to the side. 

Alec dropped his hands onto the table, "I've heard they had plans of renovating and expanding this place quite a few times before but then that would mean they would have to close up shop for the amount of time it's going to take them to finish up so they didn't want to risk it, which brings us to our present situation." He murmured, dribbling his fingers onto the table. 

He let himself smirk a bit at her explanation, "And it was such an honor to be selected by you, young mistress." which made her characteristically stick her tongue at him. He shifted his gaze to Augustus, "As for you, there's no need to ask permission, she would at least tell you that much without me having to say it." He shrugged, looking at Hallie who was flattered by the compliment she got from the other man,"So I've been told but I don't think I'm anywhere near, I am just seven, after all...hm?" She took notice of something, "I just realized you have really pretty eyes."


August isn't a season... ^~^'

"Well, I mean... Let's not go as far as to say that I'll be around long enough for you to get used to me," Augustus lightly chided, another slight blush colouring his face, very carefully not looking at Alec. "I'm certain that persons asking for a seat at random booths isn't everyday occurrence." He did again notice something - the girl's transformation from an outgoing persona to an increasingly shy one, one that wouldn't look at August directly as he was himself practising. He again chose not to comment, internally refraining from thinking too much about it as the girl continued to speak, instead focusing on that.

"Well, I'm sure she had her reasons," August murmured, running a hand through his hair and fixing it back before tilting his head at the child - the movement making his efforts futile, as his hair again spilled over his forehead. "Not everyone has the potential that an up-and-coming star does, hmm?" He smiled at Hallie, "I appreciate the gesture, but even Winter would've fit you. A lot of names would fit you, to be quite honest. Not that I don't like my name, but it's definitely... Uncommon. It makes people stop and think about the person. And personally, I don't like the attention. I tend to gain too much of it already, and for traits I'd rather it didn't."

"Well, I've only recently started regularly appearing here," he explained. "I came quite infrequently a while back, as I had just moved to this part of town and I was getting somewhat situated. I'm a few blocks -" He waved his hand in the general direction, "- few blocks that way, within walking distance. I wouldn't be surprised if for the former parts of my attendance here you didn't see me, and for the latter this isn't the day I normally come here." He shrugged. "I usually come a day before today, but yesterday I was swamped with, ah... Work." He fidgeted, suddenly finding interest in the wisps of steam still floating out of his cup.

"Really?" His eyes swung to Alec's, and he instantly berated himself internally for betraying his silent agreement. "I've not heard of that... Well, in my not-so-expert opinion, I'd much rather take the time to be able to serve more than vice versa. But it's perhaps my inability to turn a single soul away." He faintly grinned at himself, wondering why he was how he'd described. "Yeah, likely that."

He smiled at the two's exchange, finding it genuinely amusing on many different levels before his attention was drawn back to the other male. "Oh?.. Is that a good thing?" He grinned, to show his joking mannerism, again paying heed to Hallie once more. "Well, it's good that you're modest, in that case. You're very hard-pressed to find humility these days."

"Seven?" He couldn't resist the exclamation of surprise. "...I'm sorry, it's just... I was estimating much older than that! Well, aren't you a remarkable young lady in that perspective as well!.. I'm eighteen if that makes a difference. Apparently I look and talk much older than that, so we're in the same boat there."

"...Oh?.. Oh." He lightly - embarrassedly - grinned, looked down, said eyes studying the patterns in the table they occupied. "...Thanks. You're not the first to comment, and you definitely won't be the last if my suspicions are correct." He thought about what he'd said. "...Not to sound conceited, or anything of the sort. It's just... One of those things." He shrugged, holding a hand up and positioning it so the back of his hand rested against the corner of his mouth, looking as if he were whispering a secret to Hallie, though he continued to speak normally: "Alec over there has nice eyes too, if I do say myself." He grinned, chuckling, his hand lowering to absently tap against the side of his cup.


Now it was Asukra's turn to moan but pleasurably, Red's nuzzle to her neck doing the trick. She took off her glasses and let them fall to the floor, still enveloping Red in her hug. 

@Daniel reaving

"Awww". Abella gave Samantha's forehead a kiss, one hand finding Samantha's and holding it gently. "Do you feel comfortable displaying our love in public, sweetie"? Abella spoke softly. In view was the local restaurant that Abella visited every so often.

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