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Fantasy Silva (always open)


New Member


Once upon a time, the kingdom of Krorial were a proud kingdom and were the owners of the beautiful west forest, also called Silva. 

Silva was the home of unicorns, mermaids, elves, and many gorgeous animals. Children, human and other, often ran around and played in the forest. It was a time of peace and happiness. King Cassius IV and his wife Queen Eliose of Soria was proud over the forest, like it was their very own creation. Even the royal children was safe and sound in the forest, protected by the elves. 
It was a time of magic, but as time passed things changed. The King and Queen lost control over Mortis, and due to that they lost control over Silva. Mortis let the veil between the dead and the living open, and let demons and ghosts come through.

Realizing their mistake, Mortis tried to take control over the dead and the evil entities that came through the veil. He locked them away during the day, letting the other creatures roam during the time sun was on the sky. But as nighttime came around and the stars adorned the sky, they lost the control and the entities broke free to roam the forest and the Kingdom until the very first rays of sunshine shone trough the branches of the tall, proud trees in Silva. 


- You may roleplay King Cassius IV or Queen Eliose. You decide what they are like, their past, and what their surname is. You may not be both however. If both the king and queen are free then you may chose a surname, but if one is already taken and have a surname you cannot chose another surname (unless you choose to state the characters old surname, if it's the queen i mean)

- Please be aware of the age. The prince's and princesses' are the King and Queen's children, so the King and Queen may not be 20-22 years of age.

- You may be any creature you like, just don't be too overpowered. 

- "Mortis" means "death", so when i talk about "mortis" i mean the grim reaper.

- You may have up to 4 characters, however; they may not all be of the same gender. Not all female, not all male, not all non-binary (as an example)

- This roleplay will always be open.

- OOC chat; here

- Character sheet; here

- the king and queen have a lot to say about what's going on in the kingdom, if you got any ideas etc then please tell me and we'll discuss them.

- If there's a number after a certain rank then it means that there can only be a certain number of characters that got that profession. If there aren't any numbers then it's unlimited.


1aNo god modding , "bunnying", or "power playing"

1b: Do not kill another character without the original roleplayer's permission.

2a Be respectful towards others. 

2b. Do not bully or harass other players ( OOC.) Fights in character may occur however.

2c: try to write longer than five sentences. Your sentences don't need to be long. 

2d: Accept other's way of writing. 

 3a. please, inform me if you're leaving.

3b. Please post something at least every two days. If something happens and you can't play for a while; tell me.

4a. swearing is allowed.

4b. "black out" in the right moment. No sex or something like it.

4c. Graphic violence or abuse is not welcome. Fighting scenes may occur however, just keep it down a notch.

5. MAX character's; 4. Like i stated before: All you characters cannot have the same gender or species.





King (1): King Cassius de Silva IV

Queen (1): Queen Mary Eliose Stuart de Silva

Prince (2) Prince Cassius de Soria y Silva V, Gilgondorin de Silva

Princess (2): Thalia Silva, Courtney Pauletta Silva

tailor (2):

priest (2): Willowa Hesperos,

doctor/physician/healer (etc) (3): Valkara Solutov, Rizal Nickel Flemming, Eric Moore.

blacksmith: Riley Lanister 

baker/chef: Rosemary Sol Bennett, Morris, Micronius Aflonzin

teacher: Dantalion


butcher: Heikel Jr. Scorcch

knight:  Sir Baldur Redbrook

maids: Luna Isabelle Bennett, Tia Bone 


other (assassin, thief, unemployed. You name it.); Ashton "Ash" Blythe, Dennis "Rainmaker" Darkstriker, silith, Hikari Akagi, Camellia Whitegrace,  Linus Roache, Lycian Ward, Azalea Silver Peterova, Oliver Thorn, Kara Kallistos, Zeryph, Tyrkir Skidisson, Milagro, Mexoch Knaelhe, Ikarnolethatep, Valyria S. Melpomene
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Are there any humans in this RP? Also, what sorts of things would a king have to do in this universe? Are the king and queen in agreement over what to do?
Are there any humans in this RP? Also, what sorts of things would a king have to do in this universe? Are the king and queen in agreement over what to do?

Yes there's humans.

Generally try to take control over the situation at hand, making sure that their people are safe. I'm currently adding more information but the king and queen have a lot to say about what's going on in the roleplay. Such as discussing "plot-twists" etc with me and make suggestions how to rule the kingdom.
I'm really interested in playing a king, however I would most definitely be willing to take other roles, if you wish. 

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