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“Indeed. Odd if I say so myself,as some of the first wielders of the Elementia Arms were not as firm as I am.” the Artic Knight spoke as he looked up into the starry night.

“Come to think of it....I remembered what Michelle had mentioned regarding my skills in using a sword.” Xenon spoke.

“What of it?”

“She mentioned I was evidently rough on the edges,but still good enough at least. On the other hand I saw it as a sign that I need someone better at swordmanship than I am to help me out in training to be better,since worst case scenario comes,I may find myself pitted against an opponent who could deal with my tricks swiftly and also defeat me easily in a sword duel.”

“Thou are indeed rusty during our sword fight. While I commend thy creative tactics during our duel,I can safely confirm thou indeed have a lot to improve on thy swordsmanship.”

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"Hmm...have you ever heard about the world's strongest swordsman?" Miguel asked.​
“I don't think I've ever did. Who-”

“The swordsman in question has since disappeared sixty five years ago with his family unfortunately.” the Artic Knight cut-in, “The last time I've fought alongside him,he had never revealed his name,and it was also the third time I've bore witness to him demonstrating his ability to wield other weapons. While he evidently loses the ability to age,the possibility he had been killed in action is not impossible.”

“Wouldn't his disappearance have caught the attention of many though? After all,if what Miguel said was true then-”

“Very few knows of him unfortunately,as he's preferred to fight far from the eyes of many and only happens to cross path with hunters or adventurers by pure luck. However.....if my memory serves me right,the way he fought nearly resembles the fighting stance of thy robotic companion.”


“Yes. As such I was intrigued upon witnessing thy second otherworldly friend's battle. It could not have been by pure coincidence that he moves similar to the world's "strongest swordsman" who had vanished from the face of Gaia.”
"I see. Well, other than just being immortal, that man who is called the strongest swordsman is still a regular guy. The only reason he got that kind of strength is by sheer training alone." Miguel added "No magic or any tricks, he is just that skilled."
“That isn't necessarily true to an extent.” the Artic Knight explained, “It is true that he's hone himself into becoming a renown swordsman to surpass every other in existence. However,he was not entirely normal in the manner that he could be passed as an ordinary human.”

“Why,he's a half-demon half-human who never uses powers?” Xenon asked,not exactly serious about it.

“Him being unable to step into the grounds of a safe haven suggests so.” The Artic Knight confirms. “To him,the runes burns past his flesh into his very own bones,as such he always had to settle in civilisations that does not utilise demon-warding runes. It wasn't until later he decided to learn to utilise his own powers so that his chances of survival in the wilderness could increase,which only made his abilities as a swordsman far more deadlier.”

“You two must've encountered each other often if you knew that much.” Xenon noted.

“Perhaps....a family member of world's strongest swordsman being the main contributing factor to the creation of the Elementia Arms was a sign of him crossing paths with the wielders of the sword like the one you held.”

“Wait. You're saying that the Artic Rose isn't-”

“The beings-above-all (fancy way of saying gods and goddesses) would've be far too generous to provide such gift if it were true.”

“....guess there's no other choice then.” Xenon spoke,looking back up into the sky. “I'll have to ask Scientia tomorrow to train me and see for myself.”
“Found anything?”

“None of which you yourself have found so far.” Scientia responded as the duo started scavenging in the carrier ship. “The three of you looted the place pretty clean.”

“Thanks for compliment.”

“Hang on.”


“Come over here.” Scientia motioned,in which Clair came and saw his cousin pointing at something within the interior of the abandoned Eden Air-Carrier.

The following day,Xenon yawned as he descended down the stairs,wearing a set of kimono robes provided by the inn.


The colour of the clothing looked more like it's made for Nox to be honest. Even though he prefers wearing black coloured clothings...
"Hey there, buddy. Damn, those are some colors you have there." Ryutaro said upon seeing him.​
“Yo,Ryutaro.” Xenon greeted before scratching the back of his head. “Well,yeah. I wasn't expecting a kimono with this sort of colour scheme.”
“Thanks. I was kind of worried it looked more fitting on my brother instead.”

“Mornin' fellas.” Cheng greeted,also wearing a set of kimono provided to him that is conveniently orange.
"Yo, holy crap you looking good." Ryutaro said, just as Miguel comes in wearing a kimono that is brown. It's a bit skimpy though. "Hey there grampa, can't seem to find the right size I guess?" Ryutaro asked. "Si, I'm just as skinny as a toothpick, so I was given no choice but to go small. The large sizes are too loose." Miguel answered.​
“Disadvantages of being a skeleton huh...” Xenon said before looking at everyone else. “I don't think Clair and Scientia came back yet,have they?”
"I don't think so." Ryutaro said "Speaking of which, where are the girls?" Just then, the girls arrive, all wearing kimonos that are more colorful and vibrant than the boys and they have their hair adjusted that fits a typical Ikaruga citizen.​
"W-Wow, you all look g-gorgeous." Ryutaro said, his face flushed red as he looked. On the other hand, Miguel jumps in glee "Gyohohoho! Such stunning beauties! More precious than diamonds! And...that scent...what kind of perfume did you ladies wore? Are you trying to attract hungry vicious men who lusts for the purities of feminity?" The girls got confused by that statement.​
The rest of the boys,on the other hand,seem to know what Miguel meant. Needless to say both Cheng and Xenon shot Miguel an unamused look.

“That is the most creepiest question you could ever ask the girls. Of all things.” Cheng commented.
"Ah! Is that so? Well then...um...say, I don't know if you know about this, but I heard that women who wears kimonos have nothing underneath them. If that were the case, may I know if you don't have anything wearing underneath those stylish cloths?" Miguel asked as an attempt to make a statement that makes sense to the girls. It works...but in a bad way.


The girls angrily screamed as they give the skeleton an all-out beating of his life. "Ah! Wait! I was just asking whether or not is true!" He pleaded.​
“Well that must made things worse for our friend here.” Cheng commented as the scene unfolded. Ruri,who was also dressed in a kimono as vibrant as the other girls only looked confused at why the rest of the ladies were beating poor Miguel up.

“Papa,did Mister Boney say something wrong?”

“I think it has more to do with the way he worded it,Ruri.” Xenon answered as he gave the dragon-girl a headpat,much to the delight of the latter. Everyone present soon heard something crash outside,prompting Xenon to go take a look first.

“What's going-”

What met his was the sight of Clair apparently fallen face first onto the cobblestone pavement,his arms laying on the ground while his knees were tucked in,resulting in his butt sticking upwards apparently. There was what seemed to be a futuristic-looking motorcycle that was laying beside him.


The dog that followed Scientia to the inn soon entered the scene and started sniffing the still downed Clair. The mech-man himself ended up descending into view,his arms folded (at least,looking like they're meant to be folded.) while looking at his cousin.

“Outstanding landing Clarion.”

“Shuddap Nov.”

Clair's muffled voice responded to Scientia's sarcasm.

Well.....at least they're okay.
The other soon followed. "Whoa! Is that a motorcycle?!" Ryutaro yelled upon noticing the futuristic-looking vehicle.​
“We found it during our scavenging yesterday night. Took the night to fix it back into one piece.” Scientia answered as Clair got up and started dusting himself.

“The girl (the motorcycle) still flies like some one-winged plane though.” Clair remarked as he went to set the bike up straight.
“That's a street-troop designated motorcycle made by Eden it would seem.” Cheng explained,stepping towards the bike to take a closer look. “The idea of a public hovering bike has been made,some of which can actually achieve flight like this one here,but none of them could do less damage to the environment than this one here. Not to mention that this bike here you have is more stable and could achieve higher altitude.”

“The altitude,that I can agree. But stable? I think the flight stabiliser is buggy in this lady (the motorcycle).” Clair remarked.

“Well,I suppose if you don't mind,I could inspect the bike thoroughly and correct any errors and deficiencies present.” Cheng offered,in which Clair shrugged in a manner as if to say "Sure,be my guest.".

“Hey,Scientia. Mind I talk to you for a moment?”


The two of them went into the Inn courtyard,leaving the rest to their own device.

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