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Just as Penny said that, someone had collided onto the black-armoured knight, causing the two of them to fall into the ground from the impact.

It was Rachelle.
"Ah!" Rachelle fell down upon bumping into someone. Michelle went ahead. "Rachelle!" She called out as she reach out her hand to her. "Sis!" Rachelle recognized, taking her sister's hand and Michelle lifts her up to her feet. "It's good that you're okay, but where's Xenon?" Michelle asked, and then Rachel begins to explain...​
Upon Rachelle's mentioned of the blue-hairer spearman, the black-armoured knight suddenly spoke in a highly alarmed tone.

“Wait. You two bumped into Cu!?”

“The fight they're having right now is likely out of misunderstanding each other's intention...we better halt their fight before I progresses even further.”


“I gotta say....the fact that you managed to last this long is pretty impressive.”

In front of the spearman was a heavily fatigued Xenon, who was barely standing with his sword held in a guard stance while panting.

“But this ends now!”



The voice from the corridor soon stopped the spearman from going any further, catching both his and Xenon's attention as they soon shifted their attention towards the source. Eventually the two knights from earlier had arrived alongside a select few armed men and of course:


“Sir Cu Chlainn, the man you're fighting against is no enemy. As a matter of fact he is the person we encountered twice when we apprehended Crow and slayed Sigurd.”

“Ho? Is that so?”

The spearman soon relaxed his posture and looked at Xenon.

“Sorry about that, kid.”
"Xenon!" Rachelle yelled as she runs up to him. "Are you okay? You're badly hurt." She says to him worriedly.​
“I- I'm alright. Didn't get a spear through my heart at least- ack!”

Xenon reassured, trying to joke it off until he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. The black-armoured knight could only let off a nervous laugh in response to the close shave from the spearman and Artic Rose's wielder' fight.

“So uh....guess it's been a while eh? We didn't get to ask you guys properly when my group first encountered yours but, what are you guys doing here?”
"Xenon!" Rachelle said when his shoulder ached. That's when Lorna approach him. "Hold on." She said before she points her staff and Xenon glows green as his injuries are healed. "There, now you won't have to struggle with those injuries anymore." She assures before turning to Cu and say to him "We were just investigating until we got separated."
“Then we could safely assume that the tunnel at the end of the open hallway would be one of your doing.”

The purple haired spearwoman soon spoke, approaching the gathering before stopping beside the blue-haired spearman "Cu Chlainn".

“It would seem that at the very least, Eden likely does not know of the passage you've opened, wielder of the Artic Rose.”

She must've meant the tunnel that Rachelle and I found.

“But wouldn't the Time-manipulation phenomenon within the Steyliff Grove have fixed the broken wall though?”

“It would,” She nodded, “However, the door you likely found lying at the end of the hidden corridor is made of a material that prevents the phenomenon from affecting it's appearance.”

“Hey teach.....you're not actually saying that they somehow turned a blind eye on whatever that "door" is, aren't you?”

A stone cold glare from her suggests a different answer.

“Perhaps it is best you should take a look for yourselves.”

With the armed men standing guard by the entrance into the corridor, the party followed the spearwoman, Cu, the knight and the knightess towards the end of the walkway. Eventually stopping, the spearwoman stepped aside and looked at the party.

“Perhaps one you may recognise this, no?”
"I believe I do." Lorna spoke as she steps up to the door. "What lies on the other side lies a beast of unimaginable power, that making a bond with is has a one-to-a-hundred chance of surviving." She explains.​
“Seems we could consider ourselves lucky that Eden knows nothing about this. For now at least.”

Cheng noted as he stops beside Lorna to inspect the door, his animalistic ears twitching a little as his eyes stopped at the circles of markings on the middle.

“....this is odd.”

The black-armoured Knight suddenly spoke.
"I would not touch that if I were you, especially if you have mana flowing in you..."
“It sucks the mana out of the one that comes into contact with it? If so then what about "Mana-Destitute" individuals?”

Cheng asked.
"That...I do not know. I've only seen a few got their man sapped away. I do not know about those without any mana."
“Say, when you two went ahead on your own there, was there any signs of recent expeditions taking place here?”

The black-armoured knight asked both Xenon and Rachelle.
“Why do you ask?”

“Well....call me paranoid but...I'm thinking that Eden's never actually took a step into the Steyliff Groove for an expedition or training session.”

The knight suggested, earning a subtly grim look from Xenon before continuing.

“The nature of this ruins means that no matter how many times we've taken down the mobs native to this place, several of them will just get reanimated back into "life" after a period of time had passed. In theory, this place is essentially a perfect training ground for just about any institutes known for having their employees or adventures be out on the field.”

“Even the undead gets reversed back into shape for fighting?”

“Yeah. It was something the guys we're working for found out from the reports of several adventurers who stepped in here once. This is where there suspicious part comes however...”
"So what's suspicious about this ruins?"
“Eden never setting foot in this place.”

The knight answered, looking at the other entrance to the corridor they're currently in now.

“If they had knew this they would've left really clear evidence of being here, especially the finding of this corridor....which to two of you had them beat at. We probably would've walked into them trying to find a way to pry this door open or get shot at for getting anywhere near the entrance into the ruins.”

“In other words we're in a trap.”

The gold-armoured knightess bluntly spoke. Sure enough, they heard gunfires echoing outside where their allied troops were standing guard at, causing the black-armoured knight to hang his head and lament irately.

“I was REALLY hoping my hunch wasn't right there...”
"Looks like we don't have much of a choice." Michelle said as she readies her spear and shield. "Lorna, how much mana does that thing sap? A quarter? A half?" She asked. "I do not know. This door saps an unknown amount of mana from one person and leaves them weakened for some time. But then again..." Lorna walks up to the door and places her hands on the circles "It won't hurt to try."

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