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“Remember how the aged structure here seems to just repair and break down once in a while?” Xenon explained, “Assuming that odd laws of physics also applies for any recent damages done on the ruins' interior, the groove I made here may very well just repair itself.”
“N-not sure if that does kind of explain-”

Xenon suddenly shifted his gaze elsewhere within the ruins. Rachelle herself soon also heard some voices talking amongst echoing through the corridors, but it did not sound like it came from their other group.

“We better hide.”
Managing to find cover amongst the ruins within the Steyliff Grove, Xenon and Rachelle waited as the footsteps and voices got closer each moment.

“Still no sign of the two of them and their men. I take it signal's still irresponsive to reach?”

“No luck, teach.”

The voice of a no-nonsense woman and the voice of a subtly laid-back man reverberated through the corridor they were in. Xenon poked his head out just slightly to take a peak at the strangers that had entered the Steyliff Grove, finding an armoured red-violet haired woman with red spear and a sword on hand and an also armoured, blue haired man who seem to be wielding the same spear as the one used by his presumed "teacher".


Of course, the numerous footsteps helped confirm they do have several armed soldiers following close behind.

“We... definitely won't stand a chance against them if we got into a fight, we better steer clear of their view.”
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"Do you think they're from Eden?"
“Probably. Let's just keep our heads down and hope they don't find us somehow.”

“You sure we need to look for them teach? Those two kids can handle themselves after all.”

The blue-haired spearman spoke to the red-violet haired spearwoman, causing the latter to snap at the former.

“Not when one of them is a young man prone to getting lose in a ruins, for all we know he may have ended up leading his own sister and soldiers into the Demonwall.”

A Demonwall she says...? I nearly got crushed by one in the past.

“Hold up.” The spearman spoke, the footsteps ringing in the hallway stopping in a split-second. “There are blade grooves here.”

Xenon's irises instantaneously shrunk in horror upon hearing it.

“One of them's probably thought to leave a trail later on...either way, perhaps we have a good lead on where they're going. Let's move and rendezvous with them.”

A collection of "Yes ma'am" was heard before the footsteps continued and gradually dwindled overtime, with Xenon eventually groaning and covering his face in shame as he had just unwittingly lead Eden to the door that houses what Lorna may know as a huge threat.

“Oh no....”
“Assuming they don't think of breaking down the walls into whatever that door's holding....maybe we could somehow lock them in there.”

Xenon spoke, looking at the entrance of the corridor leading anyone towards the heart of the Steyliff Grove and also towards the door that keeps goodness-knows-what. Looking at the Artic Rose, he once again thought outloud.

“Something's odd about their spears however...”
“Crimson red coloured, tip seemingly virtually sharp enough to pierce through anything...”

Xenon pondered before reaching to a conclusion:

“Gae Bolg...?”
“"Gáe Bulg", the "Spear of Mortal Death". Said to be incapable of missing it's mark: the heart of the wielder's enemy.”

Xenon explained, sweating nervously as he continued on.

“If those spears were really what I think it is...forget it somehow having copies. I'm more worried about us fighting them somehow.”
"Is there any way to counter them?"
Xenon shook his head.

“None that I know of. ”

He then looked back at the corridor.

“Hopefully they don't have another means of getting that door opened...I think we better regroup with the others and just get out of here. ”
Just when the two of them turned to walk away however, Xenon immediately felt a chill down his spine. Quickly turning around, he was greeted with the sight of the Gae Bolt spear being thrown at him, missing his cheek by a mere inch as it sunk into the wall in front of the two of them.

“That was a warning shot.”

A familiar voice originating from the corridor Xenon and Rachelle had turn their backs on moments earlier could be heard directed towards them, causing the former to quickly stand guard in front of Rachelle as he saw the spearman from earlier standing meters ahead of them. The spear materialised back onto his hand as he kept an eye on them.

“You two don't seem to look like some ordinary couple who somehow got lost in the middle of the ruins. Especially not when one of you have that sword over there.”

He spoke calmly, eyeing the Artic Rose.
“I'll tell you my name...once one of you defeats me.”

The spearman spoke, getting into a combat stance as he kept an eye on Xenon and Rachelle.

“....Rachelle, I'll handle him. You go look for the others quickly.”
"Okay, be careful." And with that, Rachelle runs off.​
“Are you truly sure you're leading us to the right direction?”

“Like I said, I got this!”

“This was the 4th detour you've taken us in a row in the Steyliff Grove now. Do you have any excuses?”

A familiar gold-armoured knightess spoke, her words mentally stinging the black-armored knight currently pacing here and there as he tried to figure the next path. Behind her was four soldiers and the other members of the party that had split from Xenon and Rachelle. Judging by all of their somewhat lax attitude to each other's presence, a civil temporary companionship was formed at the moment. One of the soldiers scratched the back of his neck as he turned to speak to the party.

“Sorry about him. He's a little uh...directionally challenged.”
"Don't you mean he has no sense of direction? And why bothering to have him take the point?" Michelle asked. "This is getting to nowhere. How the hell are we supposed to find Xenon and Rachelle in this topsy turvy hellhole?" Penny asked, frustrated at this point.​

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