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Back at the Tennouji Inn, the dinner is rather silent and not lively. It's obvious as to why. Nobody is speaking with each other except some small favors. Everything is not the way it seems now.​
The door into the Tennouji Inn soon opened, revealing a still downcast Xenon and Scientia.

“If you all don't mind, Xenon has an announcement to make for all of you.”

“I....I think it's best I stay away from you guys starting today.”
The party was shocked. "But...why?" Rachelle worriedly asked.​

Xenon's lips quivered hesitantly as he struggled to find the words.

Moments Earlier
“So it is you and your personal arms against one whole nation.” Scientia concluded, “Have you considered the possibility of your allies disagreeing wholeheartedly of your woefully suicidal decision?”

The man-sized mech was instead met with silence. Although it seemed as if he had known the answer by sensing the emotions Xenon was trying to mask.

“This selfish decision of yours...has it not occured to you you're effectively wasting the life your friend had given you in favour of your survival?”

“After what happened in the Tenkaichi Tournament. After what happened to Ryutaro....I....I can't bear to let Eden continue any of their atrocities any longer. What happened to Ryutaro....is something I don't want to happen to everyone else, especially all of you.”

Xenon answered, albeit hesitantly and shakily. Everyone soon heard Scientia sigh audibly and chime in.

“He doesn't want to drag all of you into being part of his plans to resist Eden's actions and progress for domination.”

“....Really now Xen?”

Cheng spoke up and stepped forward just after hearing both Xenon and Scientia give their turns, grabbing the former by the collar.

“What was that speech you gave me to snap me out of my funk then? You think I wouldn't do the same to you? That I would never have you back just like you would have mine!?”

“C-Cheng. I-”

Xenon soon felt his long-time friend release his hold on him, a tone of concern and reassurance now in place of the anger exhibited seconds earlier.

“Have you forgotten? As much as I'm laying low now that I've left Eden, I'm just as willing to jump into the fray to stop them if the situation calls for it. And I'm not going to let you die fighting alone just like what had happened to Hiromi.”
"He's right..." Rachelle said as she steps up "This isn't your personal fight. It's OURS. Xenon, we're all in this together. We're all in this for not just Ryutaro, but also to the entire world."

“You had to be pretty insane to think of taking them down alone when you're not exactly ready yet.” Clair chimed, “You're gonna need all the help you can get now that you're thinking of slowing Eden down to a crawl.”

“Indeed.” Scientia nodded in agreement to his cousin's statement. “This task you've imposed onto yourself is something that requires more than one living being to tackle.”
"Yeah!" Penny steps in "I mean, you have us right?" Lorna then follows "This isn't something that only you can do." Michelle comes in "This is actually something that only ALL of us can." Amelia followed up with "X-Xenon, t-this n-not y-your b-burden t-to t-ake..." Miguel goes up front "So don't you ever think of going up against an enemy by your own." And finally, Rachelle says "So please, don't do this to yourself. Think about us. Think about Ruri. Think about Ryutaro. He wouldn't want you to take them on your own."
“Everyone...” Xenon muttered in awe of the support from his allies, before eventually giving them a teary smile.

“Thank you.”

In front of an airship, the gold-armoured knightess and dark-armoured knight with a select few soldiers were now standing in front of an out cold Goutetsu with Exceed simply looking at them with his arms folded. Judging by the stunned silence from the group in front of Rulid Village's representative, they hardly expected them to be handed a target like this.

“Uh.....thanks, I guess?”

“He has a little something you may want to know about before putting him to sleep, especially regarding an evolved form of what you guys call "Satsui".”

Under the helmet, the knightess' eyes narrowed towards the still-unconscious Goutetsu

“His technique's "evolved"...?”

“Don't want to keep him too long though. He's ready to kill anytime soon once he wakes up.”

Exceed warned before eventually stepping away from the small military band.

“Wait!” The knight called, “By any chance you saw a guy with blonde hair and dark cyan eyes?”

“...A good friend of his died right in front of him. By that man kneeling in front of you at this moment.”

Exceed simply responded, not bothering to look back while the knightess and knight were troubled by the news given to them, glancing at Goutetsu.

“Do what you want with that knowledge.”

Soon after they were left alone with another dangerous fighter under Eden's order in their custody, the knight spoke up to the knightess.

“I think we really should let Xenon know-”

“Not now.” She responded, “We don't know where he would be headed next, and even then with what the other two families are doing right now, we can't simply stop and look for him.”

The knight sighed and hung his head low.

“Well...there's gotta be a way for us to meet him again soon. He's been left in the dark for a long time now. Probably wouldn't be happy to know who we are either if we kept distancing ourselves from him.”




“Come on kid, put your back into it.”

Clair beckoned, apparently slipping a stealth pun into the mix as Xenon had landed on his back during the training, shooting the former a dirty look having recognised it. Everyone was now no longer in the Tennouji Inn, having decided to start moving on their newfound quest to find any hints of Eden's progress for domination and halt it if possible.

A few meters from Clair and Xenon (with the Artic Knight and Miguel both spectating) on the open plain, Lorna was further mentoring Rachelle on magecraft with Ruri and Michelle watching nearby. Cheng, Amelia and Penny were currently in a civilisation nearby (there was no place for the four of them to be able to practice or train within), stopping by the local tipster for any signs of possible movements.

Scientia.....once again had to sit near the party's airship with the dog (it seemed to have followed him here for some reason) sitting beside it. Exposing himself to Eden the 3rd time had made it a little more harder to walk around least' he wanted to unintentionally give Eden more intel on his mechanical body's capabilities.

“....I'm going to have to make myself a reminder to be more discreet next time.”
As this is all going on, Miguel would ask the Arctic Knight "I do say, you have been a loyal blade to the young man. What is it that made you bother to grant him your power?"
“Hath thou noticed his hair darkening and his eyes turning blood red gradually upon the death of his friend?” The Artic Knight responded, “That was a form of darkening that enhances his performance and gifts certain powers normally unachievable by any means, but gradually converts him into an emotionless shell that will eventually lose all sense of self. The first time be laid eyes on his sword, it had been consuming his psyche for years.”
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"I see. Is it a curse? A result of a genetic error? Or...?"
“A "Forbidden Arts" used by some from the Axis Mundi Monarchy, so to speak. Stemming from his trauma and guilt from the fall of his home kingdom.” He explained, before remaining uncomfortably silent for a short moment.

“.....A former wielder who happened to resemble him in appearance and personality once fell victim to the darkening's prolonged exposure, to the point even nothing could save that gent anymore except the parting of his life. I am steadfastly loyal to wielders who passed my test of worthiness regardless of their background. It so happens that this young man here however reminds me too much of the one who lost himself to the darkening.”
"You really think so..." Miguel would lower his head as he thought "Axis Mundi...yes, I remember that kingdom...and I will regret being there..."
“....You sounded troubled.” The Artic Knight noted.
"Oh? Was I? Perhaps I've thought a bit too deep."
“Perhaps....” The projected soul within the Artic Rose nodded in acknowledgement slowly.

Out from the civilisation came Cheng, Amelia and Sidney, who had new intel to share regarding Eden's next possible move.
"Ah, it appears that our comrades have returned. Let us approach them."

Rachelle felt her boots get ensnared by the waterlogged soil exposed by the large crack on the stone pavement, her attempts to raise them up and out being largely unsuccessful due to the suction of the mud being rather strong. Strong enough that had Lorna gotten stuck in it as well, a float spell would not be enough to free her out of it as the mud was not as soft.

“Well....at least we know that not everywhere here is necessarily dry.”

Xenon muttered as Rachelle started tugging at her boots in her attempt to free herself, the latter having to deal with the protesting of the mud's squishing noises.

They were now in the Myrlwood's ruins, the Steyliff Grove which leads underground where they could see the bottom of the swampland's lake suspended above the two. The puzzling nature of the ruins meant that time to time they would have encountered several structures within the dungeon would collapse or suddenly start reversing its own damages.


Needless to say, it was because of the ever reversing damages of the architecture that had seperated Xenon and Rachelle from the rest in the first place, thus they had to find an intersection for them to regroup with each other. The only two not present with either group was Scientia and Ruri, who stayed behind with the airship hidden nearby the entrance to the Steyliff Grove in case Eden had returned to the ruins for another investigation.
"This is getting worrying. This ruins are huge and I doubt we would be able to regroup with such large structures. I do hope that they're alright."
“Yeah.” Xenon nodded in agreement, looking around the hallway illuminated by the moonlight past the lake.

“But I wonder what's there for Eden to look for here...?”


“And uh....you sure you don't need a help there? I get that working on the paddy field meant you had been used to getting stuck often but...something tells me this mud you're in right now is...”

Xenon felt a cold bead of sweat roll down his cheek as Rachelle continued squirming her boots in the mud in an attempt to loosen the moist ground's suction and hold on her, grunting as she does with a noticeably strained expression.

“...a little bit of a clinger.”
"Yeah, I could use some help over here."
“Alright, hang on.”

Xenon spoke, sinking the tip of the Artic rose in the pavement. A thick layer of ice form and covered the mud except for the small area Rachelle's boots sank and got stuck in. Stepping onto the ice-platform, he went to help pull her out of the mud.

“Sheesh...it's as if this mud doesn't seem to want to let your go for some reason.”
After taking a bit if time to pull Rachelle out of the mud, she got free, but the pull has thrown her into Xenon and fall onto the floor.​


“Ack- W-well...at least you got out now.”

Xenon muttered weakly, having been the one cushioning Rachelle's fall from the sudden shift in momentum.
"Ugh...thank you." Rachelle said before getting herself off of Xenon and dusts off her clothes.​

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