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"Well, I better go training. Can't waste precious time looking at the bike for long." Ryutaro said before heading back inside.​
“I see....so you seek guidance on swordmanship under my mentorship.” Scientia summarised.

“Exactly. Is it okay with you? I've been thinking about how rusty I may be and wanted to improve myself.”

“I have no issue training you. However.....I do believe you're jumping far too ahead by asking me to train you. That,and the body I have in control here would make sparring far more difficult for you.”


“A mechanical body such as this one I'm having here does not have the capabilities of being as flexible as an organic body can be. An important factor of fighting is to be as flexible to adapt against other's tactics. As such I'm afraid I would be incredibly stiff during our training.”
Ryutaro and Clair are in the training room. The martial artist takes a good stare at the punching bag in front of him. He takes a second to analyze before he lashes himself at it, sending a barrage of furious strikes that leave multiple cuts all over the bag. At the end, sand leaks out and Ryutaro takes a deep breath.​
"Yep." Ryutaro said "It doesn't matter what fighting style you use. In fact, the rules of the tournament is simple. First, do not kill your opponent. Second, no weapons, obviously. Third, no magic, unless it is ki. And fourth, anything, as in ANYTHING, is allowed. That means hitting below the belt, kicking the opponent while he's down, etcetera."
“Guess that explains the leaking sandbag.” Clair remarked,standing up and he stood in front of the damaged dummy. “You know what. I think I'd like to see how well you'd do against a live opponent. What do you say?”
Nodding,Clair took his jacket off and got into a stance.

“Come get me.”

Michelle was sitting at the other side of the courtyard,performing maintenance on her spear when she heard some heavy footsteps approach her. It was Scientia.

“Need help?”
"No need, I know my way of maintaining this bad boy." Michelle said "This used to be a regular spear, but I had someone add the grappling feature so I can give an edge."
"Just about a few days. Had to go find the best ones in the field." Michelle said.​
“I see.” Scientia responded,sitting on a rock just couple of meters away from Michelle. It seems for once the dog that followed him was not beside him.
"Sis!" Rachelle called, catching the attention of Michelle. "Huh? Hold on, I'm coming." She said before going back inside.​
Glancing briefly at the spear-and-shield wielder leaving,Scientia quickly turned to look back in front of him.

Coast clear. I should check "that" out now.

Back in the training room,Clair had just delivered a left body hook onto Ryutaro,followed by a quick jab at the chest before ending it with a left head hook blow that sent the latter backwards hard.

“You okay there? This is the third rematch you've requested after getting beaten.”
"Yeah...I can do this all day." Ryutaro said before running up to Clair to deliver a diving kick to the face.​
Clair simply stepped aside and forward,evading the kick before elbowing Ryutaro forward away from the former at the back (he was careful not to break it) before returning into a defensive stance.

“Don't try to hit your opponent with a strike that they can counter easily,especially one where your feet aren't on the ground.” Clair advised.

Xenon's strike was once again parried by the Artic Knight,the blade of the latter's sword a few centimeters away from leaving a cut on the former's neck.

“You've lasted longer than earlier. However,I'm sure you understand it would not be enough. Again.”

“Got it.”

Xenon nodded as the two of them started taking a few steps away from each other in the courtyard,where they started sparring again.
Before they could continue however,they heard a small but still-certainly-loud explosion go off outside. Clair sighed in exaperration and dropped his stance as if he knew what it was.

“That idiot just doesn't know when to quit does he....”

Without another word,he quickly jogged out of the house to the other courtyard which Xenon and the Artic Knight were not training at.
The two would soon see Cheng already at the scene,staring at the sight with a dumbfounded look. The sight in question? Scientia's apparently lying on the ground on his back,a few meters behind the rock he was sitting on. Meanwhile in front of him was some exosuit of sorts was now lying facefirst onto the ground,meters forward from the rock Scientia sat on.


“Well that didn't work...” he muttered,his visuals still staring straight up into the sky.

“Did you really have to try that now? In the ground of a friggin Inn in a world we're not familiar with no less!” Clair scolded.
Xenon himself and Rachelle soon came to see what happened,where they could now see both Clair and Scientia bickering about the explosion the latter made. They also saw Cheng silently glaring at the exosuit,his eyes seemingly suggesting hatred and sorrow or something else the two were not aware of.

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