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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura sat back down. "There were so many... I couldn't fight them all off." He said. "I can't keep living like this."
"No Worries dude, I will be more than happy to asist you till you recover" I walk towards him applying a little force on my jacket " This will help you to neutralize the pain for now, But your body is still injured so I think you should rest for a while. And yeah ma'am....you dont look in the condition to fight to, please rest assured I can handle those creatures till you both recover, I would like to have a complete information about the fight afterwards tho, Please." He replied looking at the new girl. Axel walked back a few steps and turned towards them " *cough cough* Nice to meet you both, I am Axel, the lone wanderer from the west" he greeted with a light, cheerful smile.

@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori]"No Worries dude, I will be more than happy to asist you till you recover" I walk towards him applying a little force on my jacket " This will help you to neutralize the pain for now, But your body is still injured so I think you should rest for a while. And yeah ma'am....you dont look in the condition to fight to, please rest assured I can handle those creatures till you both recover, I would like to have a complete information about the fight afterwards tho, Please." He replied looking at the new girl. Axel walked back a few steps and turned towards them " *cough cough* Nice to meet you both, I am Axel, the lone wanderer from the west" he greeted with a light, cheerful smile.
@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635

Yura looked up. "I'm Yura, a wandering mercenary. I served as a guard for a day. I was trying to leave when I was attacked. Nice to meet you." He said, a small smile.
(what do I reply to this xD ?)

Axel turns back towards the forest trying to sense any negative energy possible, but wothout his jacket the range has decreased to a smaller range. "So....how powerful are these wolves actually?" he asks in curiosity "And how many of them are together in a pack?" he continues.

@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori](what do I reply to this xD ?)
Axel turns back towards the forest trying to sense any negative energy possible, but wothout his jacket the range has decreased to a smaller range. "So....how powerful are these wolves actually?" he asks in curiosity "And how many of them are together in a pack?" he continues.

@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635

Yura frowned. "If I told you, you probably would leave me to die." He said. "Could you check on Echo for me? I think I can hold the line a bit longer." He said, trudging up past you, summoning his scythe and tossing your jacket in your face.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura frowned. "If I told you, you probably would leave me to die." He said. "Could you check on Echo for me? I think I can hold the line a bit longer." He said, trudging up past you, summoning his scythe and tossing your jacket in your face.
"Nah she is probably safe, with a friend of course, someone named Isaac if I am right" He answered guessing Echo is a palace guard too "And yeah, do you think I look like a person who would run away?" he replied slashing his sword slicing through tree with almost no effort. "Dont worry, I wouldnt betray a fellow comrad" he turned back towards the wood.

[QUOTE="Axel Kumori]"Nah she is probably safe, with a friend of course, someone named Isaac if I am right" He answered guessing Echo is a palace guard too "And yeah, do you think I look like a person who would run away?" he replied slashing his sword slicing through tree with almost no effort. "Dont worry, I wouldnt betray a fellow comrad" he turned back towards the wood.

Yura smiled wider. "Don't say I didn't warn you..." He said as more wolves approached. There were thousands upon thousands. "HOLD THE LINE!" He screamed, rushing at the army of wolves.
Yura easily sent a pack of wolves flying. They all closed in on him, trying to get at him but it seemed wherever they jumped a blade ended up impaled in their body.
[QUOTE="subject 635]I walk towards the battle field and draw my blade as 5 wolves surround me

5 clones of Yura appear behind the wolves, slashing them as they yelp in pain. The clones walk up you. "Are you alright?" They all ask at the same time.
Axel slashes his sword cutting through the "Hello wolves, have a nice afterlife" he continues, killing them while giving an all-ok sign to yura "Dont worry bro, just rest for a while" Axel looks at the huge amount of goddamn wolves appeared almost suddenly "Shadow wolves my ass!" he howls with his blade facing to the sky "Beware, here comes the judgement of shadow...." the blade turns Pitch Black and doubles in size emitting a dark aura which could be felt through the whole woods. He continues slaughtering them until every one of them has turned into bits. " *pant pant* They sure come in a huge number" he walks towards Yura sitting besides him sheathing his sword "This sunlight has made me weak *sigh*, so Yura, ever heard about the exiled prince Xen? No i guess" he replied giving out a small chuckle "Anyways i think we can make a nice pair while fighting, dont you think? " he smiles "And milady....please resy for now, you will gain a plenty of opprtunities to fight later" he adds.

@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori]Axel slashes his sword cutting through the "Hello wolves, have a nice afterlife" he continues, killing them while giving an all-ok sign to yura "Dont worry bro, just rest for a while" Axel looks at the huge amount of goddamn wolves appeared almost suddenly "Shadow wolves my ass!" he howls with his blade facing to the sky "Beware, here comes the judgement of shadow...." the blade turns Pitch Black and doubles in size emitting a dark aura which could be felt through the whole woods. He continues slaughtering them until every one of them has turned into bits. " *pant pant* They sure come in a huge number" he walks towards Yura sitting besides him sheathing his sword "This sunlight has made me weak *sigh*, so Yura, ever heard about the exiled prince Xen? No i guess" he replied giving out a small chuckle "Anyways i think we can make a nice pair while fighting, dont you think? " he smiles "And milady....please resy for now, you will gain a plenty of opprtunities to fight later" he adds.
@TheRebelliousDragon @subject 635

Yura nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But I prefer to work alone." He said, looking away. He clearly didn't like showing his emotions.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But I prefer to work alone." He said, looking away. He clearly didn't like showing his emotions.
"Its not like i hate working with groups.........its just that.......all my companions have faced the same fate ........." He replies looking down with a bit sadness over his face "They all die, someway or another....." . Axel goes silent for a moment.

I wake up to the loud call of a messanger hawk. I crawl from my semi-camoflaged area in the outskirts of the forest to the large clearing.The dark bird dips and dives, landing on my arm. A black envelope with a large red seal is gripped in its beak. I wrench the envelope from the hawk's stong beak. I inspect it, using my Awakened Senses to scan over it for any type of poisions or explosives. Deeming the strange envelope safe, I grip the seal and rip open the envelope. The hawk flies away knowing that I received the contents. Oh, it's another contract! I realize. I pull out the letter and read it slowly,


Hello! My organization has been watching your actions. That "stunt" last week where you single handedly killed all of those guards

chasing you in the city was an astounding display of your strength and skill. Anyway, we have a job for you that is very important, and might be your

toughest one yet. Your task is to assasinate Lady Aryia Byrd
(@sitanomoto). We need this job completed in exactly two weeks, so you musn't tarry. If you

complete this job in the alloted time, 5,000,000 gold will be anonymously transferred in intervals to your accomplice's bank account. Thank you, and good luck

on your hunt.



"Ughh." I sigh as I start packing, "Honor the Contract."
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori]"Its not like i hate working with groups.........its just that.......all my companions have faced the same fate ........." He replies looking down with a bit sadness over his face "They all die, someway or another....." . Axel goes silent for a moment.

Yura nodded. "I understand how you feel. I'm afraid of losing those I love... Does that mean I love Echo?" He said out loud.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura nodded. "I understand how you feel. I'm afraid of losing those I love... Does that mean I love Echo?" He said out loud.
"I have given up on giving or taking love since..............nevermind, its futile to make others worry of your problems" He looked towards his sword as tears dropped out from his eyes. He quickly turned aside trying to hide the tears "N...Nice Day isnt it?!" he spoke up as if he was trying to distract him "S...so...What were you doing at this place anyway?" he continued trying to 'act' cheerful.

(I dont think u missed much ^.^ @TheRebelliousDragon
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori]"I have given up on giving or taking love since..............nevermind, its futile to make others worry of your problems" He looked towards his sword as tears dropped out from his eyes. He quickly turned aside trying to hide the tears "N...Nice Day isnt it?!" he spoke up as if he was trying to distract him "S...so...What were you doing at this place anyway?" he continued trying to 'act' cheerful.
(I dont think u missed much ^.^ @TheRebelliousDragon

Yura realized his words were causing him pain. "I-I'm sorry... I just miss home already. Besides, Echo is happy with Isaac. I don't want to ruin what they have." He says, smiling. He gets up, reinvigorated with strength. "We should find where their coming from. You know, destroy them at the source." He said.
JVSbeast said:
I wake up to the loud call of a messanger hawk. I crawl from my semi-camoflaged area in the outskirts of the forest to the large clearing.The dark bird dips and dives, landing on my arm. A black envelope with a large red seal is gripped in its beak. I wrench the envelope from the hawk's stong beak. I inspect it, using my Awakened Senses to scan over it for any type of poisions or explosives. Deeming the strange envelope safe, I grip the seal and rip open the envelope. The hawk flies away knowing that I received the contents. Oh, it's another contract! I realize. I pull out the letter and read it slowly,

Hello! My organization has been watching your actions. That "stunt" last week where you single handedly killed all of those guards

chasing you in the city was an astounding display of your strength and skill. Anyway, we have a job for you that is very important, and might be your

toughest one yet. Your task is to assasinate Lady Aryia Byrd
(@sitanomoto). We need this job completed in exactly two weeks, so you musn't tarry. If you

complete this job in the alloted time, 5,000,000 gold will be anonymously transferred in intervals to your accomplice's bank account. Thank you, and good luck

on your hunt.



"Ughh." I sigh as I start packing, "Honor the Contract."
(Oh. My. Gosh.( :o ))
[QUOTE="subject 635]I fall to the ground with wolves surrounding me "I... Im going to die....." i say quietly as the wolves close in

Yura suddenly teleported in front of you, sending a shadow shockwave into the wolves. "Are you hurt m'lady?" He says in a gentlemen like manner.

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