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Fantasy Sibectio, the Abyssal Prison

-- Reid --

Reid placed a hand on Vera's shoulder. "Vera," he spoke, "it's not worth it. Perhaps we should just sit down." Reid glanced at the shipman. Getting petty revenge against someone who, in all honesty was barely worth their time in the first place, was not worth getting beaten to a bloody pulp by the guards. Reid frowned when Vera muttered to Nathan. "Vera," he warned.

Reid looked over to Lucia curiously when he heard her speak. "No, you are not interrupting anything. Nice to meet you, Lucia. I am Reid." This girl seemed to be at least half decent. "I am unsure if you will be able to befriend everyone, but I think you are amiable enough to make a few friends." Excluding him and Vera, of course. More "friends" simply meant more ways you could be stabbed in the back.

((Page claim! First in Sibecto! *airhorns sound*))
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Thank the starry skies he replied, thought Meredith. I better not waste this golden opportunity.

Continuing to smile in the man’s general direction, she mulled over his words and comprehended them individually until she was able to string them together as a coherent thought. Holding the single puzzle piece in her mind’s eye, Meredith began to tackle the difficult image puzzle that was the current events occurring within the airship’s confines. Mooch….rhymes with pooch! That must be what he means. He is traveling with a puppy...dog...a curious pooch. So that was what was tugging on my skirt. Hahaha.

Letting her inner laughter spill out of her mouth into an audible form, she hugged her stomach as she cackled in delight. She had done it, quite surely so. It must indeed be a dog of some sort. Calming herself after her hysteric outburst, she settled down and wiped away a stray, happy tear just in time to hear yet another interesting bit of information. A new voice had entered the area, or at least the extremely near-sighted girl presumed the new voice was fresh to the scene, drawing from the presented introduction and conversation that ensued with the voice afterward. The new voice carried with it a bit of naiveté, mildness, and femininity in tone and word choice, which was interesting, to say in the least. However, the voice seemed to fade as if the person embodying the voice was moving further away. Meredith couldn’t even distinguish the blob...body of the person, so it seemed that it would be hard to converse with said person for the time being.

Turning back to the man to whom she had almost forgotten to respond to with the distraction of the more recent event, Meredith finally replied with a whimsical tone, “Ooo a canine companion, how sweet! What breed is he, if you don’t mind me asking? And how long have the two of you been traveling together?”

He looked up as someone new came in, raising an eyebrow at the newcomer and ignoring Vera.

"Oh, no, you're just interrupting some idiot street thieves attempt to kill a bound man. Nothing special, nothing is wrong, everything is okay, nothing is on fire..." The sarcasm is palpable. Nathan was rather proud of himself for such biting sarcasm, in all honesty. He sat up, watching Lucia, and wondered if he would be the only one tied up the whole ride to Sibectio.

He hoped not, that would make his life very difficult if they all reacted how the two stupid thieves did.
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Lucia acknowledged everyone's words with a slight dip of her head.

She narrowed her eyes at the nobleman's words-- initially Lucia was somewhat sympathetic towards him, but after hearing the disdain in his voice for street kids... not so much.

He probably deserved to get roughed up a bit.

Lucia wriggles free from her bindings and surveys the room. What can I work with..?

Her gaze falls upon the coal dust covering Dracon's clothes and inwardly smiles.

"Pardon me," Lucia apologizes to him as she swipes some coal dust off of his shoulder. Reaching into her pouch, she gingerly grabs a thin piece of wood and some wax.

Nothing is on fire, he says.

Lucia grins while she mixes the coal dust with the wax and applies it to the stick. A tiny flame begins to eat at the wood and she walks over to Nathan.

"Any reason why I should help you?" Lucia's initially cheerful tone then darkens, "Or is there any reason why you shouldn't burn?"

When Lucia took a flame to Nathan, Vera couldn't help but break out into laughter.

"Ohh, this girl is cool. Let's be friends. I like your style." Vera smiled at Lucia, still bent over with laughter at Nathan's dismay. Vera saw nothing wrong with making a few friends. If they were to be in Sibectio for ages, she might as well try to make the best of it.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.

Vera looked at Reid.

"Don't be a killjoy, Reid, this rich boy deserves it, and there's no fun in waiting! It's not like she's actually gonna burn him severely-or at least, I don't think she is. Probably all the better if she did, really."

She watched Nathan eagerly, waiting with twisted excitement for his reaction.

"Why would I want to go to the other side of the ship and leave my new friend? Nah, let's stay here."
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-- Reid --

Reid stayed silent as Vera laughed. He made no move to stop Lucia, after all, she was the one who would be punished for lighting him on fire.

...then again, he may be punished for failing to stop her.

"Hold on," Reid spoke. "Perhaps it would be best to keep our hands to ourselves until we reach Sibecto. Then, however, the rich brat is fair game." While Vera was growing to like Lucia, Reid was starting to dislike her. He did not want a pyromaniac anywhere near him or Vera. He frowned when Vera called him a killjoy and continued to support Lucia. "Vera, would you like to move to the other side of the ship?"
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Nathan stared from Lucia's face, to her flame, back to her face, in rapid succession, a pounding growing in his ears and a sour feeling in his stomach; he wouldn't admit it, but this street kid scared him. Cursing himself mentally for saying absolutely all the wrong things, he settled on looking at her face. He did his best to keep his voice calm and quiet, but couldn't keep out a small tremor.

"Not particularly. But I would rather not die, if that helps any." He told her quietly, watching her with fear that soon would sour into anger at this stupid street kid who was able to best him.

His voice was quite quiet, hopefully enough so that only Lucia would hear him; he'd rather not suffer more of the savage and cruel mockery the two thieves were so prone to dealing out. It frustrated him, the vulgar, bare open motivations and speech of these... Children. Used to the clever machinations and veiled words of noble interaction, he found himself far out of his depth with these lowlives.
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((Collab Post))


Lucia acknowledged Vera's words with a smile and replied cheerfully, "Sure."

Never hurts to have friends. Even if it's in name only.

She gauged Nathan's reaction, his face was full of fear and his voice trembled slightly when he quietly commented that he'd prefer not to die.

“Then stay put while I search you for things. Noblemen should have a valuable or two on them,” Lucia retorts as she begins to reach for Nathan’s pockets with her free hand.


He just stared at her with fear quickly dissolving into irritation, but seeing as how his hands were literally tied and she was holding a lit flame in her hands he figured it’d be better to just let her do what she would.



Lucia thoroughly searches Nathan for any valuables and extracts several unlabelled vials of what she presumed to be potions.

I have no clue what these do, but that’s what guinea pigs are for~

“You’re an alchemist?”


“...Yes. I am.” The extraction of those vials and his mental identification of them reveals fear.

Please don’t use those on me please don’t please don’t not that one especially

Oh yes, Nathan remembered what those particular vials contained, more of the “parlor tricks” that he had shown his father; perhaps, in fact, worse than the ones he had shown him. Nathan really did like the concept of saving the best for last, though that seemed to have been a bad idea this particular time.


More fear. So they’re either incredibly valuable or very dangerous. I could theoretically threaten to break these vials to see which one it actually is.

“Mind telling me what each of these are? Unless you want to have a taste,” Lucia smiles mockingly at Nathan.


That froze him, as if he wasn’t paralyzed with fear already. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but decided to keep it shut in case she went through on that likely threat, and shook his head desperately. Please no please no why did I even do this in the first place


Lucia sighs. “If you wish to make this harder for yourself, then so be it.” She uncorks one of the vials and holds it over Nathan.

“One more chance.”


“N...noononnonononononononononono don’t do that don’t do that” He chattered in terror.

“That’s a highly destructive biochemical acid please don’t!!”

He was doing the very best he could to wriggle down the bench away from the crazy lady with his potions.


“Alright. Now what’s this one?” Lucia replaces the cork on the previous vial and holds up another one, which was currently corked.

He’s very afraid so he’s most likely not lying. But I’ll have to test this out later to make sure.


He will explain both that one and the other, being a contained parasitic ‘creature’ for the first, and a

drinkable potion to gradually solidify the blood in their veins. Nasty stuff indeed.

This narration was accompanied by much fear and trembling on the part of the creator of these nasty alchemical weapons.

please don’t use them on me please don’t oh god oh god oh god


Lucia nods in response to Nathan’s explanations and makes a mental note of which potions were which.

These are all harmful potions. He’s probably sadistic or something. Or more evidence that he’s not a very pleasant person in general.

She then pulls out a lighter, a pestle, and a locket charm shaped like a dragon.


He allowed her to take the things, terror hiding most any other emotion he might show. The lighter and pestle were just things he had grabbed from his lab, but the locket, made of solid silver, he had gotten as one of the few things one of his brothers had ever given him; supposedly as a goodwill offering. He hadn’t really believed it, but kept it nonetheless. A tie to his family that, he supposed, was now as good as destroyed.

It wasn’t like he cared about them anyway, right?


Lucia pockets the lighter and the pestle casually and inspects the locket charm. It seemed to be made out of silver. It stood out to her out of all the other items because the charm had no functional use.

Most likely has some sort of sentimental value attached.

I probably have drawn enough hate from this noble for the time being so it would be unwise to keep it. Let him be distracted elsewhere. I value my safety more than I can sell that locket off for.

Lucia casually tosses the locket over to Vera, “Here, a token from one friend to another. It’s made of silver.”


Well that was completely unnecessary, in his opinion. His seemingly pointless locket? He looked at Lucia wondering if she was done yet or not. He really hoped that she was, and that maybe he would be able to be left in peace, at least for a little bit.

If only he could get out of his bonds...
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-- Reid --

"Yeah. Sure thing, Vera." Well, this was quickly getting out of hand. Reid attempted to pull Vera away. "Vera," he said, trying to get her to go along with it


Vera was just starting to get into watching Nathan and Lucia. She looked at her brother, letting him pull her.


-- Reid --

Reid continued to tug her towards the other side of the ship. He really did not want to be around Lucia right now. This was far too dangerous- in his eyes anyway.


“I said I didn’t want to go to the other side of the ship, Reid.” Vera started resisting her brother’s insistent tugging.

-- Reid --

Reid frowned. “Vera.” He was getting quite impatient with her now. Did she honestly not care that there was a crazy person dangling dangerous substances above someone right in front of them? She could easily turn on them. “Let’s go.”


“It’s not that big a deal, Reid, I want to stay on this side.” Vera was getting a little frustrated with her brother. She tried to tug her arm free.

-- Reid --

Reid did not let Vera tug her arm away. “Vera, I’m serious,” he said, “let’s go.” He really did not want Lucia to turn around and attack them.


“What’s your problem? She’s not going to really hurt the guy...I don’t think, at least.” Vera tugged her arm harder.

-- Reid --

Reid scowled and kept holding onto her arm. “Fine.” He was obviously upset with her, but continued to stand by and watch Lucia. Reid jumped a bit when Lucia threw something to Vera but then he saw it was only a locket. “Vera?”


Vera bit her cheek. She didn’t enjoy angering her brother, though no doubt he annoyed her often. Vera kept her composure when Lucia tossed her the locket, catching it with her free hand. She examined it, holding it so both her and Reid could see it.

“Huh...Well, thanks, that’s really nice of you, but I don’t wear jewelry, and especially not his. I feel contaminated just touching it.” Vera tossed the locket back onto Nathan’s lap.

Lucia was not oblivious to the internal struggle between Reid and Vera--it looked like Reid wanted to drag Vera away from Lucia and Nathan.

They probably think I'm crazy.

When Vera tosses the locket onto Nathan's lap, she shrugs and scoops it back up. If she didn't want it, Lucia was going to sell it when they've reached Sibectio. She wouldn't want to start with absolutely nothing after all.

She carefully stores the vials and snuffs out the lit flame. Intimidation wasn't necessary anymore.

"Well, I'm done now," Lucia states nonchalantly.

Lucia goes back to her previous corner and pulls out a deck of cards to pass the time.

When are we going to finally take off and actually go to the place?

"C'mon, I don't deserve to be bound! Fine, I admit I did steal quite a bit, but even the rest of the ingrates headed to Sibectio are going to think I did something seriously nasty!" Jarred complains noisily, his voice growing more distinct to the rest of the prisoners as he's marched closer to the holding room.

The guards, all too familiar with Jarred's persistent pleading, no longer had the patience or energy to even tell Jarred to be quiet. All that was keeping them going was the promise of some silence once they arrived at the holding room. Practically smiling in relief, the guard kicks Jarred into the room. Unable to catch himself with his arms, Jarred creatively jumps and curls forward, his head just barely clearing the floor. With an almost impressive THUMP he slams into the floor, flat on his back and seeing stars, the breath knocked out of his lungs.

He turns his head to the side. Lo and behold, there was Lucia. The entire reason he was being locked up and shipped off to a literal underground h***hole. And rapidly approaching Lucia were two unhappy-looking guards. I'd say hello, but you appear to be busy haha... Jarred concerns himself with struggling out of his binds. The many layers of fabric patched into his coat gave him some wiggle room to work with.
[Lucia & Jarred]

To Lucia’s surprise, the door opens again and a wild Jarred appears. Well, not so wild anymore.

How did he get caught?

Before she could greet him, the guards menacingly approached her and held out their hands, "Hand over the vials."

"Alright, alright," Lucia said peaceably while handing over the potions.

I wanted to see what they did. Oh well, no point in getting myself killed over some noble’s toys.

After they leave, Lucia looks up at Jarred struggling with his bonds.

“Didn’t expect to see you here. Need help with those?” Lucia asks, pointing to the rope binding Jarred.

Jarred pops his ropes free in response. “Just waiting for the guards to walk away. They might not care too much, but getting free right in front of them is just dumb.”

“Anyways, you want your stuff now? Is this really even that useful to you?” Jarred asks as he gathers up the rope and wraps it around his waist, beneath his coat, as he walks toward Lucia.

“Mhm,” as Jarred approaches, Lucia whispers into his ears, “It’s one of the ingredients to convert things into gold. If we weren’t caught, we’d be rich enough to last several lifetimes.”

Jarred laughs quietly and draws back as he says, “I doubt it would go that easily. I’d probably have to steal ten times over what I brought before you succeeded.”

“Still a chance. How did you get caught anyhow?” Lucia asks, “I thought you were ‘masterful’ at escaping.”

“It’s a long, rather shameful story that I don’t really feel like telling right now...”

“Want to play cards? It’s going to be a long trip, I bet,” Lucia comments.

“Yeah, sure!” Jarred responds, sitting with his legs crossed near the wall. He toys idly with his stone idol beneath his coat.
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He thought for a moment before replying with a small chuckle 'unless mutt counts as a breed.' he chuckled a little more at his own joke petting the small dog.

He then proceeded to ignore all of the arguments around him as he did not wish to stir up trouble.


Now that locket is sitting on his lap, and he can do absolutely nothing with it. He looks down at it a-

nevermind, there it goes. He looked back up blankly as Lucia took it back, a little sad and a little resigned to it. A smoldering frustration and anger was growing slowly, but there wasn't anything he could do with it; his hands were still tied, he was still surrounded by people who hated him just by status(completely, in his inner narrative, glossing over how condescending he was to them), and now he had no possible way to defend himself.

It was going to be a long trip.

((when BD(ninjad, he just posted lol) and sheepy post, I think we might go ahead and timeskip to getting to Sibectio, does that sound good to everyone?))
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The conversation seemed to end with the man’s response. His choice of words and tone incited no further questions or comments from the practically blind girl save a slight laugh in accordance with the joke. Meredith turned her head to face forward once more, keeping her chin up and pretending to simply stare forward like a normal person. It seemed that she would simply have to wait to claim her answers. Sighing silently, Meredith closed her eyes and organized her thoughts once more. She absolutely hated being clueless; however, there was no way for her to gather any information without relying on others. She just hoped that she would be able to receive the answers that she desperately craved for upon arrival in this place where she apparently “belonged.”

Time passed by slowly as Meredith waited. Heated conversations between people she could hardly see broke out and filled the little holding area with excitement and tension that ate away at Meredith’s curious mind. Then, in matter of seconds, a sweet, evocative sound tickled her sensitive ears. It was a lovely pop, crackle noise that was all too familiar. Whipping her head in the direction of the sound with utmost precision, an ecstatic smile curled its way onto Meredith’s lips. A faint red colored her vision and swayed as the body of the flame crackled and consumed oxygen.

“What a lovely red,” whispered Meredith as she admired the dancing flame atop the stick that Lucia used to threaten Nathan. Completely oblivious to the entertaining and informative events taking place while the flame burned, the poor-sighted girl remained entranced by only the captivating red. After the fire was extinguished, Meredith sighed audibly and reluctantly returned to her pointless staring. Disappointed and dejected, the girl could only hope for the conclusion of this uncanny journey to be over with the docking of the ship at its destination.

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