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Fantasy Sibectio, the Abyssal Prison


Homestuck Trash
This RP is open only by invitation. It may become open in the future to anyone, but for now it is closed.

Long ago, Duke Jonathan Sibectio, primary advisor to the ruler of the city Tenarre, saw that Tenarre's streets were full of criminals and cripples, rejected and with nowhere to go but the streets. He suggested a solution; a massive complex, like a prison, underground near it and other cities nearby that shared allegiance. He was given the go ahead and began work on the complex. The first citizens of the underground complex were it's creators; Jonathan Sibectio himself was kept there by the ruler's administrative forces, who remain in place to this day.

Some say Sibectio himself is still alive, buried in the deepest recesses of the prison complex that earned his name. Others say he became the prison.

Really, nobody knows.

Today, the prison is much larger than Sibectio originally imagined it; sixty years of expansion by mining shows well. The population has also grown; if the founder is in fact to be found within the complex, he will be hard indeed to find.

Fierce monsters to fight and precious minerals to mine out of the earth abound in the deepest part of the complex. Teams of miners and monster hunters descend with caution to mine and hunt; dim lighting and unstable ceilings make such expeditions dangerous. But it pays off well; many monsters provide edible meat, and all of the hides and teeth and claws from the monsters can be made into things, for use in the complex or export to the cities above. And the minerals, once refined, can be used to repair or make new machinery, or also for export.

Great ships enter and exit the uppermost parts of the cavern frequently; bringing more citizens for the underworld, to work and to fight, and rare indeed is it for anyone to leave. You are one of these citizens, arrested from your home for whatever heinous crime you have committed or mental/physical ailment you have no control over, placed on a great airship to go to the much-feared underground complex known as Sibectio.

What will you do?
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-- Nathan --

"Get moving, madman."

Nathan resisted the urge to roll his eyes at that, walking forward obediently. His hands were tied tightly behind his back, and he was being marched toward a resting airship by a large, burly man that was yet a few inches shorter than him.

"Am I right in assuming you won't be accompanying us to Sibectio?" Nathan inquired, looking over his shoulder at the soldier.

"No. I'm just here to transport you disgusting freaks."

"Pleasant. Now, when can I get something to eat? I'm hungry."

"You might get some bread when you get underground, if you're lucky."

Nathan sighed. "I suppose that'll have to do.

Are we there yet?"

The soldier growled a few expletives at him in frustration, jabbing the stock of an unloaded musket into his back.

"Stop talking. You can bother the ship's crew when you get there."

Nathan hissed in pain and compliantly fell silent.

A few moments later, Nathan was deposited on the airship and taken to a set of two long benches, set across from each other a few feet apart. He was instructed to sit on the bench and stay there.

He inpudently decided to lay down, taking up a good three quarters of the bench, and take a nap instead.

((Alright folks, the RP is a go! Everyone else will be carted onto the ship in a similar fashion and directed to sit in the same area. Nathan is being a butt so anyone can feel free to be a butt right back and sit on him. Have fun!))

Vera grunted as she was shoved onto the airship alongside her brother. Standing up straight and dusting herself off as if she had fallen, Vera glared at their handler.

"You'd think we were no better than a sack of grain. I mean, that might be true, but still." She began surveying the airship with a huff.

"Reid! Look at this guy" Vera said with a pointed nod at Nathan. "I bet he thinks he's hot stuff or something! I want to slap him already, he just has that kind of face." Vera strode toward Nathan.

"We're already here, aren't we?" She responded to Reid's warning with a bitter tone.

With a smirk, she crossed her arms and sat down on Nathan's stomach as if he were a bench. Answering Reid's plea to not hurt Nathan, Vera snorts. "No promises."
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-- Reid --

Reid remained stoic as he was shoved onto the airship alongside his sister. Standing up straight and tall, and holding himself far different than what his clothes would convey, he surveyed the airship while Vera grumbled at the handler. It came to no surprise when Vera nodded at Nathan, he too had noticed him. "Don't get yourself more charges, Vera," he warned quietly. Reid sighed deeply when Vera sat on Nathan's stomach. "Don't hurt him..."
-- Nathan --

Oh great, that sounds like more people.

Nathan didn't bother trying to listen to them, eyes already closed and already drifting off to sleep, when suddenly someone plops down on his stomach like he's the bench he was laying on.

Nathan sat bolt upright, attempting to shove the stupid kid sitting on him off.

"Get off of me, you stupid rat! What do you think I am, the bench?!" He exclaimed angrily.

Vera laughed as Nathan shoved her off. "Yes, in fact! My apologies, your highness, you were taking up so much of the bench I just assumed you were a part of it!" Her tone held a sarcastic and entertained sound. She accepted Reid's help without objection. Grinning, Vera performed an exaggerated bow.

"Trying being less idiotic next time, dear. I know you were probably a princess wherever you came from, but here we're gonna treat you like the dirt you are!" Vera snickered madly at Reid's suggestion of Nathan being a homosexual, patting her brother on the shoulder.
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-- Reid --

Reid watched the small exchange between Nathan and Vera with some amusement. When Vera was shoved off, he made his way over to her to help her up. "Vera, don't assume that just because he's a homosexual he wants to be called a princess. Show some respect." Looking to Nathan, rather disdainfully, he added "Sit up. If you want to lie down you can do it in Sibecto. Perhaps you'll be devoured by a monster and we can be saved from your presence."
-- Nathan --

"...You are both retarded. What, did you accidentally drool on some workman's clothes to be sent to Sibectio?" he retorted, proceeding to lay right back down, this time on his stomach. "Obviously it wasn't a noble, as you're both clearly too stupid and dull to be anywhere near anyone higher than a workman."

"And as for my sexuality, I'll have you know that I had six female consorts, all imported from a far country. And I'm pretty sure at least one of them is pregnant."

"Now, there's a whole second bench for you. Use it."
-- Reid --

Reid let out a snort in amusement. "Sure thing, imbecile. Say, how disappointed were they, on a scale of one to ten? One being almost satisfied and ten being embarrassed for you." Reid thought for a moment, contemplating what to say next. "Feel free to go over the limit, I understand if you need to." Reid shot a quick grin at Vera. He was quite satisfied with his insults. "Did your father have to help you, as well?"

Vera grimaced slightly at Nathan's comment of consorts, as no doubt becoming one was a fear of hers, and lent itself to be a reason for why she cut her hair so boyishly short. Vera added to Reid's entertaining comment.

"Obviously, he must be lying, because I venture his genitalia isn't even big enough to perform such acts." She smirked smugly at Reid's insults, laying her knee into Nathan's back.

Arms tied and practically blind, Meredith was nudged and prodded the entire walk to who knows where by something or someone.

"Keep it moving, wench," a gruff voice commanded from behind the poor girl. He places his rugged hand on her back and gave her a good shove. Stumbling forward, Meredith yelped and whipped her head around. She managed to refrain from speaking the words of disgust and contempt that she currently held towards the man, but she did her best to glare at him. "What are you doing? Keep moving!" the man barked again.

Huffing, Meredith had no choice other than comply with the guard. After a couple more steps, Meredith broke her silence in order to ask a relevant question. "Where are you taking me?"

"Oh, like you wouldn't know," the guard scoffed. "I am escorting you to the vehicle that will take you to where you rightfully belong, to the place where your kind belongs." Kind? What did he mean 'kind'? It sounded like he was talking about a whole other species, some savage animals, which didn't make the least bit of sense. Meredith was a perfectly "normal" human girl. Sure she had made some mistakes, but those people deserved their punishment. What they did to other human beings was immoral and inhuman.

The guard refused to yield any further information, but that was also due to the fact that man had done his job. He gave the girl one last good shove before going on his merry way. Meredith, as usual, got the short end of the stick. Tripping off the platform and into the airship, she nearly fell to the floor, only saved by banging her head into the wall. The pained brunette stumbled alongside the wall of the airship, as it was her only bearing, until she bumped into some kind of low structure. It seemed to be some kind of seat, a bench perhaps. Oh joy! Finally a moment's rest. Also, it seemed that there were voices further down the way. Maybe she could interrogate them for some information. Following the voices and the side of the bench, she came to a halt in front of the Ventura twins, which was around Nathan's thighs and knees region.

"Um, excuse me. Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but do you mind if I sit here?" the girl with poor sight queried as she motioned with a jerk of her head towards the bench next to her, the very same bench that Nathan was laying chest down on.
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-- Nathan --

He chose to ignore Reid's insults, letting out a thunderous fake snore and gritting his teeth in anger and slight pain at the nerve of that stupid peasant girl. He contemplated the idea of making her regret her actions, but at the sound of another person approaching he decided against that.

So instead he ignored them all.

Childish perhaps, but then he always had a tendency to be that way. He let his anger and frustration simmer, closing his eyes and continuing with his lusty fake snore.
"keep that stupid mutt under control you scum."

the large, stout, and built man grunted a reply "at least im better than you, and i was framed anyway"

"like i care? you killed a man you face the price" the guard ,who was slightly smaller than the behemoth known as dracon, as he kicked the dog.

growling and keeping quiet moving with the guards pace to not stir up trouble no matter how close he could get to possibly killing another man.

and with one last shove from the guard that did not move the large man he went to go sit down scared pup at side he went and sat at the seats on the free bench out of the way. small dog curling next to him.

Vera laughed at Nathan's fake snore.

"We all know you're faking, no one falls asleep that fast, especially on a bench like this. Your silence only confirms that what we said is true, princess!" She grinned, satisfied with herself, and dug her knee farther into the snobbish boy's back.

Vera tilted her head as this new girl arrived. Assuming she wished to get in on the joke as well, Vera replied with jest.

"Well, of course! I must warn you that this portion of the bench is rather lumpy and annoyingly talkative, however!" She smiled sweetly at Reid's stare, assuming a sarcastic innocent look.
-- Reid --

Reid's smile grew while Vera insulted Nathan, but quickly disappeared when he heard Meredith. He turned to her curiously, but his greeting was interrupted by Vera. He rolled his eyes. "There's a person on the bench if you hadn't gathered that, miss. I wouldn't sit on it if I were you." He indicated the bench Dracon was sitting on. "I'll greet you two later, currently I have to keep my dear sister from accidentally killing someone." He gave Vera a meaningful stare.

The practically blind brunette stared at the blurry blobs in front of her. She hadn't made a mistake now had she? These blobs were people, right?

Suddenly the blob on the left, Meredith's left, began to shake as words filled the air. The words of blob...person A were...confusing. They reassured the inquisitive girl of an open seat; however, the chair did not sound the least bit...normal. Sarcasm! That's what she was detecting; sarcasm, one of the more common types of verbal trickery, and one of Meredith's archenemies. Wondering if this was yet again another joke that she was being suckered into, Meredith hesitated to take a seat. Should she play along as usual or save herself the dignity? Luckily she did hesitate, though, as blob...person B shed some light on the strange matter. There seemed to be another blob resting on the bench. It was impossible for Meredith to tell with the dim lighting of the airship's inner quarters, as the figure's dark colored apparel blended right in with the fuzzy colors of the bench.

Detecting an air of seriousness and maturity from Person 2 in his advice, Meredith decided to cautiously abide by the suggestion. Backing away from the bench that Nathan resided on, she fumbled around the holding area until she found the second bench and sat a couple of meters away from Dracon and his dog.

Meredith sighed. Sadly, it seemed that neither of the two blobs that she had met just a few minutes ago would be able to spare a moment to answer her other inquiries. That was fine though. Person B's sarcastic endnote was a tad bit unsettling, so it was probably for the best that she suppress her nosy ways, just for a while longer.

Meredith stared off into space as usual, presumably at the wall, as she waited to hear of some interesting occurrence.
-- Nathan --

He gritted his teeth in fury and pain as the stupid girl kept digging her knee into his back. In an attempt to get her off, he turned onto his side, back to the back of the bench, pulled his knees up, and attempted to kick her with both feet in the chest.

lets see how you like that!

Vera backed up in alarm when she noticed that Nathan was rearing up for a kick, but her reaction wasn't quick enough. Nathan's kick caught her square in the chest and she stumbled back with a gasp of surprise and pain, falling into Reid's arms as he caught her. She took a moment to regather herself before staring at Nathan and growling.

"You'll be sorry you did that, princess!" She exclaimed at Nathan. Vera looked at Reid with disbelief.

"You can't expect me to let him get away with that! It's very worth it!" With that, Vera shot a punch towards Nathan's face.
-- Reid --

Reid was alarmed as Nathan kicked Vera, and quickly caught her as she stumbled to the ground. Ried placed a hand on her shoulder. "Calm yourself, Vera. He isn't worth it." His expression betrayed his calm words, however, as he too was glaring at Nathan. This was just wonderful. He and Vera weren't even in Sibecto yet and they were already getting into fights. If the prison was going to be worse, he was going to lose his mind. "Vera, may I suggest that we sit on the other bench?" He was quickly growing tired of Nathan, and was not in the mood to deal with him. Then Vera threw a punch at Nathan and he sighed deeply in his mind.

The tall man just stared stone faced forwards trying not to be involved and trying to remain calm, as the fight behind him started up.

however his small pup started towards the girl, sitting across the bench, sniffing at her, and pawing at her dress.

''Vull! back...who knows what could hurt you around here'' the small dog stiffened and walked back to their own tail between their legs.

''terribly sorry about him ma'am" Dracon added when vull returned.
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Moments after settling down on the other bench, Meredith felt a series of light tugs at the hem of her long skirt. Fearful that it could be a rat or splinter that threatened to ruin the lovely hand-stitched cloth, she mulled over the idea of whether or not immediate action should be taken in order to remove the precious garment from harm's way; yanking could involve the chance of tearing, which would do no good at all. Meredith could not sew. No one in their right mind would hand a practically blind, distrait girl a needle, much less attempt to teach her to use it properly. It would only be destined for failure, or so they thought. No one had ever actually tried to teach the poor girl though...

As her train of thoughts digressed to frivolous matters, a voice cut clean through her mind’s jumbled gibberish. The voice was masculine in tone and seemed to address the culprit of the skirt tuggings. The perpetrator quickly receded. Taking the opportunity, Meredith yanked up the bottom portion of the skirt and gathered it into a plush pile around her on the bench so that the beloved article of clothing would no longer touch the filthy ground. It would be an absolute travesty if anything happened to her favorite skirt.

The apparent master, or owner, of the culprit sincerely apologized for the minor mishap. The skirt was unscathed, as far as Meredith knew, so she simply smiled kindly in what she hoped was the direction of the man. “It’s fine, sir,” she lied with a gentle tone. Although in all honesty, if anything, her skirt was probably dirtied more so in the transit to the airship than by the curious pup, so Meredith was by no means angry.

"Are you traveling with a companion, sir?" Meredith followed up, hoping that maybe she could attain some much needed answers if the conversation continued.
-- Nathan --

With his hands literally tied, there wasn't much he could do except wonder how this stupid street girl got her hands untied.

So, when he was inevitably struck, he yelled in pain. "What're you trying to do, kill me?! Can't you at least wait 'til we get there?!"

That apparently piqued the interest of one of the ship's men, who came to investigate.

((If Vera does anything else to Nathan she could be aggressed and likely quickly overpowered by the shipman, fighting before they get to Sibectio is kind of a no-no haha))

he turned to look at the girl giving her a once over before turning forwards.

"quite possibly...though mooch is a much more likely word to be using"

he held the small dog firmly in-place as not to cause much more troubles

Sibectio. Lucia had heard rumors about the place--how there were monsters that lurked in the shadows, but also many precious minerals and ores to find. I shouldn't need to worry about the more pricey materials for alchemy at least. I wonder if they have any herbs though, since it's all underground, she mused as she took deliberate steps towards a plain door. Lucia's arms were tied behind her back to ensure she couldn't try any "funny alchemy business". Life on the streets had taught her how to free herself from the bindings, but there was no point in utilizing it now. Where would she even escape to? There was no point in revealing her hand now. She was going to Sibectio and that was that.

The guard in front of her opened a door and yelled, "Cut it out!" to the inhabitants inside. Lucia peeked curiously into the room and saw that a boyish female had assaulted a noble looking man. A very similar looking person to the female stood off to the side, while a girl and a tall man sat on the other bench. A rough shove pushed Lucia into the room and the door slammed shut ominously behind her.

"Hello, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. My name is Lucia," she introduced herself, giving the nobleman and the aggressor a pointed glance.

First order of business should be getting myself acquainted with everyone.

"I do hope that I can get along with everyone," she continued sincerely while moving to stand by herself in a corner. With greetings done, Lucia began working on freeing her hands from the bonds. I can't afford to be defenseless now.

“Well I sure wouldn’t mind it!” Vera exclaimed through gritted teeth, rearing back for another punch. However, seeing the shipmen, she reasoned (with her brothers help) that now was not the time, no matter how much she wished to fight with this impudent rich boy. Slowly, she lowered her fist and backed up to stand next to Reid.

“When we get there, you’re in for it.” Vera muttered in Nathan’s direction, loud enough for him to hear.

Vera tilted her head after hearing a new voice pop in. She glanced towards Lucia and gave an off-hand wave.

“You’re not interrupting anything important, at least. I’m Vera.”

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