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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

Neither berserker in that has a mad enchantment rank so we can't know for certain. False Berserker's is listed as - and can be suspected as either being EX or varied due to his nature. And True Berserker is just a giant angry robot. There isn't a single berserker with high level mad enchantment that is coherent and can speak that I know of.
Well when you cut out all of F/GO, that does tend to happen.
Well when you cut out all of F/GO, that does tend to happen.

That's because actual proper stories adhere to the rules more strictly than FGO. As they're designed for different things. FGO's about waifubaiting and milking money out of mobage players. The stories are about making stories people like and are willing to buy. FGO isn't a bad place to go for stuff, but it's not a good source for proving exceptions to the rules.

The way I view it is proper stories like FSN, F/Z, Apocrypha, S/F, these would be A level canon while things like FGO would be B level canon. Video games always take liberties with the lore and FGO is no exception.
Well, there are actually a good amount of perfectly intelligible beserkers. Caligula is somewhat coherent, False Jack the Ripper is perfectly sane, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are sane half the time, Beowulf is completly sane, etc.
Beowulf may as well not have ME, his rank in it is E-. Caligula is certainly far from intelligible, if you actually listen to his few lines of dialogue. Jekyll/Hyde technically isn't even a Berserker, but is still quite mad half the time. No idea about Jack, but I imagine her ME is either very low, or EX rank, which is specifically something I wanted to avoid. If you're using a super low rank or an EX rank, why even bother playing Berserker at that point?
Beowulf may as well not have ME, his rank in it is E-. Caligula is certainly far from intelligible, if you actually listen to his few lines of dialogue. Jekyll/Hyde technically isn't even a Berserker, but is still quite mad half the time. No idea about Jack, but I imagine her ME is either very low, or EX rank, which is specifically something I wanted to avoid. If you're using a super low rank or an EX rank, why even bother playing Berserker at that point?

The Jack he's talking about is Jack the Ripper from strange fake, the concept of the serial killer. Not the psychotic loli from Apocrypha. They're two different Jacks, each based on a concept of the legend. The berserker jack doesn't have a listed mad enchantment rank.
Beowulf may as well not have ME, his rank in it is E-. Caligula is certainly far from intelligible, if you actually listen to his few lines of dialogue. Jekyll/Hyde technically isn't even a Berserker, but is still quite mad half the time. No idea about Jack, but I imagine her ME is either very low, or EX rank, which is specifically something I wanted to avoid. If you're using a super low rank or an EX rank, why even bother playing Berserker at that point?

Isn't it not Mad Enhancement, but Distortion instead?

Edit: ...I just found out that Xerxes I (The guy who fought Leonidas) was recorded to have a river whipped three hundred times for not allowing him to cross. I don't know how to feel.
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Isn't it not Mad Enhancement, but Distortion instead?

Edit: ...I just found out that Xerxes I (The guy who fought Leonidas) was recorded to have a river whipped three hundred times for not allowing him to cross. I don't know how to feel.
Oh my...
Isn't it not Mad Enhancement, but Distortion instead?

Edit: ...I just found out that Xerxes I (The guy who fought Leonidas) was recorded to have a river whipped three hundred times for not allowing him to cross. I don't know how to feel.

"Disobedience, huh? That's a mistake." *Commence the whipping*
You're my Master.

Xel's the King. If I don't listen to him, he'll make me do more weird things. And then make you do some, just to rub it in.
He is a tyrant, and as they say in Rome, Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis
Its due to the size of the thread, I think. It doesn't ping us anymore, to avoid hundreds of notifications.
I check every day too. Learned long ago not to trust the notification system. Although maybe I should ping lancelot again for that very reason.
I'm going to be honest I didn't realise people were waiting for me to reply, I thought Caster had spoken briefly to Rider then changed her focus to her master.

Sorry about that.

That's a fair mistake, it's on of those posts where either you or Koss could have replied and it would work either way.

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