[Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

According to the manual I get at max 1XP per scene.


Onslaught Penalty: does it build up only when the attack is successful (as the manual seems to imply, which means that if the first attack misses then the whole flurry is usually lost), or regardless of the attack being successful (often implicitly house ruled as it makes flurries more viable)?
That is true on the XP.

No. I see in the RAW and have always played it that it's not about success. If's about how many attacks are coming in from the same flurry before the DV refresh. whether or no you hit. So, I guess that's your "flurries more viable" option.
Not going to attack him now...I will be an idiot to do that... ; p

hand on blade...just a precaution.
I would be tempted to attack him now rather than playing his games. ^_^

If we had killed the guy before, he wouldn't have killed the captain.
I should clarify, The guards aren't threatening at all. They're reluctantly doing their job because they ARE afraid. And no, they're not okay with his death.
Sorry about that, things got busy. And yeah, Shade will not let that fly. The Abyssal has to suffer for that one

Selima is not very big on piling up against a single enemy so she will not attack, but if Shades needs her to do anything he has just to tell her.
@Coyotekin: Are you firing at him? Are yo going to fire at him?

If so, roll, everyone Join Battle.

If not, you're waiting for him to make the first move?
Selima Guards, and will act only if the Abyssal threatens anyone but the Solars.
I did. One is for the speed of the actions taken, the second is the total speed for your tick. The difference only comes if you're doing a flurry.
Coyotekin? Do you wish to declare you action?

I'll give it to tonight (since we've already waited) and then just assume a Guard action.

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