[Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

xarvh, so I don't keep pausing to give you a chance to post, is there something Selima is waiting for the guards to do?
Just go the hell away to save their threatened patron from a horrible beast.

But apparently things didn't go as I had planned.. She'll just pretend to be dead and see what the guards do.
If it looks like Shing is going down or close to it than Shade will step in, Last Chance in hands and ready to give the Lunar something to think about.
I am starting to wonder which side is the good guys because the Solars seem to be up there with the Abyssals right now.
Just to keep everyone in the loop: My wife and I are in the process of having our baby. I'll not be posting for at least tonight, maybe tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. I'll be back as soon as I can. Wish us luck!
Again. We have a two-year-old son, as well. Thanks so much. She's already so much fun.

And, by the way, I love this game. So many fun things happening. :D
Xarhv, they are extras. I run my extras a bit different than standard, but it still would have killed them each.

However, if you simply want to knock them out, I'll edit. I have no problem with that.
I wanted to knock them down, Selima has no reason to kill them.

However, since they are extras, there is no real dramatic difference, so meh. =D
True, but that may have ramifications IC. So, I've edited my post:

WlfSamurai said:
Each guard crumbles to the ground like sacks of potatoes, unconscious. Selima doesn't see anyone take notice.
Shade isn't leaving completely, but he doesn't want his crew captured. So ultimately he is having them lay low in Gem and not draw attention. He'll gather them later.
Are you guys going to just watch me get smashed gruesomely ? ; p

And WLF--- I can already sense a genius coming to this world...soon... : )
Selima is not into unfair fight, fighting the Abyssal three against one was already too much for her.

And she's away... oO

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