[Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

Before we move forward with the Per + Awa rolls, we'll have Shade interrupt with his shot. Firing now, on Tick 6, gives him +1 die of accuracy and moves his next action to Tick 11. Roll the attack.
Leaving a beat before the guards' advances forces a Join Battle roll if you guys want to try something else.
Great! Selima keeps control of her. Now, if you'd like to take those 7 successes, you can add them to Selima's Strength for crushing damage total that she'll have to soak.
Well, if it was a normal crush would have been faster...

7+5 = 12, feel free to roll damage for me after soak.

However, I am not going for max damage, but for just enough to break.

You can break a lot of bones before you kill someone.
Thanks! ^_^

I'd say we just kill her and follow a couple of leads or we *create* them.

We don't have the skills to extract more information from her anyway.

Also, is she back visible?
Wuming: for the game's sake, I'd like to kill her and be done with it.

We have several options to follow: the kid that brought us here, the Despot's son which may have a better overview of the caravan attacks, and my favourite: Making sure that the Deathlord knows that someone is out killing his agents*.

If the mountain won't come to Muhammad...

* If we kill her, the Deathlord will get back the Exaltation in the Moonstrance, but or chars don't know.
Just a side note from your friendly neighborhood ST: Keep in mind she may not even have a master. The characters really have no idea what she was doing here or why (other than murdering, that is).
The woman expressed herself several times as a worshipper of Death.

Selima has been scarred badly by such doctrines and has every reason to study them (she Favs Occult).

Further she received basic Wyld Hunt training and even faced an Abyssal during her exaltation.

She has a rough idea of what she's dealing with and she can recognize a servant of the Underworld when she sees one.


WlfSamurai said:
The held woman smiles wryly. "You think you can scare me with my sire?" she asks. "He'll do what he wishes with me then will hunt you down [...]
She has a sire with quite a lot of power on her.
Ah, good. Someone is listening. :D

I will say, despite the woman's Exaltation, Selima was working her over pretty damn good . . .

Not that I condone torture. :oops:
Well, Selima would never use torture to extort a confession.

In this case, the Abyssal was caught literally red-handed and Selima has not the slightest shade of doubt that the woman is a dangerous and powerful Death cultist who kills for pleasure.

No mercy.

And yet, the Abyssal is winning, Selima is finding the whole thing incredibly frustrating; so much in fact that she would rather kill her now that she's unconscious without making her suffer and go forth with the investigation.

Now, if we had Irresistible Questioning Technique, that would be different...

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