[Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

Might want to start without me or do auto. College and life have been keeping me a little busier than I intended.
So, that means that Shade will be going with a Guard action. Does anyone wish to default their action instead for this round?
I'm honestly conflicted on what to do now.

The rational thing would be to kill the guy already, but I was too invested in Shade's action to actually come up to something appropriate.

Shade seemed to be bent on attacking, so my suggestion would be to puppet him into attacking and see what happens.

Unless the guy threatens any bystanders, Shing and Selima will let Shade fight, so you are free to skip any mechanics and make it quick.
Ok, Selima will break guard at Tick 4, declaring just after Shade.

I'm really torn whether to act or not.

It's more fun to let the enemy go, and Selima would keep her promise of not intervene.

On the other side, Selima won't let a servant of the Deathlord escape, unless she knows she can chase him.
Still trying to figure out if I may need to bow out or not. I am hoping not.

In the mean ti9me, what did I miss?
Well, you guys are fighting a deathknight who was "gracious" enough to clue you in to what his "master" is planning. I'm about to post your action. Unless you want to roll it all yourself.
The new way I did this fight has become a book-keeping nightmare for me and I've been avoiding it.

So, let's try something else.

We'll keep the current events in the "it happened" column. But, let's try something new on the other side of the extreme.

For this fight, we'll be using glorified opposed rolls to determine the outcome. This will be EXTREMELY abstract, but I think it will still be fun. I'm not sure if we'll be using this method after this or not, but I want this fight over so we can move on.

So, without further ado, here's what we'll do. The idea is that this is a one-action abstract combat.

  1. Everyone in the combat chooses a "side". Successes for each "side" are pooled for all rolls (defense DVs are pooled as well). Obviously, there is an advantage in numbers here.
  2. Each "side" chooses a target "side" to attack.
  3. Each person in the combat gets one action. Stuff as many charms into a combo (abiding by combo rules) and and as many modifiers into your action and describe what your doing for stunts. Don't forget defense if that is not already your main action, the enemy is doing the same thing you are.
    • This action can be flurried if you wish.

[*]Each "side" rolls their attacks and pools their successes.

[*]Depending on who hits with their attack there are three possible outcomes:

  • One side hits:
    The losing side was wounded in the struggle and takes damage (if there is any). Damage dice are distributed amongst the enemy by the winning side BEFORE they are rolled. Describe how you bested your enemy. The fight is over.

[*]Both sides hit:

  • Damage (if any) is rolled and applied. Both sides roll Willpower. Highest successes decides what happens next:
    Another round of this style combat.

  • Opposed [stamina + Resistance] rolls to see who outlasts the other.

  • Opposed [(Strength or Dexterity) + Resistance] rolls to see who outlasts the other.

  • Opposed [Dexterity + Athletics} rolls to see if someone escapes.

  • Opposed [Essence] rolls to see who runs out of Essence first.

[*]Neither side hits:

  • Deadlock. No wounds are suffered. The side with the most attack successes decides what happens next:
    Another round of this style combat.

  • Opposed [stamina + Resistance] rolls to see who outlasts the other.

  • Opposed [(Strength or Dexterity) + Resistance] rolls to see who outlasts the other.

  • Opposed [Dexterity + Athletics} rolls to see if someone escapes.

  • Opposed [Essence] rolls to see who runs out of Essence first.

  • Call a draw.

So, I'll hit the IC thread with a call to see who is joining the battle.
I have looked at it. I'm taking this idea from Burning Wheel, my new favorite game. But, mostly, the book-keeping I backed myself into for this battle has ruined for me. I want it over.

Questions, Wuming?

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