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Realistic or Modern Shattered GLASS - OOC

Well then, one moment of looking at characters and my heart was crushed. The first one, 'Shade', was kinda what I was going to do for this. My idea was a little different but I don't know, should I go with it?
Really!? Ok, I'll start working on my character tomorrow. I kinda pulled inspiration for it from the song that is my signature.
Posted what's done for now. Just look him over and tell me if anything needs fixing. I'll probably do some editing anyway.
Posted what's done for now. Just look him over and tell me if anything needs fixing. I'll probably do some editing anyway.

Looks mostly fine so far... but I'd ask that when playing him, you bear his power's limits in mind. I feel like his teleporting should be draining to his stamina too, if only so it doesn't get out of hand when it's night-time and stuff. And to clarify - his illusions are 'shadowy', right, more like an extension of manifesting ability? As in, he could use them to hide his own identity, but probably not to pretend to be someone else entirely?
And with this reply, we have a bit of insight in the pretentious, self-absorbed and rather deranged headspace of one Simon Rismond :P
Do you think I could fit in a double-agent character? One that is officially part of GLASS but is alligned with ARK?
Do you think I could fit in a double-agent character? One that is officially part of GLASS but is alligned with ARK?

Definitely ^_^

...just bear in mind that GLASS has a telepath of their own - nowhere near as powerful as Renae, but it's something you'd have to work around.
Looks mostly fine so far... but I'd ask that when playing him, you bear his power's limits in mind. I feel like his teleporting should be draining to his stamina too, if only so it doesn't get out of hand when it's night-time and stuff. And to clarify - his illusions are 'shadowy', right, more like an extension of manifesting ability? As in, he could use them to hide his own identity, but probably not to pretend to be someone else entirely?

I will, and yes, his illusions are to hide his own identity, not to be another person.
I think I might be pulling a Palpatine-Anakin style plot with Lorenze and Ecto. Not sure how this is going to play out
Whew, sorry for not posting for a while. Didn't receive any notifications. It doesn't alert me unless I am tagged, and sometimes even if I'm tagged it still doesn't alert me.
WhipDing WhipDing what kind of prison is Cinder in? Just wanted to know so that I can make my post clearer instead of leaving it vague.

Considering how much of a threat she's proven herself to be, I'd assume she's in one of those ability-dampening rooms I mentioned earlier. Very small, just enough room for a bed, blast-proof walls, and an air-tight seal on the door through to the airlock. No windows, of course, aside from a tiny round one on the door :)

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