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Realistic or Modern Shattered GLASS - OOC

Considering how much of a threat she's proven herself to be, I'd assume she's in one of those ability-dampening rooms I mentioned earlier. Very small, just enough room for a bed, blast-proof walls, and an air-tight seal on the door through to the airlock. No windows, of course, aside from a tiny round one on the door :)
About the power-dampeners, do they completely negate or just weaken?
WhipDing WhipDing Can Ecto go down to annoy Cinder with bad puns?

As much as I'm sure she'd appreciate it... she's behind two air-tight, sealed doors right now, and I don't think any half-decent V-rank would let Ecto go in alone. Even though she's restrained, it prolly ain't the safest thing- bear in the mind the dampening in the room would weaken Ecto's powers too. If you really want to... you could set up an NPC to irresponsibility let him in... but there will most likely be consequences for that :xFtongue:

Raku Raku Just a heads-up - ARK doesn't really have a centralized HQ, at least not one that members can access. They mostly just have safehouses/bases scattered round the city, so you might want to edit your post just so as not to confuse people. I'll tag some other people with ARK characters, so you all have somewhere to interact or whatever. :)

On that note... I'm thinking about writing a little something to explain some of these little details that've been established over time for newcomers, as I can't really expect everyone to read the entire RP thread. Any thoughts on where to do such a thing? Add to it the OP of the RP thread? Create a separate thread for it?
Raku Raku Just a heads-up - ARK doesn't really have a centralized HQ, at least not one that members can access. They mostly just have safehouses/bases scattered round the city, so you might want to edit your post just so as not to confuse people. I'll tag some other people with ARK characters, so you all have somewhere to interact or whatever. :)

Thanks for letting me know! :closed eyes open smile:
Seems like I'm the only one that's posted in a while.
Well ARK has no base, so it'll be hard to have everyone in a single place. Also, two members are in prison.

WhipDing WhipDing is it fine to make a place, maybe a pub or bar, where ARK members gather? Like a pseudo base of sorts? You know, to give ARK members a chance to interact?I'll create a character who manages the bar if it's allowed.
ARK is pretty vacant

Well ARK has no base, so it'll be hard to have everyone in a single place. Also, two members are in prison.

WhipDing WhipDing is it fine to make a place, maybe a pub or bar, where ARK members gather? Like a pseudo base of sorts? You know, to give ARK members a chance to interact?I'll create a character who manages the bar if it's allowed.

Yeah, as mentioned, it's mostly just a lack of members that's the issue - there's like, 4 ARK characters that've posted in the last few pages, and 2 of them are prisoners of GLASS. But yeah, feel free to set up a bar if you like :)
Yeah, as mentioned, it's mostly just a lack of members that's the issue - there's like, 4 ARK characters that've posted in the last few pages, and 2 of them are prisoners of GLASS. But yeah, feel free to set up a bar if you like :)
Nice! I'm gonna make him a bit op so that he can maintain the bar despite its rowdy an potentially powerful patrons. He's not gonna participate in most fights so he'll probably be fine being a bit op.
It's pretty vague at the moment (because there's a few separate thing going on that are running at different speeds), but I'd say very early morning for now.

OK, never mind about Jaxson heading to the bar. Mind if I get him into a skirmish with some criminal NPCs? Maybe get the attention of some GLASS operatives?
OK, never mind about Jaxson heading to the bar. Mind if I get him into a skirmish with some criminal NPCs? Maybe get the attention of some GLASS operatives?

Go for it, you can write the NPCs yourself if you like... might be a while before you get a response, though, everyone's a bit tied up.
As an independent contractor I am absolutely down for trying to break people out of Glass.
I'll be typing up a post about Jaxson leaving the safehouse and engaging some NPC criminals, possibly gaining some attention of GLASS operatives. It'll be up later today

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