[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

Kacie said:
...yeah, I should have got with the classic intro of "You're in a desperate fight with three spirits, a second circle demon, and a circle of Immaculates - as you plummet towards Creation's surface from 5000 ft. Go!"

My bad. *sad face*
We can still do that, you know. Just have a giant monster attack from the sea ;)
Cunning Fangs technically has thaumaturgy. The only use I've ever found for it is as stunt fodder while ranting at Luna for being such a damned bitch.
To the question of whether you can smash together a bunch of thaumaturgy to replicate two solar level occult charms? No, you may not.
I meant that I was expecting you to narrate us chasing the ghostie. But it's nice to know you're kicking the Twilight in the balls. :tongue:
The Twilight has Occult favored. He'll be fine in ~24 exp. *wink

I can narrate the ghost chase; sounds like that will make things easier for folks. I'll do that tonight. Feel free to post before I do, otherwise I'll take dramatic license. I'd have more actively pursued this over the weekend except my mom was down for a visit. Was very nice to hang out with her.

Side note -- some of the smilies on this forum either bug me, or I'm not sure how they should be interpreted. For example, :P -- in some boards, it's humorous, here it looks distinctly less so, more like 'you killed my enthusiasm' or something like that. > :) is another one what seems to be used a lot, and I never know if that means someone is out to get me or what. I'm assuming you're just giving me a hard time, but aren't actually upset, Silent Wayfarer?
Yeah, I'm good with that decision. I mean, we worked it out in gchat already!

I've always taken :P to mean that the attached message is not serious/meant in a joking manner.
Thanks - I know in hindsight it seems silly, but man, I never know if a certain player in another game is serious or joking when the devil smilie is used. :(
Montages, in my experience, are best when handled by the GM, it helps set a cohesive mood.

Also, I, too, find the smilies on this site to be a bit confusing sometimes. I try to let the tone of my words convey my intention and use the smilies to emphasize it when I feel it's needed.
Gotcha - working on a montage right now.

Bear with me; I swear, shit will get surreal very shortly.
Nope! You're definitely not in Firewander!

Doesn't mean shit can't get surreal, though.
Ball is in "anyone but mine" court. Solars are free to crash the party through the front door, Lunar is free to tangle on her own, drop in on the Solars, or do whatever.

Seriously, this is wildly free-form at the moment.
Firewander or no - tear it down.

I have decided to use "F = m*a" as a stunt.

No idea what I should roll for dive bombing though.
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Misuro's current goal is to track down the crime boss Nar Naz and tell him that Misuro is in charge now. Try not to murder everything in sight ;)
You're counted as automatically Aiming for the duration of the Charm (1 scene), which means +3 dice to attacks and +1 DV, which don't count against Charm limits.

At Essence 3+ you can take an Aim action again, and 1 bonus die becomes an automatic success for every tick you spend Aiming.
No need to roll for attacks - if I ever say "describe how you do X" then you get to narrate what happens. :)

Edit: If I need a roll, I'll ask for a roll.
Question for folks. Normally, I think of knowledge rolls to not be a reflexive action, ie, you need to take a misc action to try and remember everything you know, or to take a good hard look at something.

Silent Wayfarer chained together two "reflexive" rolls, of Awareness and Lore, and used excellency charms on both.

Is this legit for the future? Or should such Lore rolls be a declared Misc action?
For making the knowledge checks themselves, per RAW it depends more on the context for when you can make reflexive knowledge checks or not more than anything else, so that'll be your call as the GM.

I'm not sure if there is anything that lets you use one roll to compliment the other like that, though.

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