[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

I am for keeping things moving in a play-by-post game, so that's actually in favor of allowing player-declared reflexive knowledge rolls.

More seriously, you guys will see me do this sort of thing - question whether something should be allowed, get opinions, and halfway through getting opinions start to talk myself back to allowing something. I do this. It's part of my thought process.
I figured that having more information on the target would help in figuring it out, the same way having a microscope or a UV lamp ought to help in picking up tiny/otherwise imperceptible clues.
Oh, of course more information is more useful!

The question is, do you need to pay an action for that information? In this case, no, and probably because this is a play by post and we need to keep things moving, probably not in the future, either.

In other systems, such as FATE, you can use Science! to set up more devastating attacks - in those instances, the Science! is worth an action. Here, not the same. Exalted mechanics being different than FATE, and all.
Waiting on Crazy Ivan; I believe Sol spent his action looking for caulking tar.

I know Crazy Ivan has had some crappy weeks recently, so I haven't pushed.
Okay - reread Silent Wayfarer's post, realized he was asking a question. Ooops! My bad. :(

To find/locate things on a battlefield is Awareness. Sol should do Perc + Awareness to find caulking tar.
Schweetness. To save time, Sol is looking for supplies to nail The Rotten in place and burn it to death, which includes tar, large logs (I'm going to stunt a Craft roll with a dramatic use of Sledgehammer Fist Punch to split it into sharpened poles with a single blow) and possibly some rope.

Perception 5 Awareness 5 Specialty 3 Stunt 2: 15 dice.

Wow. Nice roll! When your turn comes up again, you may describe the scene regarding logs and calking tar as you see fit -- just make it suitably Epic, with things not being "conveniently" close. Assume the docks have been sensibly arranged and fire is not kept anywhere near any of this.
Folks, I spoke with Crazy Ivan, who hopes to post on Wednesday-ish. I'm okay with waiting until then, since this is us getting feet wet with first "real" combat, and so forth.

After that, we should decide on a policy for what to do when someone is swamped and can't post. One of my least favorite things, but I was just reading a post over on rpg.net on why games die, and loss of momentum is reason #1.

One of the things feeding into loss of momentum, other than lack of posting (which technically is how all PbP games die) is "What now?" and everyone waiting on someone else to answer. In interest of giving some stuff to post/think about here in OOC - do you guys have a big next thing you want to do, or are you content to adapt to what I throw you? Stay in Nexus, or leave Nexus? I realize this is a bit premature since consequences of stuff hasn't shaken out yet, but I also figure kicking some discussion OOC is a useful thing to tide over until Wednesday.
Policy: Puppet them? Declare intentions beforehand if you know you're going to be gone for a long while and let them GM interpret?

Big Next Thing: I thought we were going to do something long-term in Nexus, but it seems like we're just going to mark Nar Naz off on our to-do list and come back later. Which is fine by me, but then I'd like to change Sol's Motivation to something more suitable for globetrotting, since "bring literacy to Nexus" implies a long-term grassroots program that may tie the others down too much.
If I can't post, I prefer to have a my character put on standby rather than someone else play him (unless it's just pure action/reaction like in combat). I generally don't like others touching my characters.

As for "what next", I think I said this before, but before he leaves Misuro is going to want to make sure people have the courage and skill to stand up for themselves against organized crime by training some people in the deadly art of face smashing. It's also good story fodder for if we ever return, seeing how either A: Nexus has changed for the better because of his influence, or B: my former students have gotten taken out entirely, or even worse/more dramatic, turned just as bad as the people they're defending themselves against.
JayTee, go ahead and post Misuro's combat tick action(s). We'll have the Wolf "interrupt" into the tick count whenever Crazy Ivan is back and can post the Wolf's actions.
Will do, I'm multitasking at the moment, but I should have a post up by the end of the day.
The Rotten gets a chance to act before Sol. I'm not familiar with the charm used to punch holes in things - is that scene long, a simple, reflexive, etc?
Sledgehammer Fist Punch (also called the Pillar Breaking Blow for some reason) costs 1m, and is supplemental. When used against an object, it doubles the pre-soak damage against an object and also allows a Solar to completely ignore that object's soak.
Folks - I owe you posts. This may not happen tonight, because I've had a crummy day. This week is really busy, too, sadly. :(

I'm aware I'm holding things up currently, and will get to this when I have the creative juice to do it properly (balanced by not letting this languish unloved).
If it helps for posting, don't feel you have to post whole paragraphs. So long as it keeps the game moving, I'm more than fine with a few quick lines of text if you're in a funk. :)
Hey - I hear you. I've had orchestra dress rehearsals the last two nights, so I really haven't had time. I hope to post tonight. I have to actually do some math and roll some dice - descriptions are easier. *sigh*

Silent Wayfarer - do note the whole of the docks are treated wood, and so are much of the dilapidated buildings around the docks. Burnanating the whole docks probably not a good idea - just giving you a heads up.

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