[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

Yeah, Sol was planning to keep The Rotten pinned to the water's edge. Or he could just skip the fire and harpoon the monster first.
That's fair. I thought that you might be having trouble coming up with what to write, so I figured I would try and make things easier for you by letting you know you didn't have to worry too much. I hope your dress rehearsals went well. :)
I have not forgotten! I have been swamped, and feel most guilty. Exp will be delivered upon chapter end forthwith.

Hoping to post in the next few days!
Nice moves, Sol!

I'm going to wait to reply until Misuro and the Wolf have made their Parries, then resolve the Wolf's damage, then resolve Sol's attack.
Need a bit of a rules reminder: I know I can make a melee roll with infinite mastery to add to my DV, but I'm not sure if I roll the whole pool, or just the added dice
You roll the whole pool. Infinite mastery is basically "I pay for the 1st Excellency twice up front" and then you go to town afterwards. Right now, it counts as +3d10 free of mote charges. I think you can then elect to spend up to 7m more to use the 1st excellency on top of it, since really, all you've done is pay for the first 3 dice of the 1st exc up front at start of combat.

Does that answer your question? Or did I misunderstand?
That answers my question perfectly, thank you. I have a DV of 8, so I need 3 successes to get a DV of 11. Since I get 3 dice for free, I'll pay 3 motes to get 3 dice for a total of 6, which should average out to 3 successes. Failing that, post-soak defenses!

EDIT: Oh yeah, stunts also add their numerical value to the DV, so let's see if I can impress you enough~ ;)
You juuuust squeak by with a stunt of 1, as ties go to defender. ...right?

Folks, in the future, please put the type out the result of your roll, because I am *that* lazy and because Invs Castle doesn't count 10s as double automatically. Also tell me in that spoiler block what your defense is, and all those crunchy numbers things, so it's all in one place. Makes it one-stop shopping before I have to hit the books to look up weird stuff. Thanks!
I've found it rolls low.

EDIT: Plus I use it for almost every other site I'm on, so I'm just used to it.
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Hey - I've written to Crazy Ivan, upon whom combat is waiting. I'm not sure if the site change has messed him up or not; I will write him at the other rpg.net site, and see if he responds.

We'll move on regardless sometime this weekend. (or sooner, if Crazy Ivan replies.)

Sorry for the delays. :(
I'm sorry guys - life has been, not bad the past few weeks, but definitely in the "CrazyIvan is not in control of his own life" vein. And with the notifications and email alerts from this site verging on fucking useless, I've just been struggling to remember to check in.

Back now, and will endeavor not to disappear.
Really, for reals, expect an update tomorrow. Got the clarification I needed, plus the motivation.
I am guilty of being late. :(

Work was surprisingly bad on Friday. Events today leave me without brain. Sunday.
Just a heads up: I have new work hours that have me busy from 1pm to 10pm. It shouldn't impact my posting too much, but I thought I would let you know.
First - ugh, I hope you're okay with those hours, JayTee! Sounds very unfun. :(

Second - gah, work. Gah, meant to post earlier. Gah, stupid domain change, missed how fast you guys posted to my last post. *facepalm*

Enough on excuses.

Repost on combat suggestions:

How's about I roll damage you do on the baddies? Might save time?

Either yes or no, please post your starting damage from your weapon along with your successes, ie, 7 successes to hit, damage 10L (including Str and weapon stats). Post like your GM doesn't have access to the books. I'll be ever so grateful! (Stupid multiple errata and bad indexing...) This includes basic stuff I forget, like "Holy does Agg damage to Creatures of Darkness" .

This will mean either 1) I roll the right number of dice, or, 2) if you want to roll, I tell you the right number of dice to roll.

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