[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

I can edit my drink offering post to include some type of invitation to help the narrative flow remain consistent.
@CrazyIvan -- First - I see the Wolf has Int 1. Do you plan on raising this shortly? Or is she meant to be slow on the thinking? If you plan on keeping Int 1, I would like to discuss with you how this expresses itself.

Second - you should get 3 Ox Bodies for free, for having Essence 3. Ergo you must have more than HL 7.

I worry that things will have too many health levels or something to be a challenge to you guys's overly Ox Bodied characters, but hey. If I'm worrying about that, I figure I'm worrying about the wrong thing. ;)
Yeah, I hadn't put the ox-bodies in yet.

As for Int 1, I was intending on raising it, just wasn't enough points to go around, and the others seemed more pressing. For the moment I was intending to play that as a combination of her thinking a lot on instinct, and adjusting slowly to the idea that outside the Wyld, the answer is not simply "Fair Folk, kill it!"

Going to be largely unavailable this weekend - wedding to go to today, and I need to drive from WifeCity to JobCity tomorrow, so for the moment it's probably useful to have Wolf just idly wandering.
Going to be the obnoxious GM and say you need to roll to persuade her, Silent Wayfarer. Over come her MDV, as it were.

Charisma or Manipulation + Presence.
Mmm. Technically that beats MDV 3? I forget the formula for finding someone's MDV. Something about (Essence + Integrity + Willpower)/2 ? She'd need Willpower 5 (has Essence 1).

But frankly, even if she manages MDV 4 somehow, I'm judging that her running away isn't as interesting as her staying, since you the player have expressed interest. So she'll stay.

I'll work up a post either tonight or tomorrow - ran a face to face game today, and now trying to decompress before work tomorrow. Ugh.
Oh, if there's a problem, I'll say so! ;)

This is me trying to say that what you, the player, find interesting will take on more weight to the narrative. If y'all had ignored the girl, she'd be gone by now. You interest as the player is keeping her in the game.

All right, OOCly, Sol wants to go suss out this Nar Naz fellow's operation and organization. He also reasons that when the time is right, he and Misuro could make a big showy end to all this by offering to join Nar Naz's group. Then deal with him when he's got all his men and lieutenants clustered up into one room for easy punching/swording.

That said, Sol wants to see if there's any disgruntled employees he can get on his side, or some way to turn that necromancer (if he even is a necromancer) against Nar Naz. In general, he wants to make sure the place is taken care of when he leaves; otherwise they'll just be the people who dragon kicked the crime lord's ass into the Milky Way and left a power vacuum to be filled by tons of bloody fighting.
Excellent. This is very helpful to me, and in the future, please go ahead and state such things here in OOC.

The more concrete goals you have, the better I can react/anticipate/come up with evil plots you care about. :)
I tend to want to let this come out in IC so I don't have to repeat myself, but I'm starting to think it's better to repeat myself than keep everyone waiting.

And I don't think Sol's caught Misuro's name yet...
If we're going to fake joining Nar Naz, then I'd rather we stage a Coup and take over the organization. After that, bend it towards the purpose of defending the people in the slums of Nexus from other criminal gangs. That way we can ensure some degree of long term stability before we leave.
In my experience it's better to state things in OOC, to get intentions out in the open.

Just today, I had four players doing Mage Seekings, and at some point it was necessary to talk to all of them OOC about what what was going on. 3 of 4 changed their minds about what the point of their vision quest was.

Here, where it is two players who need to be in sync to do things, it's even more important to do a brief "here's my idea!" in OOC. That lets you hash out details in advance, and is good practice for when I throw unexpected stuff at you - you want to be able to discuss things here in OOC.
Well, pretending to join him is basically a really stylish way of calling him out for an assbeating, though. Most of the groundwork of figuring out the right person for the job ought to be done before that. I'm mainly concerned with sidelining Misuro until the fighting gets going. Plus, we need to get Wolf involved in this too, even if it's just eating the face of a Secret Fae Ally.

Kacie said:
Just today, I had four players doing Mage Seekings, and at some point it was necessary to talk to all of them OOC about what what was going on. 3 of 4 changed their minds about what the point of their vision quest was.
Heh, Seekings. I look forward to those. ;)
Well, you have Cha and Presence 5 and are a Solar, that should be enough to conquer the world in about half a year ;)

I just hope Investigation alone will be enough. I don't have any other direct social combat abilities and Socialize works on a national level. Not sure if Linguistics by itself is sufficient for social attacks or if I use it in conjunction with Presence. :(
Not the most creative post, but better than paralysis! Sorry, the daylight savings change was rough.

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