[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

Folks - if you are Awesome at something, say, at Awareness or Investigation, I may not make you roll, I'll just describe what you see. You're that good.

Likewise, if your combination of skills is also Awesome for the situation, I may not make you roll.

Conversely, if you are Awesome and I do ask for a roll, there may be something capable of challenging you. Or I am messing with your head (to keep you the player on your toes). One of the two.

I will always try to Show not Tell, but I will surely screw up royally at some point. One always does. *sigh*
That scene is actually a great intro for Wolf, who is about to be as subtle as a freight train.

Post after I get to work.
So - a merc, a scholar, and a huge freaking Wolf walk into a brothel...

I'm inclined to post reactions now, because Wolf(!) is one of those things that gets people very stirred up and excitable, for some funny reason. Any nuance to Misuro's reactions are going to be lost.

JayTee, if you post before I manage to, good on you - otherwise, there'll be no shortage of things to post about. Like the freaking Wolf that just wandered into a Nexus saloon/brothel.

Oh - I am thinking of this place as more of a mix of a saloon and a brothel. Does a bit of everything, really.
I was going to be all sneaky and mysterious, and then you introduced the girl and I was like "Fuck it, Wolf walks into a bar".
Kacie said:
My job is to set up scenes, and to stand back and watch as you guys go to town. ;)
Two days later, Nexus a smoldering ruin.

"Well, that's a thing that happened."
I keep thinking of Sol leaning over to the bar to down all the shots being poured for Wolf ("I'm drinking them on his behalf"). :D
Wolf has left, but she could be easily called back by either PCs or the girl. Mostly, she's now filed this under "Reasons I don't mix with the locals".

Plus making the rumors seem a bit more...plausible.
[QUOTE="Silent Wayfarer]So, Sol should try severed goblin heads next time?

Or getting her gender right ;)
Silent Wayfarer, your post mentions having a battle form on. Has your outward appearance changed?

Folks, if you pull up a charm with a mechanical affect (instead of flavor stuff) please put it in a spoiler. Thanks!
Nope. Battle Form is just a baroque way of saying he has Monkey Leap Technique and Solar Hero Form active, both of which are kind of like his combat buffs.

EDITT: I double checked and apparently Solar Hero Form is Obvious! Bugger. Well, then he won't activate it after all... just Monkey Leap Technique. Technically that one is obvious (amusingly so) but not Obvious.
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Wait, did I miss something? Why are we going in to combat time? When did wolf leave? How are we going to form a proper party if one of the three PCs leaves the area?

I am very confused. :confused:
I don't think we're in combat time. Sol certainly hasn't rolled Join Battle; he just activated MLT in case rocket-jumping was needed.

And from what I understand, Wolf went over to comfort the scared girl on her own, left behind some coins and words of encouragement, then slunk off the scene. Or something.

At this point I'd appreciate an update on the situation too...
Wolf tried to calm the girl to keep her from hurting herself, and slipped her some coin. Then she remembered screaming and panicking is why she doesn't so much socialize anymore, and decided Sol could probably handle this, and left.

Weird, preternaturally intelligent wolf could be called back, or not, depending.
Crazy Ivan's summing is pretty much what I thought was going on. I was confused because the way Silent Wayfarer phrased the "Battle Form" it sounded like something that was physically assumed, ie, something mortals would notice, and I wanted to know since I'm trying to picture how the girl and the barkeep behave.

The barkeep is still behind the bar, but I figure he's not going to be giving Misuro a hard time at the moment. Might even join him in a drink, in fact. ;)

EDIT: as to getting the party together, the two solars could meet, and then decide to follow the wolf, etc, etc. I believe you're both lore-happy; you saw the woman/wolf transform, so she's got to be a spirit/god or possibly anathema.
I'm wondering how to call Wolf back. Bones? Making a sound like a hobgoblin come to spread universal chaos and unravel the fabric of Creation?

And I edited in a line aimed at Misuro; something to get us all talking.
[QUOTE="Silent Wayfarer]I'm wondering how to call Wolf back./QUOTE]
Misuro did did offer the clearly intelligent wolf a drink :tongue:

Remember you saw her alternate form for a moment, when she gave coin to the girl. You know the wolf is far more than it seems.

And it's not like the chicken worked very well.

Or the several drinks.

EDIT: I will post after my dinner, but don't wait on me.
I was conflicted as to the drinks, because I had posted her leaving before they were offered by anyone other than a panicking barkeep.

"Wait, come back whateverthehellyouare" would probably work ;)

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