[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

The Pistol skill is beastly/broken, max it out as soon as you can. Stealth and hacking are also a lot of fun.
I've heard that the puzzles get harder as you level up your sabotage skill... personally I was considering the merits fo Martial Arts for a nonlethal playthrough, since I have all those extra delicious points.
I was oh so wrong. :(

Things are horribly broken, and we probably haven't found all the cripplingly bad logic yet.

Short version; I'm on a team doing the algorithm for data cleaning for the Radiometer instrument on a mission. Said radiometer and its code were supposed to be delivered to JPL by Goddard Space Flight Center. The instrument came, but last April the code was so far behind the managers brought the code over to JPL. This meant the scientists who developed the proto-code were on East Coast, and the coding team was here West Coast. Proto code has to be turned into C++ code for the data processing pipeline. Some of the code was given to us and we were told it was finished - no problems. Some was partially done, and some just had Matlab proto-code. Our team started working on the unfinished code and the interface framework.

Yesterday I and a colleague found multiple instances of the Goddard "finished" code having major logic problems -- for instance, accessing arrays out of bound. We only started seeing this now because we had better test data.

Code was supposed to be finished on Feb 14th, and we were to be doing testing only until April 15th.

Now we're trying to find out how bad things are, and how long it will take us to shake down the code for errors and fix them.

And somehow still do testing by April 15th.

Upshot - this is what I'll be griping about in the future. Also, I'll probably find most of my inspiration on the weekends, since I expect much stress during the weeks. :( Until this takes over my weekends, too. :(

Good news - if we can actually kick off the game this weekend, then momentum will help move things along. But it's best if I'm doing brainstorming/stat'ing on weekends, and reaction posts on weekdays.
Also - everyone, remember, you have extra Ox Body HL's due to 1 Ox Body per Essence.

This will make everyone stupid-hard to kill, but I expect you'll get around that. ;)

(Okay, okay, once anyone runs out of motes they're dog-chow, but you get my drift?)
Teach me your skills, Sensei, so that I may help you (and get the game more of your attention /ulterior motive)

More seriously: Hope things get better for you at work / Looking forward to the game :)
I'm reading over the Nexus material, and shaping my opening scenes. I hope to post before the end of the weekend, if not sooner!

EDIT: Silent Wayfarer, I like the second picture better for some reason. -more ambition maybe, telegraphed?

Crazy Ivan, do you have a picture or description of the Wolf?

Dude, I posted on Wednesday to say how awful work has been. Not even a week since my last post here - why would you think this was in danger of dying?

I am still struggling - I had a concert tonight, and another tomorrow afternoon - but I really am working on this, promise.
Kacie said:
Dude, I posted on Wednesday to say how awful work has been. Not even a week since my last post here - why would you think this was in danger of dying?

I am still struggling - I had a concert tonight, and another tomorrow afternoon - but I really am working on this, promise.

Aw, sorry for conveying the wrong message. I wished to put forth a generic expression of elation because I honestly did not expect any movement from this until April.
On an unrelated note, I put up my backstory that I totally didn't steal from a friend of mine
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Good backstory. You probably have Dragonblooded mixed into the family line somewhere (just so you know). Lookshy is technically a city-state rather than a Kingdom.

If you want more info on Lookshy, or want to play that aspect up, let me know. Lookshy is an interesting place, what with being the Sparta to the Realm's Rome.

On a slightly different note, why must all the books that talk about Nexus be so dull? This should be a fascinating city with more hooks than I can fling fish at, and instead it puts me to sleep. It's a crime, I tell you.
Thanks for the feedback/offer, but I think I'm good (although I'll correct that terminology). Backstories are largely secondary to me, I focus more on the character's build/personality/future plans.

And yes, the books did fail a bit on Nexus, no arguments there.
Kacie said:
Crazy Ivan, do you have a picture or description of the Wolf?



Kacie said:
On a slightly different note, why must all the books that talk about Nexus be so dull? This should be a fascinating city with more hooks than I can fling fish at, and instead it puts me to sleep. It's a crime, I tell you.
It is the city of a thousand plot hooks, and yes, they fail dramatically.
Kacie said:
Still struggling with work.
Clearly, you must quit your job and become a full time GM. It's the only logical solution! no but seriously, good luck
Let's kick this off.

I took the liberty of stating where Misuro and Sol were. Crazy Ivan, enter/appear as you please, you sneaky lunar you.

Work with me on getting the gang together and doing Something Important.

I don't know what that Something Important is right now - I've but set the stage. This is free-form and dredging for plot at the moment.

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