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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.


i'll be going through and pming peeps when i can for relationships, if you want to pm me with ideas for how your char and mine (Jake, second middle brother) get along, pls do!
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here we go

emery's impressions

mrs. nazari

doesn't like her, lol sorry


she likes him because he reminds her of her own brother, benji.


not enough info


feels for her when she makes mistakes because she can relate


low key likes him, high key feels like she isn't good enough for someone like him


every time she sees him



emery really wants to protect this smol precious bean for any and all harm


she really doesn't know how she feels about this one


not enough info


she really doesn't know that much about him other than the information she gets from her siblings


again, he reminds her of his brother so she likes him

benji's impressions

mrs. nazari

doesn't like her, lol sorry


BEST FRIENDS PLEASE, seriously tho they could fuck shit up and laugh about it later.


not enough info


he'd probably hit on her, but that's it.


know his sister has the hots for him and because of that he has his eye on him and watches what he does when he has a chance


deals with him even though he doesn't want to


he too feels protective over chase, but differently from his sister as he would be more likely to beat someone one up for him


tbh he doesn't like her because she's a box of rocks


not enough info


too much of opposites, most likely won't get along


axel, petrie and benji #fuckshitup2k16



First Impressions/Relationships.


EMERY GALLAGHER Axel admires her motherly devotion to her siblings. Her personality is the kind of personality he wishes he had been raised by when growing up. Axel doesn't see Emery as a mother figure, but wishes he had a parent that cared and worked their ass off as much as she does. @Oasis

HUNTER GALLAGHER Axel finds her to be funny, and a pretty cool person to be around. She seems trustworthy and is knowledgeable about the area they live in. If he has a question about where something is, how to get there, gossip, or is just being nosy, he'll talk to Hunter.

ELLE NAZARI His sister, best friend, and favorite person. Elle has been there for him ever since they were little. Neither of them liked their parents or their sister for basically their whole lives, so naturally they always just look after each other. Axel cares about Elle more than anyone else, even more than himself. He'd put himself in danger to keep her safe, and will always have her back. If someone hurts his sister, he'll hold a grudge on them, even if Elle has already forgiven them. @Quarantine

EBONY DELANE Not enough info.


BENJI GALLAGHER Axel thinks he's a funny and cool guy. Benji is the kind of guy he'd go to if he wanted to get revenge on someone in a sneaky way. He'd also come to Benji if he was bored and just wanted to have fun. He seems like the type who wouldn't ask questions if you showed up to his house with a case of beer and two crowbars and said "Hey, let's go somewhere." @Oasis

OWEN GALLAGHER Owen is unpredictable. He goes out of town for a week, shows up with a tattoo. Axel can usually predict people's actions, but not Owen. Axel finds it to be refreshign and exciting, but it also makes him a little bit nervous at the same time. Axel feels like he can trust him for some reason; it's weird to him. He wants to get to know Owen more and figure him out, or at least try to. He finds him to be incredibly interesting and funny. @plumeriaprincess

JACOB GALLAGHER "Weird Kid." Are the words Axel would use to describe Jacob, but weird isn't always a bad thing. He finds Jacob's destructiveness to be really funny. He's not really the kind of person Axel would hang out with, mostly because of the age gap and the different levels of maturity, but he finds Jacob to be amusing. @CloudyBlueDay

AXEL NAZARI SR Axel hates his father. He hates his dad more than anyone ever. More than Eva. Axel blames a lot of his problems in life on his dad. He hates the fact that he was named after his dad, because he tries his very best to be the 100% opposite of his father. He hates how his father lies to everyone, manipulates innocent people(like his mother), and how he goes off for hours, sometimes days at a time to sneak off to some other woman. Axel can't stand the verbal abuse and general neglect from his father, and if he keeps it up, one of these days Axel is just going to blow up on him. Although he plays nice around his mom and dad, he does mouth off to his dad sometimes, which never ends well. @Zatanna

DRAKE DELANE Drake is one of the only people he knows that's openly gay. Axel admires him for his openness, because it must be hard being openly gay, especially when you live in southside Chicago: a city full of homophobes with weapons and a long list of felonies. He has some things in common with Drake, like a similar sense of humor, ambition, and some of the same interests. @Hudson

PETRIE BILINSKI Pretty odd guy, but still amusing. He likes his somewhat dark sense of humor, and thinks his awkward rambling is kind of charming. He's pretty cute too. Not in an "I'd date that guy" kinda way, but more like "I want to adopt that puppy". @Crimson smile


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I remember the easy confidence of her smile, the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most about Tiffany was the look of fear in her eyes. Tiffany had started to realize her world was unraveling. And for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.
Her Good Friend Leslie

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@Oasis @Quarantine @Hudson

sorry for tagging everyone in 10 billion posts a day lol. the roleplay will start tomorrow at 12(noon) EST !!!! i'll tag everyone in the roleplay post, and hopefully i won't spam your notifications with tags after that.


First Impressions/Relationship

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"That crazy church family? Yea I know them and they know me. "

Mrs. Nazari

That crazy woman. I swear one of these days, she's gonna come up to me and go all churchy on me.


I don't know all that well but Hunter is starting to hang out with him. She says he's cool but I'm not going anywhere near that fucking family. I'm afraid I'm going to get spray with holy water when I walk in the door.


Not enough info.


That miss prissy girl? She wouldn't go near me. Too afraid to make mommy and daddy mad.


"They rich. And I'm not. "


She's rich. And she's a bitch but she's best friends with Emery so I gotta respect her.


Not enough info.


He's cool. I mean I talk to him but I don't hang out with him. He's more of a social person then I am.



He's ok. We talk alot, and I wouldn't mind being around him. He feels like a big brother to me.

Here Chase's thingy
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[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i laughed at this part LMAO

I laughed too when I came up with it lol. I was thinking seriously Chase? Holy Water?
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First Impressions/Relationship

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"....I have nothing good to say with that family. I like Axel but his family is fucking nuts. "

Mrs. Nazari

She's always bringing food over and crap and looking at disgust at my siblings tattoos and the way they dress. Like what the hell? Tattoos is banned the bible now? What the actually fuck?


He's cool and I like talking with him. He and I can have alot of fun together and no I'm not talking about that kind of fun. Your heads are fill with nasty thoughts. I mean getting into shit fun. I swear..


Not enough info.


That girl has got her head stuck so far up her parents asses that I wonder if she can breath. Always going on about how it isn't right for girls to have tattoos. I'm going to be so happy when I turn sixteen and get my first one and shove it in her face.


"They are...something alright."


She's rich. And she's a bitch. That's all I have to say.


Not enough info.


I don't know. He plays sports like I do but he's a troublemaker, I can smell it. Plus he hangs around with my brothers. Which is not a good sign.



He's awesome. He likes to hang out and talk to me about anything, almost like a dad. He's a really cool person.

And here's Hunter's thingy


"Dysfunctional but mostly in control of their shit."



"I make sure to use my manner's around her just in case she has my godmother on speed dial. They are to much a like not to be wary."


"I am close to her and view her like a little sister. Thus I am always encouraging her curiosity, even when it leads to me almost having heart attacks."


"He is hot for sure but a bit to much of a slacker for my taste. Especially since he seem's like he has a lot to offer. If only to himself."


"....I don't even know..."


"He is cute but I haven't seen much of him so I don't really have an opinion on him besides that."



This family contains a wicked witch and a stuck up narcissist. Approach with caution."




"Avoid, avoid, avoid. If she approaches you then avoid eye contact and resist the urge to throw water on her to see if she will melt."


"A bit to arrogant for my taste but he seem's like he is witty enough to keep up with me and I like his sense of humor. Once I got past his demonic family of course."


"I'm a bit doubtful that she is related to the Nazari's let alone one of the witches kids."


"Avoidance is best with her lest she shove a stick up my ass to match hers."

Dimitri 'Petrie' Bilinski's first impressions



"As fucked up as the rest of us but they make it work. Mostly."



"He is a pretty awesome guy as far as I know though I don't hang with him much."


"The kid is like my little brother now that I got him talking. I just need to get him to come over for a Star war's marathon to make it finale."


"I don't really know a lot about him to be hones, he never seem's sober but at least he seem's to care about his siblings."


"I know they are rich but other then that...."



"I don't really pay her much thought."


"He reminds me of a puppy, a very gay affectionate puppy. "


"I like the blue hair, it's very bold."

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DreamsAreForDreamers said:
She's always bringing food over and crap and looking at disgust at my siblings tattoos and the way they dress. Like what the hell? Tattoos is banned the bible now? What the actually fuck?
Guys should I do first impressions or re-write Jake's BG first

also omf i am laughing so much at these first impressions LOL
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"He is hot for sure but a bit to much of a slacker for my taste. Especially since he seem's like he has a lot to offer. If only to himself."

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Jacob:
"A bit of an idiot to be honest."

i'm laughing because you edited it and went from "PETRIE ADMIRES HIS STREET CRED, HE'S KINDA CRAZY" to "yeah this guy is an idiot"

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