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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.

i love how everyone likes axel or likes something about him and they're like

"yeah he's witty! he's pretty funny. he's fun to hang out with.

but have you met his fucking family.

FUCK. his family.
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CloudyBlueDay said:
i fuckin KNEW something was off but i couldn't think of it. what makes this worse is that i literally WROTE OUT THE ROLES and i couldn't remember them smh i'm deactivating my account it was nice knowing u guys bye peace out
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I can't handle this whole thread right now *dying*
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i fuckin KNEW something was off but i couldn't think of it. what makes this worse is that i literally WROTE OUT THE ROLES and i couldn't remember them smh i'm deactivating my account it was nice knowing u guys bye peace out




Desmond Caputo:

Jake knows that Em has a thing for him, so he doesn't really like him. Jake isn't a fan of any of her suitors, but at the same time, he reminds her a lot of Em and he's pretty iffy about Desmond currently.

Roy Caputo:

Bad. Fucking. Ass. Jake would kill for the chance to hang out with the guy no matter how much Hunter would tell him not too.

Chase Caputo:

Jake probably hit on him at some point before he came out as trans. Now he's kind of confused, and isn't quite sure why Hunter loves "him" so much. Weirdo.


Tiffany Nazari:

Weird as fuck church-loving mom. What the hell is she doing in this neighborhood?

Axel Nazari:

Looks like an alright guy. Funny, he supposes. They don't really hang out but Jake doesn't think he'd mind his presence.

Emilie Nazari:



Ria Delane:

Jake doesn't care for her. He doesn't have patience for stuck-up bitches like her and he gives her menacing glares every time he passes her by.

Ebony Delane:


Drake Delane:

Plays sports. Very gay. Good for him?


Petrie Billinski:

That weird kid who, of course, hangs out with Hunter. Dear god, Hunter. Why do you have to hang out with all the weird kids?
(Says overlord of the weird kids, Jacob.)

CloudyBlueDay said:
Jake probably hit on him at some point before he came out as trans. Now he's kind of confused, and isn't quite sure why Hunter loves "him" so much. Weirdo.
em's reaction

First I would like to say, I leave to watch one damn episode of Charmed and this happens? I got like 8 alerts and I was like what the fuck has happened?

Second, @H A N A K O YOU FORGOT THE CAPUTO BOYS!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!?!?! That's Chase reaction. And then, it's alright honey. It's a human mistake And there's hunter

Third, @CloudyBlueDay Tell your little Jakey that Hunter likes the weird kids. And he better be happy she does because he's a weird kid.

Fourth, this thread has got me rolling on the ground right now. I need to roleplay with you guys. This cannot end too soon.

Fifth, just this gif --->
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DreamsAreForDreamers said:
YOU FORGOT THE CAPUTO BOYS!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!?!?! That's Chase reaction. And then, it's alright honey. It's a human mistake And there's hunter
i'll edit in the caputo family tomorrow because i'm so tired i'm gonna go to sleep.

also don't worry about it ending too soon cuz if anyone randomly stops replying with no warning, i'll hunt them down and chop off their feet and tie them to a ceiling fan by the pinky fingers while the fan is set on high and force their family to eat eachother while they watch

or i'll pm them
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[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i'll edit in the caputo family tomorrow because i'm so tired i'm gonna go to sleep.
also don't worry about it ending too soon cuz if anyone randomly stops replying with no warning, i'll hunt them down and chop off their feet and tie them to a ceiling by the pinky fingers while the fan set on high and force their family to eat eachother while they watch

or i'll pm them

...........i'm scared for my life right now....
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i'll edit in the caputo family tomorrow because i'm so tired i'm gonna go to sleep.
also don't worry about it ending too soon cuz if anyone randomly stops replying with no warning, i'll hunt them down and chop off their feet and tie them to a ceiling fan by the pinky fingers while the fan is set on high and force their family to eat eachother while they watch

or i'll pm them

I see you channeled your inner Mrs. Nazari
CloudyBlueDay said:
jake: *mumbling* I should be the only weird kid in her life, everyone else is like way too fucking weird ok
hunter: *slaps him on the side of the head* Dude, I'm your sister not your possession and I can be friends with whoever I want including all the weird kids. Oh by the way, Jake you out weird them all.
DreamsAreForDreamers said:
hunter: *slaps him on the side of the head* Dude, I'm your sister not your possession and I can be friends with whoever I want including all the weird kids. Oh by the way, Jake you out weird them all.
Jake: *grumbles, growls, then stomps off with a loud "FUCK YOU" heard in the distance*
Crimson smile] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18977-angst/ said:
I love your picture. Peaky Blinders is bae
Aw, thank you dear. ❤️ It's got to be my favorite show by far, and it's always nice to find someone who knows it.




He would love the fact that she clearly doesn't like him and would purposely do things that irritate her for his own amusement. In actuality, he does like her because she reminds him of Desmond. He might invite her to parties in efforts to be friendly, and if she did ever join, he'd look out for her like she was family. And depending on if Des likes her, he'd ship that shit like FedEx because he thinks Des deserves to be happy.


He doesn't have a strong opinion on Benji. At face value, they'd probably get along and he appreciates a sense of humor and recklessness, but it's doubtful they'll ever be close.


Doesn't know much about Owen but he seems like a pretty okay guy. He would probably like Owen better than some of the other people in this neighborhood.


He's indifferent about her. But Chase seems to really like her, which makes her okay in his book.


Thinks he's a bit weird, but can't deny he's kind of fond of the little bugger. He thinks Jake is amusing but definitely still views him as a kid, and he's pretty sure the other Gallaghers aren't in his fanclub so he tries not to encourage stuff that would get him further on Emery's bad side.


Sure she's a hot mom, but other than that, he doesn't think she has much else going for her. Screw that conservative crap; he enjoys the look on her face when he says/does things she despises. He's pretty sure his very presence keeps her at a distance from the Caputo house, which is more than fine by him. Though she does, at least, seem like a better parent than most of the ones in this neighborhood.


Doesn't really know him. He's kinda curious to see what the guy is like but not enough to put forth much effort into making friends. They might hang once in awhile, but they probably wouldn't be close, and he wouldn't like the moodiness.


Not enough info


He'd like a barf bag, please.


Seems okay on the rare occasion; most of the time, no way. Overall, he could care less about her.


Not enough info, but he tends to get along well with other rebels so there's a good chance they could actually be friends.


He generally doesn't mind Drake and might even prefer his company to others'. He's down with the recklessness, but not with the touchiness. They could go freerunning together every now and then?


He think Petrie seems all right and pretty funny. They could probably hang every now and then, but not too long because the ADHD thing stresses him out.

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