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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.

Zatanna said:
Tiff when she hears that Emery has her eyes on Desmond:
em coming at you with the mom glare


( that glare is actually me all the time )
Oasis said:
em coming at you with the mom glare

( that glare is actually me all the time )
tiff isn't scared of some little girl

(okay first off quinn fabray is my queen af and kim is an icon^ )
DreamsAreForDreamers said:
........An innocent bystander just reading all that has happen in the OOC since the beginning and they would be looking like this........

I'm just like this...

honestly this groups use of gifs is perfect.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"The dude like's cuddling and is funny, I swear if he wasn't straight.... "

lmAO he's gay af

CloudyBlueDay said:
Plays sports. Very gay. Good for him?




Emery - "I mean I don't really know her but she seems cool."

Benji - "I know that Benji is straight but I dont care. He's incredibly sexy and I want to be there for whenever he wants to experiment."

Owen - "Owen's really handsome and pretty cool. I would like to hang out with him."

Jacob - "He seems like he has anger issues and he's too young to hang out but Im friendly."

Hunter - "Hunter is weird. She's young but kind of scary?"


Tiffany - "She kind of scares me...."

Axel - "Axel is my dream guy honestly. I would fuck with him more but his mom scares me."

Emilie - "She's pretty."

Eva - "I'd like to be friends with her. I feel like I need a girlfriend to be a real gay or something."


Desmond - "Good lord he's daddy as fuck if you know what I mean."

Roy -"Roy seems like an amazing guy honestly. I would love to get into trouble with him."

Chase -"Being trans is hard. Im super accepting so if he ever needed to talk Id be down."

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When I get home I'm about to write a joint post for em and benji when I get home from work. I was thinking about saying that someone a street down was having a party? Might be a nice way to get everyone together. Idk thoughts?

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