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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael saw his chance of escape when Farley left the door of the airtight confinement open, leaving to see the commotion. Ezrael slipped out, getting a look of the Resistance's base. The hallways were tunnels of dirt, most of it covered in stained pieces of metal. Electrical lights flickered, making the entire thing look pasty. Ezrael instantly noticed a jagged, sharp edge of metal peeling off the wall. He adjusted his chains against the edge, and with some effort, managed to break the chains that bound his hands together.

Suddenly, Ezrael heard the noises of battle not too far off, and knew he had to get there. As he ran threw the halls, guided by the sounds, he came across what looked like a poor version of a medical office. The thought of Vixen came instantly into his mind, and he entered the place. He saw tarnished hospital beds, and a bunch of hospital gear he did not know the names of. Some of the equipment was on the floor, broken. It seemed the explosion had a bigger effect on the medical office than it had in his cell. The figure of Vixen entered his vision, and he approached her in a hasty manner.

"Vixen!" Ezrael saw his friend in a cast, one on her ankle, and one on her wrist. Vixen looked tired, and seemed as if she was just in deep thought, but was otherwise fine. "Ezrael!" exclaimed Vixen, sitting up. "Did you hear the blast? A battle's going on! I have to get there, hurry! This is what I've training for! It's my chance to--"

"To what?" interrupted Ezrael, staring at her. Vixen halted her ramble, blinking. "To..." Ezrael didn't need to hear the rest. "I need to be there too," he said. "You stay here. It's the safest way to keep you alive." Vixen shook her head vigorously. "No! Let me come with you." Ezrael shook his head, denying it. "Not a chance. You're injured, and you can't even defend yourself." Vixen's face lit up with a mischievous smirk. "Actually," she responded, smiling as she began taking off her casts. "Wait--what?" Ezrael stared in bewilderment as Vixen revealed her wrist and ankle. They seemed in almost perfect condition, healed in such short time.

"Future tech medicine," was all Vixen said. "The nurse gave me a medicinal drug that speeds my natural healing factors by triple. From the future, obviously. It's great, but if consumed too much, you'd die."

"But are you sure your injuries are completely healed for the battle?" asked Ezrael, not sure. "Yes, of course. Now let's go." Vixen's answer was hurried and passive; it made the young God wonder if she was actually telling the truth.


Alas, there was no time to ponder on the matter further. Another wave of ferocious sounds of battle echoed throughout the halls, making the two rush towards the bloodshed even faster. Ezrael kept an eye out for Vixen, watching how she carried herself, how she ran. She seemed fine, but it did little to silence Ezrael's worries and suspicions. Finally, they made it to the attack.


The assault scene was horrific. The halls were splattered with the blood of mortals, the floors littered with dead bodies. The scene was flooded with countless numbers of assassins, all weapons drawn. Ezrael noticed the General, watching the bloody sight with satisfaction.

Both Ezrael and Vixen watched as hundreds of assassins flung themselves to one prominent figure in the whole thing. Ezrael recognized the devil horns and large frame of Lucifer, adorned in his demon armour in all of it's glory. He was covered in wounds and golden blood, and it was a terrible sight. Despite his state, Lucifer was grinning through it all like the fiend he was. Ezrael watched in fear and awe as the Hellspawn grabbed the tips of swords and spears barraged at him, and flung them to the ground. Lucifer's threat sent chills down the young God's spine. "I'm going in," said Vixen, grabbing a bloodied long sword on the ground. "But--" protested Ezrael. Vixen silenced him with a look. "Don't get killed," was all she said, a hint of a smile on her lips. Ezrael watched Vixen head into the fray.

Don't get killed, repeated Ezrael mentally, sighing. Easier said than done.


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Dar'vange turned towards the sound of new warriors entering the fray, but was surprised to see Ezreal running with an assassin. With a closer look he realized that it was the same one that tried to kill Ezreal, and the one Ezreal defeated accidentally. He realized however that if they were running with each other, so Innocence and Life must have softened her heart. 


He appeared next to Ezreal, no longer invisible. "Ezreal! I'm glad you're okay. I saw you in that prison chamber but I couldn't enter for some reason, must be some technology or magic we haven't seen yet. Who is that Mortal?" 


The alarm continued to blare. The snow pelted her face relentlessly. Annabelle ran with all of her might towards HQ. 
Everything burned as the ice sopped her clothing, and started to stick, dragging her down. Despite how heavy the extra weight became, she still pressed onward.
Little by little, she began to feel as though the snow was quicksand, trying it's best to drag her under. Annabelle began to shiver and shudder again. Her breathing became erratic and heavy. Clearly, she had underestimated the distance to HQ.

She still held firm to the orb, glancing at it every once in a while. If she found a connection wanting to freeze back in the clearing, maybe she'd find a connection ACTUALLY freezing. But the more she persisted, the more she regretted leaving the cloak behind with Jay. She could feel a numbness crawling into her legs and hands, overtaking the burning sensation. Suddenly, she fell to her knees, slipping on a stray patch of ice.
Try as she might, she couldn't get up. She was exhausted, and the weight of her clothing pinned her down against the cold. Snow began to cover her. To bury her.

Frantically, taking in deep gasps for air, she tried her best to keep clawing her way out of the snow and towards the blaring alarms. She wanted to help. She had to make it...
But she couldn't. Slipping on more ice, Annabelle only succeeded in covering herself with more snow. Her arms ached. Her lungs burned. The only thought that could come to her head was a simple: "I'm going to freeze..." 

And then she heard it. The orb spoke to her, in a more clear and chilling voice.

Become one with the cold...

Annabelle's eyes opened wide again. She had heard the instructions loud and clear. Become one with the cold.
It was at this moment that Annabelle stopped moving and succumbed to the blizzard.

A faint, cold glow began to move towards the battle at HQ.

@Emberskull @LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers
Lucifer couldn't see why they even faught they would all for any way. Lucifer snaking some against the floor also killing some with their own swords. Some still stood but wounded with gashes and blood dripping. They couldn't attack so lucifer took the chance to heal. His wounds sealed still seeable just not effective do hurting. He walked until hearing a person still tuning towards him. He turned to see her he smiled and knew it was going to more than a challenge to kill her. "Oh ezarel is this your buddy? Or will she fall like the rest of them? @Esther_Silvers
@Esther_Silvers @DeathValley105 @Wick @HumansArentReal

"Escora! With me, now." Farazia yelled across the room. She already had two other Gods by her side, smiling giddily. "Where are we going?" The young blonde God that stood to her right asked in excitement.  "Hush, Harius." The Goddess of Death snapped. The young god bunched his shoulders and backed away.

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


The presence of Dar'vange calmed Ezrael somewhat, and he was surprised the God of Judgment was even there. "Dar'vange! It's so good to see you," he greeted the hooded deity, grateful. He nodded at the mention of the cell. "It was strange," he agreed. When Dar'vange pointed out Vixen, Ezrael struggled to answer. "Well, she--she's one of the assassins. Her name is Vix---"


Ezrael was interrupted, by none other than Lucifer himself. Ezrael turned to see Lucifer grinning at him, gesturing towards Vixen. "Don't you dare hurt her!" shouted Ezrael in between the chaos. He noticed Vixen running towards Lucifer, while he was distracted, her sword up in the air, as if ready to strike. Lucifer may not be ready to kill her, but Vixen was ready to kill him.  Ezrael did glance at the faint glow coming towards them, but it was so brief, being a mere glance, Ezrael almost missed it. He needed to focus.

If Lucifer dared to attack Vixen, Ezrael knew had to do something, or else Vixen would get herself killed.

That would mean facing the King of the Underworld himself.  



Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora still wasn't convinced. The mortals were stupid and foolish. It's the only reason why they went to war with the Gods anyways. They're ignorant, selfish, imprudent and mindless to think that they'd ever stand a chance in a war with the Gods.

Escora stared in awe and alarm as Coactus suddenly had a vision of the future. Gods have sided with the humans? But--but that's impossible! In that moment, Escora was reminded of those snide, foolish protesters at the banquet. Which one was it then? wondered Escora, her eyes narrowed. Was it that witless Ezrael? Or was it that bastard Dar'vange? Ludicrous Lazarus maybe? Oh gods, what if it were all three? Have they become traitors? Betrayers of Farazia?


Escora immediately heard the urgent and rather angry-sounding voice of Farazia, calling for her, also interrupting the green goddess's reverie. Escora instantly stood up, and bid Coactus good bye. "Duty calls," she said, giving him a wink. She started her way to her ruler, getting there in record time. "What is it my queen? Is it those imprudent traitors?"


and anyone else xP

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@Esther_Silvers @DeathValley105 @Wick @HumansArentReal

"Indeed. You have always been very sharp, my dear. We are off to go teach them a lesson about disobedience." She said, smiling. "Let's be off then." Death proclaimed, and with a snap of her fingers, they had disappeared from view.

Snow crunched underfoot, the noise muffled by the endless tide of white flecks that spiraled through the air. Farazia dark hair swayed in the wind, mottled with white. She could see three shadows gathered together. She recognized two of them instantly. 

"Ah. Dracke. Vei." Death greeted sourly, before turning to the third person, a cloaked mortal.

"I don't believe we've met." Farazia said, cocking her head slightly and smiling sweetly. 
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    Upon hearing the other gods enter the clearing Dracke snapped  his head over to look at Faranzia and the other gods. He was still holding the crossbow and his eyes were a blue flame. Smiling he said "What brings you to the mortal plane Farazia?" He says making the crossbow disappear and replace it with the duel maces coated in blue flame. He shot a look at the mortal clearly stating run and get help or you will die

@HumansArentReal @Wick @Emberskull @Esther_Silvers

Jay Conners


Never in his life had Jay thought he would feel fear again. He had been taught to control it, to not let it take control of him, but staring eye to eye with Death itself, he couldn't suppress the undeniable chill that ran down his spine. This was the leader of these immortals, the one that had been sending them into these battles over the years. He had never once seen her, and what made it worse, was that she was brilliantly gorgeous. She almost seemed to shine in the cold darkness of the forest, which was not an attribute Jay would have expected to come from the very essence of death. The air must have become colder than it had been because Jay was suddenly freezing, which may have had something to do with the fact that his leg had been trashed. 


Her being here only meant one thing, that she meant business. Surely she would not have come unless she absolutely needed to take matters into her own hands. She was not alone, arriving with three other of her followers.


She eyed the two immortals that had agreed to side with the humans. A calm flare of hatred boiled beneath her features. She clearly wanted nothing less than to slaughter all three of them in one fell swoop, but at the same time, she wanted to savor the moment of their doom. Her eyes moved onto Jay, sending a sort of electrical shock down his spine that caused him to flinch. She spoke to him, but he knew she truly cared little as to who he was. For her, Jay was just another one of the bugs she would have to squash in order to clean up the infestation that was the human race. He stayed silent. The meteor; Dracke, followed her gaze and glanced at Jay. Jay didn't dare look away from the goddess.


A faint memory rolled out from the back of his mind; A strange man, on a mountain top, telling him that if he left for the future, he would die. Was this how it happened? If it was, he still did not know that man, and had never met him. For what reason would e be so concerned as to try and save Jay's life, if they had never even known each other?



Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora beamed at the compliment. She prided on her keenness. "Yes, of course my lady," she answered eagerly. They would go to the mortal plain and teach those Gods a lesson indeed. A lesson involving sweet and glorious death, no doubt. With a snap of Farazia's slender fingers, they were surrounded by forest, whipped and beaten by the northern winds. Snow blanketed the Earth, and as they walked, snow crunched underneath their feet. As soon as they started walking, Escora sensed the battle scent of Dracke, the God of Battle and the mundane one of Veidimadur, the God of the Hunt, Harvest and Fertility. She had seen much of the war god, only because the deity as constantly on Farazia's tail. The poor God had an insatiable adoration for her. It was quite evident, but it seemed Farazia was oblivious. It bewildered the green goddess at how ignorant Farazia could be to such matters.

As for Veidimadur, Escora had rarely seen the huntsman. He was always among the mortals, hunting amid the bountiful forests and granting fertility and harvest to humanity. It made Escora suspicious; did Veidimadur have ties with the humans as well? Was he a traitor? It makes sense, but Escora made sure to keep quiet. She would use these suspicions at the right time, in her advantage.

She saw the cloaked deity, but had no idea who he or she was. Before she could inspect this deity, another thing caught her eye.


Escora had not realized humans were here as well. Especially assassins. Escora noticed the male assassin staring at Farazia, his eyes filled with fear and awe. The poor mortal was injured, lying there on the ground, at a terribly disadvantage, She couldn't help but smirk. How could such weak and delicate little creatures ever hope in defeating Gods? It was ludicrous. Escora found herself wishing Farazia would order her to kill that unfortunate bag of flesh, to end it's misery. 


"We are here to end these annoying disturbances," answered Escora, giving Veidimadur a little snide glance. "That includes that preposterous Resistance and all their irrelevant, little lackeys." 




A sense of death hung in the air. The forest quiet, animals and trees stopping their sway and forage. Deer scattering till they no longer remained within the borders of the forest. Shadows lengthened, and in those moments Vei knew that Farazia was among them. Her feet upon the earth he'd taken so long to cultivate and help grow. Alas, the winds, ever valiantly blew, and the snow fell. Turning slightly on his side to them, the God of the Hunt met the gazes of both Death and Escora with those silver orbs. His smile stretching to reveal pearly white teeth, and oddly sharp canines if anyone took closer notice. A god of the wilds would forever be the raw, primal version he was made to be. Humble, honest, and fiercely loyal to that of his mother. The very aspect of nature herself.

"The gorgeous duo, lady Farazia and dear Escora! We must be lucky." Veiðimaður winked, stepping forwards till he dwarfed the females. His brow arched in question. "Ah, and I suppose you misunderstand the cycle. Mother Gaia, was never meant to be played upon for power." Vei's playful tone dampened as he dusted the snow from his shoulder, jovial expression drawing thin.

"Do you know what I've done for humanity?" He questioned whilst interlocking his fingers; popping the bone of his knuckles. "I've helped them birth sons and daughters. Grow crops. I've helped them harvest bountifully. I've brought them the ease of the hunt, as they hunger in the winter months. I've returned lost souls home, protected them from the woodland beasts, and now you stand here before me with intent to harm them. I was the one who fathered them through famine, drought, and war. I  CARED FOR THEM WHEN NO ONE ELSE WOULD. WHEN NO ONE SOUGHT TO COMPLETE THE TASKS THEY WERE BORN TO DO. I gave them everything, and I wanted nothing in return. My name might not mean much to them anymore, not as yours does, but they are the beauty we cannot recognise. They are my kin. And I can't let you touch them I'm afraid." The outburst was more of a roar, gold beginning to overwhelm the colour of his eyes.

His pupilless intensity then turned upon the green-skinned goddess once again. Almost saddened, the metallic swirl of his vision paused. "And yet you fight for not your heart. But your head."




@DeathValley105 @Wick @Esther_Silvers @HumansArentReal

"I see. Very well, friend."  Farazia's eyes were smiling within their dark depths. With a flick of her wrist, a longsword snapped out to form in her grip. "It seems we both serve humanity, but differently. You bring them into a cold world, and I free them from it." Her mouth widened into a toothy grin.  Death placed the tip of her sword on the center of Veiðimaður chest. She applied only the slightest of pressures to the razor sharp until the skin produced a drop of golden blood. The brought the blood coated tip to examine. 

"I'm sorry for what I must do." She said, though her face said something completely different. It said...

"Goodbye." fool.

She brought the sword up to slice him across the stomach.

And Death, was fast.

A large gash appeared where the sword had been a second ago, huge and bleeding. 

Farazia observed the trickle of blood that emerged from the wound for a moment, taking a few steps back. She turned to her small group.

"Kill them all."
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Facing off Death, Vei had expected her show of strength being the small droplet of blood. But what hadn't prepared him was the sudden gash across his abdomen. For a moment, he stood in shock somewhat. A God who had lived for millennia, and so easily wounded. Wounded by the very divine brethren he'd known all throughout his youth. Gold trickled from the cut in the beginning. Till the true depth could be recognised, in which the metallic blood began to gush. 
"Farazia-" He lurched forwards, one palm pressed against the injury to attempt putting pressure on the spill, the other clasping tightly around her wrist. "I know - the woman with a heart of coal - is not you, Farazia. You - are more than this, more - than darkness." His words were broken with slight grunts as he tried to settle the pain. Although his eyes, appeared not begging, but glassy as he spoke to the Goddess of Death. "You are death - peace - the final rest. Not a villain. Please, stop this. It's - insanity."

Even as the ichor bled through his fingers, the forest dulled. Trees creaking unsteadily as Veiðimaður himself, even with his large frame and honed figure, began to falter. 



@HumansArentReal @MatTamMax @Wick @DeathValley105 @Esther_Silvers

The shatter of glass upon the unblemished library floor was a loud crash that echoed through the forest of knowledge. The remnants of the brandy within the glass cooled across the floor, a sickening transparent brown. Her hand quivering, her face bloodless. 

Then she clenched her fist, her nails digging into her palm cruelly. Then she was gone.


Farazia merely grinned. "Aren't I?" She paced through the drifts of snow. Death watched the ichor stain the white powder beneath the fallen God, her gaze betraying nothing. "And what of your family now?"

She glanced at Jay, smirking.

"Frozen with fear.

Sad isn't it? Something you've devoted your life too, too weak to even shuffle his feet." Farazia laughed. "Your family." She repeated with unhindered brutality. 

"What of me, bitch?" 

The voice was sharp. Just as sharp as the knife plunged into Death's shoulder

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   Bellowing a roar that shook the earth and could be heard many miles away that even the assassin base could hear it Dracke rushed into combat. He maces shrouded in blue flames danced around as he charged Escora and the other two gods, as he ran he started to unleash wave after wave of his demonic presence power that would make all around him very uneasy. Hopefully allies would be here.

@Emberskull @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers @Wick @TheCountryWarrior @Jzork
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The glow shuddered and stopped in place.

As if it commanded the blizzard, the winds stopped briefly... listening, almost.
It felt the imbalance in the trees. It felt the quaking roar. There was trouble behind it and before it.

There was a pause. Those who payed close attention could see eyes flickering, looking forward and back, deciding what target to go for.

The glow twisted and shook in place for a few seconds, and the blizzard intensified. It had made up it's mind. As the snow began to fall heavier and stronger, the glow split in two. Then four. Then eight.

Then it scattered. Four rushed back towards the intense sounds and sensation of death, three vanished into the blizzard around HQ... and one continued onward towards the hole blasted in the ground where Lucifer had entered. The winds around it became harsh and frozen, piercing and whistling... almost as though it was whispering something.

It waited, silently and frigidly hovering by the opening to the base, peering in at Lucifer and Vixen. Behind the rapid snowfall, it was barely noticeable.
Ominously waiting for something to happen.


Back at the clearing, the blizzard slowly grew stronger and more intense. The caving trees provided less wind resistance for snow and temperatures quickly dropping. 
Lurking behind the dying forest trees were the four icy-blue glows, moving like a pack, hiding in the rampant blizzard. 
They didn't make themselves apparent to the calamity, rather they circled, waiting for some sort of opening to cause mayhem as a bitter cold seemed to spew from their direction.

An icy hand emerged from behind a curtain of snowfall and lightly grabbed Jay on the shoulder.
"Stay low." A voice commanded. "Death will not take you today."

@Emberskull @DeathValley105 @Wick @Esther_Silvers @HumansArentReal @LuckyLucifer

OOC (Oops, impatient me can't wait for more than one development at a time to go down)

Jay Conners


She did not hesitate in the end; seemingly lavishing the moment when she drove her blade along the antlered god's chest. His senses were somewhat mixed due to the surplus amount of immortals he was currently surrounded by, but Jay still managed to scream out at Farazia. He began to rise, but fell back into the dirt after his leg softly cracked in protest.


"Shit.." He brought his arm around and unlatched his bow from his back, drawing an arrow from his quiver, and aiming it at Farazia. Then the blizzard hit harder than before.


The air was cold, much more than it had been during the climax of the storm. The presence of Death, was it powerful enough to enhance blizzards? Perhaps it was capable of more things than Jay had previously understood. The prospect was short-lived however, when something dashed past behind the remaining treeline on the other side of the clearing. Something, glowing, fast. He trembled from exhaustion and flinched hard when the frozen hand clasped his shoulder. He was numb to the cold, but when he peered at the hand, a thin layer of ice was creeping away from it, coating his cloak. A cold voice spoke in his ear, no, the way it spoke made it sound like it came from within his head, but he wasn't sure. He didn't dare look back at what was holding onto him, even if it clearly had the intention to keep him from dying.


He looked back at the gods and goddess' a few yards away, still aiming his bow at Death. The one Farazia had injured was clearly struggling to hold on, and although it had been subtle at first, Jay began to notice the forest looked, dimmer than before, darker, even with the storm.



The wound bled profusely, as the vascular structure of the abdomen was divided. Muscle of his stomach still spasming, whilst he did his best to stop losing blood by releasing Farazia, his teeth clenched. With the blizzard becoming almost overwhelming, Vei moved to try and protect his features to little avail. All gold that touched the ground, seemed to increase the growth of the winter soil, forcing up summer flowers and green grass - only to wither seconds later. 

His tan skin, once warm, now paled in a sickly manner. Breathing becoming heavier, as the physical reaction progressed to the strong thump of his heart and continued to escalate. In the end, he was bent double, like a beggar under sacks. 

Till he heard the familiar voice, gaze rising upward to meet that of Jennifer. Veiðimaður in that moment appeared renewed, a smile encompassing his features where it could. "Jenny - what on earth - are you doing here?" He remarked with a wheezing chuckle, patting himself down in search of his horn-flask. The same that held a concoction to save him. He wasn't a guardian of the tree of eternal youth for nothing.



(OCC: Shit's going down hard and I'm sitting here perplexed - I don't know how  react or what's going on... ;__;)
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(Its alright :) Right now, most of the assassins are trying their best to kill Lucifer, the God of the Pain and Torture, because humanity hates Gods, so you can get set up right there.My character Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life is there too, and I'm trying to interact with Lucifer, but since he's not answering.....

Maybe Vladimir could try and attack Ezrael? xP)

@Jzork @HumansArentReal @Wick @Esther_Silvers @DeathValley105 OOC (Mat doesn't control Vladimir, Esther)

The Goddess of Forestry and Growth's face was thick with worry. "I-"

Her words fell from her in a breath as Farazia whipped back, elbowing her in the stomach. Jennifer stumbled back, breathless. The Goddess of Death took this opportunity to uppercut her foe with a deafening crack. Jenny was sent flying into a drift of snow. It stung her face with prickles of cold upon her skin. The tips of the trees started to wilt, bowing to the raging winds.

The Goddess clawed her way out of the heavy snow. Her face was damp with icy water. She stood up, shaking herself off with a grunt. 

A vine whipped out of the ground and flung itself at Death's legs, only to shrivel up and curl up on the icy ground like a dying animal. 

"You're gonna have to try better than that," Farazia said crisply, her voice a hiss in the wind. The Reaper made her way forward, idly twisting her flicking her blade back and forth, the blade slicing the air. 

Jennifer eased backward, her feet sinking into the snowy earth as Death neared. Roots rose up from her earth, relentlessly whipping and clutching Farazia, leaving gashes in her pale skin, but Death did not yield. Jennifer stumbled in her panic, tumbling to the frosty earth. Her hands scrabbled snow to now avail. Farazia raised her sword above her head, ready to bring it down on Jenny's chest.

The Goddess of Forestry. Of Growth.

She closed her eyes, her mind was ready but her heart was not.

Death would be swift. 

Jay Conners


The frozen hand on his shoulder no longer mattered. He right hand uncurled and let the arrow fly, landing it right in the nape of Farazia's neck, and pushing a fragment of her spine out of place. If this had happened to a human, they would have died instantly, or worse, become disabled for the rest of their lives, but this was an immortal, the Goddess who controlled Death itself. Jay was unsure as to whether or not she could actually be killed, but it was worth a shot, and due to her reaction, it was clear that it had thrown her off for a moment, drawing her attention away from the newly appeared goddess.


The trees were actually collapsing at this point, the winds needn't be there to do so. One fell only a yard or two away, crashing into the already slick ground. It sounded as if the whole forest were screaming, howling.


There it was. The moment that the glowing oddities were waiting for.

A multitude of small, freezing hands latched onto Jennifer and swiftly pulled her out of the way of Deaths attack, moving the ice and snow out of position to create an escape route out of the snaring slush and sleet. They babbled to her curiously, their voices all the same, and yet all unintelligible.

Hands reached out from beneath the snow and latched onto Farazia's feet, their grip far colder than the blizzard raging around them. Little by little, bodies formed around them, all of them appearing to be the same young girl. They too, mumbled to each other. Communicating between themselves, holding death down with all their might.

"Nice shot." The voice from behind Jay whispered in it's monotone lull. "That was just what we were looking for."

A crooked call emitted from one of the glowing spots, somewhere between a winds howl and an electronic screech. (Music)

In unison, they moved closer towards the center of the clearing. Trees they came brushed up with not only withered, but the rotting bark froze up instantaneously and then cracked, sending shards of frozen plant into the snow only to be covered immediately by the pressing blizzard.
Death was wounded. The pack was moving in for their chance. The storm of snow encroached with every move the oddities made, creating whiteout conditions. Vision clouded.

And then, the winds bent around one, revealing the true identity of the glowing.


Seeing death in such a critical state... the creature grinned toothily. It hung just out of reach, clicking, clanking, cackling... sizing up it's opponent, a being it was made to deal with.

"If it wasn't clear already, Jay..." The voice lulled again, absolute and frigid.

"I figured it out." 

A recognizable face emerged from behind the curtain of snow.


@Emberskull @Wick @DeathValley105 @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers

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