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Fantasy Seiunita OOC

OOOOOOOOOOH MAN NOW IM TEMPTED TO MAKE A CHARACTER FOR THE FIRE KINGDOM but I'm so bad at doubling, as well as so much effort for Nolan -- I'll wait if I'm ready lmao.
It's starting to look like I might just have to go dark. xD doesn't look like there is really actually a place for Tieflings in any of the other kingdoms.
Well I mean, if I was going to do that I would just use the one I already have. xD I wouldn't make a new one. If I don't use the one I made, I'll use a character that's done been made. :o
shadowz1995 shadowz1995 I asked this question earlier, but I don't believe I ever got an answer on it, so I'll just ask you directly.

If some one is orphaned from one kingdom but is taken to a different kingdom and raised there, would they have the powers from their birth place or the place they are in currently?
The one they were born in. The natural energies of the kingdoms stick with you for life once they enter.
The only other place I could think off would be the Fire Kingdom. You know, hell fire and brimstone and what not.
Fire Kingdom? Hellfire and Brimstone?

No, you're doing it wrong! More like explosions and great beer!
What if a woman in the fire kingdom has a baby, and it comes out with water magic? Would the father be upset?

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