Seeking Players for Chat-based game


Four Thousand Club
So I've got all this DK and related stuff, I figure I might as well use them, eh?

I want to run a game online, using our chat server here as we do for CW's Age of Air game. The game is intended as a vehicle for me becoming a better ST, for the use of all the stuff I've created, and, of course, for fun. I'm taking up to 5 players, and CW's already expressed interest so I'm reserving a place for him. Four spaces remain! I'd like one of each Aspect, but I'll waive that for good characters.

I can run most nights from about 10 pm -> 1 am GMT, maybe a little earlier or a little later depending on the situation. I hope to run about once a week, but I'm not able to run on wednesday or thursday night due to an early start in the mornings. It shouldn't need saying, but please don't ask to join if you know you'll have to leave the game later.

Now, the game itself. The player's characters will be Dragon-Born, so players will need to read those rules as well as the rules for Half-Dragons. Please feel free to use any of my other Dragon-King related submissions, most of which can be used just as well by Dragon-Born with the right Merits. Most will need to be converted, but that's not too hard. This is now a 2nd Edition game. Dragon-Born are a higher form of Terrestrial Exalted, so you'll be using the Dragon-Blooded book a lot; you'll also be converting stuff from the 1st Ed. Player's Guide.

I takes 20 years after the disappearance of the Empress. The premise is that two autocthonian mortals mysteriously arrived in Creation several years ago. Their presence was first felt in the Hundred Kingdoms, where a sudden influx of artifact weaponry allowed a mortal king to invade and conquer several other countries. He was betrayed, however, by those who provided him, and they took over his fresh kingdom, commencing the spread of a massive technological city-nation with an army of robotic troops. Strangely, Celestial Exalted who have sought to work against (or even within) this new nation have been disappearing...

Their ranks in the area reduced, the Silver Pact (now populated by all types of Exalted and other magical beings, in attempt to compensate for the lack of numbers) have followed the ancient memories of an Elder No Moon, Forest's Bone Shard, to a distant and sacred mountain. There, in hibernation, rest several Dragon-Born (the players), the true Terrestrial Exalted, not seen since the end of the First Age. Hopefully, their might and the mountain's stores of First Age wonders will prove the deciding factor in the battle against these strange interlopers and the machine armies that do their will.

To make Dragon-Born characters, just use either the Dynastic or Lookshy DB character creation and give them Inheritance 3 as Half-Dragons, with the changes noted in the Dragon-Born article. Those Inheritance Bonus Points can be used to buy any trait that Half-Dragons can purchase, at Half-Dragon costs. Bonus point/experience cost are as those for Dragon-Blooded, and if there isn't a listed cost for Dragon-Blooded use those as for Half-Dragons. Your Exalt's Aspect must match their Favoured Path, and it is highly recommended that you buy points in your Favoured Path, but Dragon-Born are not required to match their Aspect with their Breed ancestry (so you can have, for example, a Fire-aspected Half-Raptok). Artifacts can be both Jade and vegetative/crystalline (Some of the Dragon King Artifacts that use orichalcum can be emulated with Jade versions created by Dragon-Born by swapping the Magical Materials bonus.)

Take 100xp in addition to that, as the characters are experienced Exalted from the First Age.

The game will probably be a mostly semi-lighthearted game, though I'd hope for the opportunity to try out a range of styles.

EDIT: Updated.
Can I use my +47 SuperGrandDiaklave of Extreme Awesomeness?  It goes so well with my Armor of the Ultimate Invincibility and Coolness.
Because I made them up. They're in the submissions section. The links are right there in the first post, and there's one in my sig as well.
Hmmm, experimental rules, you say???

Well, my schedule's kinda sporadic, but if you don't mind, count me in
Well, I'm game, you've had some great ideas I'd love to see played out!

Though until the beginning of November my schedule keeps me tied up until between 5pm and 7pm EST.  Usually this is on the 5pm (or a bit earlier) side, but it's possible to be as late as 7pm.
I'd be interested, but I'm moving back to the States within the next month or so and I'm not sure what my schedule will be like during the time that I'm moving, and/or when I return to the States. So, whilst the interest is there, I'm not sure I can commit fully at the moment. I also don't know what my schedule will be like when I do return, as I'll have to find employment, so that's another issue.

But if you can deal with all that, I'm in!

I too have an erratic schedule. I know a week in advance if I can play on certain nights. But if that's okay with the ST I would like to patricipate too.

So what aspect/caste is everyone?
CW, Thorn, Uptaak, Van77man and StarHawk. That makes a complete party!

Alright then, name your Caste, first come first served as it were, and make a character to send to me. Once all the characters are in, then we can schedule.
It seems to work pretty well for me, though no one else was on when I tested it.  And I'll probably be going Raptok too as well unless you had secretly created a fifth Dragon-King race aligned with Earth.

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