Seeking Players for Chat-based game

I don't know. I just can't find the motivation to get in that state of mind anymore. I'd like to role-play with real people, not in words over a chat system at least once again.

I dunno if it's long term or what.
In that case, we'll play with just four... or we would, if any of the players seemed to be around any more. If you're all still watching, will you let me know, so we can organise a game?
Still interested, but, probably wont be able to due to scheduling. Running several games myself online (azharia will crucify me if I don't do L5R soonish) and IRL, and a newfound g/f takes up all other time. How often are we talking schedule wise?
Jukashi said:
In that case, we'll play with just four... or we would, if any of the players seemed to be around any more. If you're all still watching, will you let me know, so we can organise a game?
I'm still around. Given enough time I can probably even make a character and be around to play on most evenings. My work schedule is ever-changing but I'd still like to try and play.
Ah yes, still around!  Incidently is the Earth based Dragon-King race you created available for use in this game?  On a slightly less positive note I am out and about on interviews for a few days everyweek for the next month or so and that requires flying to other cities and hotels with spotty connections.
It's somewhat possible. The Tricerok weren't around when the first Dragon-Born were created, but it's conceivable that a half-Tricerok could be born and Exalted for some reason some time in the First Age. I could do up rules for a half-Tricerok if you like.

Now we just need Van77man to verify and we'll be fully alive.
Yowza! Sorry Jukashi. I haven't received any notice that there was activity on this thread and I've neglected looking at it. My bad. Yes, I'm still interested, but doing it on Friday or Saturday is problematic right now. Any other night, though, and I'm cool. I will admit that I've only looked at the Dragon King material cursorily, but I'll get on that right away. All I'm saying is that I won't be that rules savvy.

Okay, I've rambled long enough. From what I understand, Earth and Fire are taken. Any of the other three taken? I don't want to step on any toes here.

Again, my humblest apologies, Jukashi. I am a slug.
Crap. I forgot that I'm 5 hours behind, not 6. I usually play another game until 6 on Sundays. I'll tell them I have to leave at 5, but it also means I won't be home until 5:30ish on Sunday (give or take 10 minutes), which is 22:30 GMT. If that's okay with everyone, I can do Sunday.

Right now I'm leaning towards Air but my mind's not totally made up yet. I have a few questions, which I'll contact you with in a PM, Jukashi.
Well, we probably won't be able to make this Sunday, not unless everyone gets their characters made and sent to me really quick.
I have some questions (of course I do!) and I thought I'd ask them here so the other players could benefit from the answers.

First, can Half-Dragons use Graft Artifacts? If they do, do they use Dragon King or human as the template for Stamina requirements?

The Path power of See the Winds of Essence says the character can see all active Charms - does that mean the character knows what Charm is active, or simply that a Charm is active?

Are Path powers treated the same as Charms for purposes of use in a turn? And if so, do they still get the Dragon Blooded ability to trigger as many reflexive Path Powers as they want (provided they have the necessary Essence)?

The Path power Visage of Another Face says the user can only change their appearance to reptilian creatures. Does this apply to Dragon-Born? I'm assuming it does, but does it mean they can take on the form of a full Dragon King or just another Dragon-Born?

Same with Form of Another Breed and Form of the Terrible Ancestor - does the character take on the shape of another Half-Dragon (in the case of Form of Another Breen)? And does Form of the Terrible Ancestor allow the character to use the form explained in the path, or do they just get to take on the form of a full Dragon-King?

Lastly, I'm assuming we don't need to pick a House, as we're going to be from a time before the Houses. Is this correct?

That's about it. For now. I'm sure I'll have more questions. But thanks for your patience.
Tons of questions from Vanman. The rest of you, feel free to ask me stuff as well. I'm looking forward to seeing your characters.

Vanman said:
First, can Half-Dragons use Graft Artifacts? If they do, do they use Dragon King or human as the template for Stamina requirements?
If you have the Prehistoric Form Merit bought with 7 bonus points or more, you can host Grafts as if you were a Dragon King. If not, you count as a human.

Vanman said:
The Path power of See the Winds of Essence says the character can see all active Charms - does that mean the character knows what Charm is active, or simply that a Charm is active?
I'd say that you can see that Charms are active, and maybe make a Perception+Occult check to tell their general effect.

Vanman said:
Are Path powers treated the same as Charms for purposes of use in a turn? And if so, do they still get the Dragon Blooded ability to trigger as many reflexive Path Powers as they want (provided they have the necessary Essence)?
Path powers count towards Charm usage per turn, yes, but reflexive powers can't be used repeatedly like reflexive Charms can. Dragon-Born can, however, form Combos using the powers of Paths that match their Aspect. (but only powers whose Path matches their element).

Vanman said:
The Path power Visage of Another Face says the user can only change their appearance to reptilian creatures. Does this apply to Dragon-Born? I'm assuming it does, but does it mean they can take on the form of a full Dragon King or just another Dragon-Born?
Half-Dragons, including Dragon-Born, can use Visage of Another Face to assume the guise of other demi-humanoids such as beastmen; essentially, they can look like anything that closely approximates their original shape.

Vanman said:
Same with Form of Another Breed and Form of the Terrible Ancestor - does the character take on the shape of another Half-Dragon (in the case of Form of Another Breen)? And does Form of the Terrible Ancestor allow the character to use the form explained in the path, or do they just get to take on the form of a full Dragon-King?
Half-Dragons who use Form of another Breed can turn into another kind of Half-Dragon, into a full human, or into a full Dragon King of their own ancestor's Breed. Form of the Terrible ancestor works just as it does for Dragon Kings.

Vanman said:
Lastly, I'm assuming we don't need to pick a House, as we're going to be from a time before the Houses. Is this correct?
That's right. Because of their relatively small numbers, however, Dragon-Born might refer to themselves as "son of" or "daughter of" or even "fourth generation from" some notable ancestor of theirs when formally introducing themselves.
Okay, next question. Seeing as how we're from the past, it seems like a lot of the backgrounds won't be applicable. Obviously, Artifact will still work, and I can imagine Manse will as well. Reputation could work because we might be known as legend. But all the others don't seem that appropriate. Resources could be, because of gems and such, but the social backgrounds don't seem right and neither do the other resource backgrounds (Henchmen, Mentor, Influence, etc.). So if we buy those other backgrounds, will they be appropriate? Or are there other backgrounds we could consider?

I'd appreciate any help you could provide.
Vanman said:
Seeing as how we're from the past, it seems like a lot of the backgrounds won't be applicable.
This is true, unfortunately; most likely it's a big problem in all games where characters from the past come to the future.

Artifact is available, of course, and Manse is available as well with hidden locations, etc. Indeed, you'll all be recieving an effective 3 dots in Manse for free to represent the Demense you awaken in. Reputation is possible, but it'll likely only apply to savants and other creatures with sufficient knowledge of the First Age- since it'd be more limited, I'll halve the cost of that Background for you at levels 1 to 3. You might have Familiars who were put into hibernation with you. For other social backgrounds, you might have to resort to spirits- Dragon-Born had good relations with the Terrestrial bureaucracy, especially elementals, and they might have old Allies, Mentors, Connections, etc. who are still around.

If you still feel limited, I'll allow you to invest points in preemptive Backgrounds- things you won't start with but which I'll arrange for you to get as soon as possible. You'll be awakened by the Silver Pact, so you could pick up some beastman or barbarian Allies or Henchmen.
Of course, the obligatory further questions.

You mention that we're going to be receiving an effective 3 Manse from the Demense we're waking up in. By that I'm assuming there will be no Hearthstone, and if we want a Hearthstone we'll need to purchase that background. Is that correct?

Am I also correct in assuming that you will allow Resources as a background, in the form of jade and/or gems that were 'buried' with us?

There's another one, I know it, but it's done run right out of my mind. As such, I can't remember what it is. I'll leave it here for now and ask when it comes back to me.
No hearthstone, yes you can get a separate Manse background, and yes you can have Resources.

Any of you other guys making your characters yet? I'd like to know who's playing what before I finish up making the game. If I don't get replies here i'll have to start PMing people... :P

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