Seeking Players for Chat-based game

Ok, it's not finished, and I want comments before I finalise it (I think it might be too powerful as-is), but this is what I've been working on: Dragon Style, a Celestial MA for Terrestrial Exalted in the First Age. It's intended mainly for use with Dragon-Born. What do you think?
Just some notes off the top of my head.

Having all jade weapons as form weapons seems kind of broken, and it doesn't really speak to a stylistic choice. Maybe have the character choose which type of weapon to be used when they learn the style? So one character could choose a daiklaive, whilst another chooses a serpent sting staff? Using those two weapons in a martial art style will be vastly different. I have a hard time seeing how any jade weapon can be used as form weapon.

I'm not sure about Dragon's Den Divination. It seems awfully selective in terms of when it can be utilized, and it also seems that it might favor some elements over others. Wood could benefit greatly from it, whilst Fire, not so much outside the South. Not quite sure how to fix this. Maybe have some lesser effect no matter when it's used, like a +1 to all rolls involving Dodge, Athletics and Survival, because of their natural attunement to the elements, and then giving the greater bonus when in attunement with their element?

Not sure why Air, Earth and Water Dragon Forms give abilities to the Exalt and their allies, whilst Fire and Wood do not. This may or may not be a good thing, as helping your allies doesn't necessarily seem to be a martial arty sort of thematic thing to do, unless that's the whole point of the martial art, but that's just me.

Dragon Manifestation may be too powerful, if I'm reading it correctly. Essentially, any allies within the area of effect can stack their DVs with the martial artist's, since the martial artist can first defect an attack that passes through their area before the target of the attack can apply their own DV to the attack.

Again these are just first impressions, which is why I haven't added them as ratings yet. It's 2:30 in the morning so I don't know if my thoughts are clear on the matter but I figure I'd throw them out there to give you some intial feedback. I also haven't read through the Scroll of the Monk so I haven't compared this to the other Celestial styles for comparison. So my comments could be very flawed. But there you go.
Vanman said:
Having all jade weapons as form weapons seems kind of broken, and it doesn't really speak to a stylistic choice. Maybe have the character choose which type of weapon to be used when they learn the style? So one character could choose a daiklaive, whilst another chooses a serpent sting staff? Using those two weapons in a martial art style will be vastly different. I have a hard time seeing how any jade weapon can be used as form weapon.
The reason I chose "X colour of Jade" as the form weapon/armour was for essence compatability; essentially, when you use, for example, the Wood variants of the style, you're pumping out huge amounts of wood essence. The idea is that weapons or armour made of anything except the right kind of Jade- green Jade, in this example- will disrupt that.

Originally, I had different form equipment for each style. Earth was compatible with armour, Wood was compatible with weapons made of wood, Air could help ranged attacks, Fire could help Melee weapons and Water could help with clinching weapons. But I dropped that in favour of the Jade compatability.

Vanman said:
I'm not sure about Dragon's Den Divination. It seems awfully selective in terms of when it can be utilized, and it also seems that it might favor some elements over others. Wood could benefit greatly from it, whilst Fire, not so much outside the South. Not quite sure how to fix this. Maybe have some lesser effect no matter when it's used, like a +1 to all rolls involving Dodge, Athletics and Survival, because of their natural attunement to the elements, and then giving the greater bonus when in attunement with their element?
I suppose you're right- there's a bit of everything in everything, after all. I'll change it. Still, if you want your surroundings compatible with your fire essence, all you have to do is set a match to it. :P

Vanman said:
Not sure why Air, Earth and Water Dragon Forms give abilities to the Exalt and their allies, whilst Fire and Wood do not. This may or may not be a good thing, as helping your allies doesn't necessarily seem to be a martial arty sort of thematic thing to do, unless that's the whole point of the martial art, but that's just me.
The effects, being of an Essence 4 Charm, aren't supposed to be so much Martial Arts-y as they are just a big outpouring of elemental essence. Mostly, I tried to think about what large quantities of an element do: Lots of wind makes things move, lots of fire burns things, and lots of trees can be quite menacing. Doesn't work so well for Earth and Water, I admit, but then, I had to come up with elemental varients for about 8 Charms. You start running out of new ideas after a while.

Vanman said:
Dragon Manifestation may be too powerful, if I'm reading it correctly. Essentially, any allies within the area of effect can stack their DVs with the martial artist's, since the martial artist can first defect an attack that passes through their area before the target of the attack can apply their own DV to the attack.
Well, yeah, but that's not really anything new. What's to stop an Exalt from stunting their sword in front of an ally's face just in time to deflect the arrow that was meant for them? This Charm just increases the range you can do that at.

Vanman said:
Again these are just first impressions, which is why I haven't added them as ratings yet. It's 2:30 in the morning so I don't know if my thoughts are clear on the matter but I figure I'd throw them out there to give you some intial feedback. I also haven't read through the Scroll of the Monk so I haven't compared this to the other Celestial styles for comparison. So my comments could be very flawed. But there you go.
And I thank you! I wasn't expecting a reply so comprehensive as that so soon. The only thing I have to say if you're going to compare it to other Celestial MA style, is that Dragon Style is designed to be more powerful but also more costly. Also, because of the higher Essence minimums, the effects of the Charms would be quite different from their counterparts (As described on page 184 of exalted 2nd. Ed., "Essence and Ability Minimums").
I said it in the comments box, but I'll say it here too.

The form charm seemed kinda weak to me.
Geez, and here was me nerfing it because I thought it was too powerful. I have now restored the Charm's original capacity to deal the user's anima damage at a greater distance.

I must say, I thought you'd be a bit more exuberant about the style, Jack; considering one of its inspirations. :wink:
I made a promise elsewhere that I'd spam general, and there were too few threads. You guys should feel privelaged, you've been touched by greatness.

I must say, I thought you'd be a bit more exuberant about the style, Jack; considering one of its inspirations.
I gotta say, I didnt really get that image in my head from the way this style was written. I saw it more along the lines of Goku's power up tearing the landscape to shreds.

Also, while Hitsugaya, and by extension, Hyourinmaru are ultimate cool that cool is primarily based in Hitsugaya himself. Hyourimaru is a pretty simple summoning technique, made awesome by the fact that the King of Awesome uses it (in an awesome fashion I might add).

Now, Grand Blazing Hyourinmaru is a different matter entirely. 8)
What I just read: awesome-awesome-awesome-awesome.

*slaps you, throws Thesaurus your way* I care not if it was to be amusing!
Macs have a theaurus built into the dock.

"Jetty, Wharf, Pier, Quay, Landing Stage". These are alternate words for "Dock".

"Magnificent, Awe-inspiring, Breathtaking, Wonderful, Amazing, Stunning, Staggering, Imposing, Stirring, Impressive, Formiddable, Fearsome, Dreaded. Informal: Mind-boggling, Mind-blowing, Jawdropping, Excellent, Marvelous." These are alternatives to "Awesome". The antonym is "Unimpressive".
Unfortunately, Saturdays are bad for me. Including this Saturday. So you'll have to count me out. My sincerest apologies.
Unless people all get their character sheets to me and turn up in the chat in the next 3 hours, no...

Oh well.


Are you going to let her get away with that?

Anyway, Vanman informs me his character is almost done. How goes it for the rest of you, hmm?

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